Rust是一门赋予每个人构建可靠且高效软件能力的编程语言。可靠主要体现在安全性上。其高效不仅限于开发效率,它的执行效率也是令人称赞的,是一种少有的兼顾开发效率和执行效率的语言。Rust 语言由 Mozilla 开发,最早发布于 2014 年 9 月。Rust 的编译器是在 MIT License 和 Apache License 2.0 双重协议声明下的免费开源软件。
高性能:Rust 速度惊人且内存利用率极高。由于没有运行时和垃圾回收,它能够胜任对性能要求特别高的服务,可以在嵌入式设备上运行,还能轻松和其他语言集成。
可靠性:Rust 丰富的类型系统和所有权模型保证了内存安全和线程安全,让您在编译期就能够消除各种各样的错误。
生产力:Rust 拥有出色的文档、友好的编译器和清晰的错误提示信息, 还集成了一流的工具——包管理器和构建工具, 智能地自动补全和类型检验的多编辑器支持, 以及自动格式化代码等等。
Rustacean:使用 rust 的攻城狮不叫 ruster 而是叫 Rustacean ,咱也不知道为什么,书上就是这么说的。
以 windows 11 为例
下载 rustup-init.exe ,双击此可执行程序会打开一个命令行程序,此程序引导安装,具体安装过程:
Rust Visual C++ prerequisites
Rust requires the Microsoft C++ build tools for Visual Studio 2013 or
later, but they don't seem to be installed.
The easiest way to acquire the build tools is by installing Microsoft
Visual C++ Build Tools 2019 which provides just the Visual C++ build
Please ensure the Windows 10 SDK and the English language pack components
are included when installing the Visual C++ Build Tools.
Alternately, you can install Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio 2017,
Visual Studio 2015, or Visual Studio 2013 and during install select
the "C++ tools":
Install the C++ build tools before proceeding.
If you will be targeting the GNU ABI or otherwise know what you are
doing then it is fine to continue installation without the build
tools, but otherwise, install the C++ build tools before proceeding.
Continue? (y/N) y
Welcome to Rust!
This will download and install the official compiler for the Rust
programming language, and its package manager, Cargo.
Rustup metadata and toolchains will be installed into the Rustup
home directory, located at:
This can be modified with the RUSTUP_HOME environment variable.
The Cargo home directory located at:
This can be modified with the CARGO_HOME environment variable.
The cargo, rustc, rustup and other commands will be added to
Cargo's bin directory, located at:
This path will then be added to your PATH environment variable by
modifying the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment/PATH registry key.
You can uninstall at any time with rustup self uninstall and
these changes will be reverted.
Current installation options:
default host triple: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
default toolchain: stable (default)
profile: default
modify PATH variable: yes
1) Proceed with installation (default)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation
info: profile set to 'default'
info: default host triple is x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
info: syncing channel updates for 'stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
info: latest update on 2022-01-20, rust version 1.58.1 (db9d1b20b 2022-01-20)
info: downloading component 'cargo'
3.8 MiB / 3.8 MiB (100 %) 1.7 MiB/s in 2s ETA: 0s
info: downloading component 'clippy'
1.6 MiB / 1.6 MiB (100 %) 1.5 MiB/s in 1s ETA: 0s
info: downloading component 'rust-docs'
18.8 MiB / 18.8 MiB (100 %) 3.3 MiB/s in 5s ETA: 0s
info: downloading component 'rust-std'
22.9 MiB / 22.9 MiB (100 %) 3.2 MiB/s in 7s ETA: 0s
info: downloading component 'rustc'
65.2 MiB / 65.2 MiB (100 %) 493.2 KiB/s in 1m 14s ETA: 0s
info: downloading component 'rustfmt'
2.2 MiB / 2.2 MiB (100 %) 631.2 KiB/s in 3s ETA: 0s
info: installing component 'cargo'
info: installing component 'clippy'
info: installing component 'rust-docs'
18.8 MiB / 18.8 MiB (100 %) 1.9 MiB/s in 6s ETA: 0s
info: installing component 'rust-std'
22.9 MiB / 22.9 MiB (100 %) 10.5 MiB/s in 2s ETA: 0s
info: installing component 'rustc'
65.2 MiB / 65.2 MiB (100 %) 12.2 MiB/s in 5s ETA: 0s
info: installing component 'rustfmt'
info: default toolchain set to 'stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc'
stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc installed - rustc 1.58.1 (db9d1b20b 2022-01-20)
Rust is installed now. Great!
To get started you may need to restart your current shell.
This would reload its PATH environment variable to include
Cargo's bin directory (%USERPROFILE%\.cargo\bin).
Press the Enter key to continue.
命令 | 说明 | 备注 |
rustup doc | 打开官方指导文档 | |
cargo new projectName | 创建一个rust工程 | 示例:cargo new firstRustProject |
cargo run | 运行rust工程 | |
cargo build | 编译rust工程 | 若增加了依赖,即修改了toml文件,需要重新编译 |
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
//变量默认是不可变的,加上 mut 关键字就可以重新赋值。
let mut x=5;
println!("The value of x is {} ",x);
println!("The value of x is {} ",x);
let money=100;
println!("money is {}",money);
let money =money+8;
println!("money is {}",money);
let money="一百元";
println!("money is {}",money);
//常量使用 const 关键字声明,声明的时候必须指定数据类型,常量名全大写。
//不需要let , 不可使用mut 修饰
const MAX_PIONTS: u32=888;
println!("The constant is {}",MAX_PIONTS);
let result:char= a_function(88, 'M', false);
println!("result is {}",result);
fn a_function(a:u64,b:char,c:bool)-> char{
println!("a is {}",a);
println!("b is {}",b);
println!("c is {}",c);
return 'N';
Hello, world!
The value of x is 5
The value of x is 6
money is 100
money is 108
money is 一百元
The constant is 888
a is 88
b is M
c is false
result is N
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let q=3.0;
let q:f32=5.00;
let w=true;
let r:bool =false;
let t='';
let tup :(i32,u64,bool) =(88,99,false);
println!("元素1:{},元素2:{},元素3:{}",tup.0 , tup.1, tup.2);
let arr:[u64;5]=[1,2,3,5,5];
let arr2=['E';9];
println!("arr piont 2 is :{}",arr[1]);
println!("arr2 piont 2 is :{}",arr2[1]);
和大多数编程语言一样, if - else if - else 表示条件语句,在 if 后面不用加括号。
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let a = 12;
let b;
if a > 0 {
b = 1;
} else if a < 0 {
b = -1;
} else {
b = 0;
println!("b is {}", b);
let x = 3;
let number = if x > 0 { 1 } else { -1 };
println!("number 为 {}", number);
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let mut number = 1;
while number != 4 {
println!("{}", number);
number += 1;
println!("while cycle EXIT");
//for - 迭代器
let a = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
for i in a.iter() {
println!("元素值为 : {}", i);
println!("for-iter cycle EXIT");
//for - 下标
let b = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];
let mut length = b.len();
println!("b 数组的长度是:{}", length);
for i in 0..length {
println!("b[{}] = {}", i, b[i]);
println!("for-index cycle EXIT");
//loop 终止循环,并返回一个值
let s = ['R', 'U', 'N', 'O', 'B'];
let mut i = 0;
let location = loop {
let ch = s[i];
if ch == 'B' {
break i;
i += 1;
println!(" \'B\' 的索引为 {}", location);
println!("print a small =_=*");
let mut name = String::from("cml");
println!("输出中带花括号:{{ {} }}", name);
输出中带花括号:{ cml }
println!("输出一个结构体,a={:?}", a);
let mut guess = String::new();
io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess).expect("无法读取行");
基本数据类型(值类型)变量在栈空间中可以复制。先给x赋值9(let x = 9),将x赋值给y等同于直接给y赋值9(let y = x 等同于let y = 9)
特殊的数据类型—>类型的引用(即指针),使用 & 关键字表示
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
//01.基本数据类型(值类型)变量在栈空间中可以复制。先给x赋值9(let x = 9),将x赋值给y等同于直接给y赋值9(let y = x 等同于let y = 9)
let x = 9;
let y = x;
//x is :9 , y is :9
println!("x is :{0} , y is :{1}", x, y);
let c1 = 'M';
let c2 = c1;
//c1 is :M , c2 is :M
println!("c1 is :{0} , c2 is :{1}", c1, c2);
let s1 = String::from("hello");
let s2 = s1;
//编译错误:use of moved value: `s1`
//let s3 = s1;
//编译错误:borrow of moved value: `s1`
//println!("s1 is :{0} , s2 is :{1}", s1, s2);
let h1 = String::from("hello");
let h2 = h1.clone();
let h3 = h1.clone();
//h1 = hello, h2 = hello , h3 is :hello
println!("h1 = {}, h2 = {} , h3 is :{}", h1, h2, h3);
//04.特殊的数据类型--->类型的引用(即指针),使用 & 关键字表示
let k1 = String::from("hello");
//k1为String类型:std::String::String ; k2 为带String类型的指针类型:&std::String:String
let k2 = &k1;
let k3 = k2;
let k4 = k2;
// let k5 = k1;
//编译错误:`k2` is a `&` reference, so the data it refers to cannot be borrowed as mutable
println!("k1 is {}, k2 is {}, k3 is :{} , k4 is : {}", k1, k2, k3, k4);
let n1 = 8;
let n2 = &n1;
println!("n1 is :{} , n2 is :{}", n1, n2);
let mut m1 = String::from("run");
let m2 = &mut m1;
println!("m2 is :{}", m2);
//编译错误:cannot borrow `m1` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
// println!("m1 is :{} , m2 is :{}", m1, m2);
//编译错误:cannot borrow `m2` as mutable, as it is not declared as mutable。cannot borrow as mutable
// let m3 = &mut m2;
Hello, world!
x is :9 , y is :9
c1 is :M , c2 is :M
h1 = hello, h2 = hello , h3 is :hello
k1 is hello, k2 is hello, k3 is :hello , k4 is : hello
n1 is :8 , n2 is :8
m2 is :run,world
不愿意将rust中的切片理解为一种“类型”,实际上也不是;更不愿将rust中的切片理解为一种“集合”。暂且将切片理解成一种对象吧。例如 &s[0…5] 就是获取到了字符串 s 索引从0到5位置的元素,包含0不包含5。
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let s = String::from("hello,world.");
//ss 的数据类型为:&str
let ss = &s[0..5];
println!("s is : {} , ss is : {}", s, ss);
let arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9];
//start_part 的数据类型为:&[i32]
let start_part = &arr[0..3];
let end_part = &arr[3..];
let full_part = &arr[..];
"arr is : {:?} , start_part is : {:?} , end_part is : {:?} , full_part is : {:?}",
arr, start_part, end_part, full_part
Hello, world!
s is : hello,world. , ss is : hello
arr is : [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] , start_part is : [1, 3, 5] , end_part is : [7, 9] , full_part is : [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
struct 类似 java 中的类,用来自定义一种数据结构,这种数据结构一般用来描述生活中的某一个对象。struct 中可以包含属性和方法。使用结构体分为两步:首先需要定义一个结构体,然后需要实例化一个结构体,再然后才可以使用。
一旦结构体实例化的时候是可变的,即使用 mut 修饰, 那么结构体中所有的属性都将是可变的。
* 人
struct Person {
active: bool,
name: String,
email: String,
sign_in_count: u64,
nation: Nation,
parent: Parent,
empty: Empty,
tuple: (u32, u32),
* 国家结构体
struct Nation {
name: String,
area: String,
time_zone: u64,
* 父母结构体
* 特殊的结构体,元组结构体。
struct Parent(String, String);
* 空结构体
struct Empty;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let p1 = Person {
active: true,
name: String::from("cml"),
email: String::from("[email protected]"),
sign_in_count: 99,
nation: Nation {
name: String::from("xm"),
area: String::from("north"),
time_zone: 8,
parent: Parent(String::from("baba"), String::from("mama")),
empty: Empty,
tuple: (8, 8),
let mut p2 = Person {
active: true,
name: String::from("cml"),
email: String::from("[email protected]"),
sign_in_count: 99,
nation: Nation {
name: String::from("xm"),
area: String::from("north"),
time_zone: 8,
parent: Parent(String::from("baba"), String::from("mama")),
empty: Empty,
tuple: (8, 8),
//给结构体实例重新赋值 = String::from("[email protected]");
let email = &;
println!("p1 is : {:#?} , p2 is : {:#?} , email is :{}", p1, p2, email);
struct User {
active: bool,
username: String,
email: String,
sign_in_count: u64,
fn build_user(email: String, username: String) -> User {
let u = User {
email: email,
// email,
active: true,
sign_in_count: 1,
// let u2 = User { ..u };
let u3 = User {
email: String::from("[email protected]"),
return u3;
let u = build_user(String::from("[email protected]"), String::from("tom"));
println!("u is : {:?}", u);
Hello, world!
p1 is : Person {
active: true,
name: "cml",
email: "[email protected]",
sign_in_count: 99,
nation: Nation {
time_zone: 8,
parent: Parent(
empty: Empty,
tuple: (
} , email is :[email protected]
u is : User { active: true, username: "tom", email: "[email protected]", sign_in_count: 1 }
use std::fs::File;
fn main() {
let f = File::open("hello.txt");
match f {
Ok(file) => {
println!("File opened successfully.");
Err(err) => {
println!("Failed to open the file.");
fn main() {
enum Book {
let book = Book::Electronic(String::from("url"));
if let Book::Papery(index) = book {
println!("Papery {}", index);
} else {
println!("Not papery book");
Option 是一个标准库中的枚举,用来处理空值(null) 的情况。Option是一个泛型枚举,接受类型 T 。Option 要干的事情和java 中的 optional(java8新特性) 类似。
Option 源码:
enum Option {
// 整数除法。
fn checked_division(dividend: i32, divisor: i32) -> Option {
if divisor == 0 {
// 失败表示成 `None` 取值
} else {
// 结果 Result 被包装到 `Some` 取值中
Some(dividend / divisor)
// 此函数处理可能失败的除法
fn try_division(dividend: i32, divisor: i32) {
// `Option` 值可以进行模式匹配,就和其他枚举类型一样
let result = checked_division(dividend, divisor);
if result!=Option::None
println!("Nice, result is :{:?}", result.unwrap());
match checked_division(dividend, divisor) {
None => println!("{} / {} failed!", dividend, divisor),
Some(quotient) => {
println!("{} / {} = {}", dividend, divisor, quotient)
fn main() {
try_division(4, 2);
try_division(1, 0);
Nice, result is :2
4 / 2 = 2
1 / 0 failed!
Rust 标准库中包含一系列被称为 集合(collections)的非常有用的数据结构。大部分其他数据类型都代表一个特定的值,不过集合可以包含多个值。不同于内建的数组和元组类型,集合指向的数据是储存在堆上的,这意味着数据的数量不必在编译时就已知,并且还可以随着程序的运行增长或缩小。
vector 允许我们在一个单独的数据结构中储存多个值,所有值在内存中彼此相邻排列。vector 只能储存相同类型的值。
如果借助枚举,有时候 vector 也可以变相存储不同类型的值。
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
//新建一个 vector
let mut v: Vec = Vec::new();
let v2 = vec![1, 2, 3];
println!("v is : {:?} , v2 is : {:?}", v, v2);
let two = v[1];
let two2 = &v[1];
let three = v.get(2);
println!("two is : {} , three is : {:?}", two, three);
let arr = vec![100, 32, 57];
for i in &arr {
println!("arr item for --> {}", i);
let row = vec![
let s = &row[1];
println!("row is : {:?} , s is : {:?} ", row, s);
enum SpreadsheetCell {
Hello, world!
v is : [] , v2 is : [1, 2, 3]
two is : 222 , three is : Some(333)
arr item for --> 100
arr item for --> 32
arr item for --> 57
row is : [Int(3), Text("blue"), Float(10.12)] , s is : Text("blue")
你没有看错,rust 中,字符串也是集合,是什么集合呢? 是“字符”的集合。注意:上面提到过字符是 rust 的基础标量类型,但是字符串不是标量类型,而是集合类型。
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let mut s = String::new();
let data = "initial contents";
let ss = data.to_string();
let sss = String::from("你好!");
println!("s is : {} , ss is : {} , sss is : {}", s, ss, sss);
let mut word = String::from("Aa");
word += "cDd";
word = format!("{}{}-{}", word, "Ee", "Ff");
println!("final word is : {} ", word);
let p = String::from("hello");
let p1 = &p[0..3];
let k = String::from("你好我是陈明亮");
let k1 = &k[0..3];
//输出结果可能不是大多数人预期:p1 is : hel , k1 is : 你
println!("p1 is : {} , k1 is : {}", p1, k1);
for i in word.chars() {
println!("word ---> item is :{}", i);
Hello, world!
s is : , ss is : initial contents , sss is : 你好!
final word is : AaBbCcDdEe-Ff
p1 is : hel , k1 is : 你
word ---> item is :A
word ---> item is :a
word ---> item is :B
word ---> item is :b
word ---> item is :C
word ---> item is :c
word ---> item is :D
word ---> item is :d
word ---> item is :E
word ---> item is :e
word ---> item is :-
word ---> item is :F
word ---> item is :f
word ---> item is :b
word ---> item is :C
word ---> item is :c
word ---> item is :D
word ---> item is :d
word ---> item is :E
word ---> item is :e
word ---> item is :-
word ---> item is :F
word ---> item is :f
word ---> item is :北
word ---> item is :京
讲道理,rust 中的代码组织相比 java 、CSharp 这些所谓高级语言,要复杂的多。大概包含两个部分:命名空间和访问权限。
rust 中针对包管理主要有三个概念:包(package),箱(crate),模块(module)。三个概念形成一个树状结构,包中包含箱,箱中包含模块。
Rust 中默认所有项(函数、方法、结构体、枚举、模块和常量)都是私有的。父模块中的项不能使用子模块中的私有项,但是子模块中的项可以使用他们父模块中的项。
一个文件默认就是 module ,所以 就是一个名为 other_rs_file 的 module 中如果要使用 other_rs_file 中的对象需要先导入这个 module: mod other_rs_file ,使用 mod::对象名 访问其中对象
如果 中定义了子 module , 仅需导入顶层 module (即 mod other_rs_file) ,使用 mod::子mod::对象名 访问其中对象
rust 默认将rs文件识别为一个 module 处理, 但是无法将文件夹识别为一个 module ,所以如果我们要访问entity文件夹中dept.rs文件中的对象,需要在entiry文件夹中新增一个 并在其中定义 dept module ,访问其中对象的时候同样仅需导入顶层 mod ,然后通过 entity::dept::Dept 方式访问 dept 对象。
pub mod other {
pub struct User {
pub name: String,
pub age: i32,
fn init_user(n: String) -> User {
let u = User {
name: String::from(n),
age: 100,
return u;
pub fn add_user(n: String, a: i32) -> bool {
return false;
//枚举不用给元素添加 pub ,只要枚举是公开的,里面元素就是公开的
pub enum IpAddrKind {
pub struct Dept {
pub name: String,
pub no: i32,
pub mod dept;
mod other_rs_file;
mod entity;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
* 同级 rs文件
* 引入其他rs文件,需先导入module ,通过mod名称(即文件名称)::对象名称 访问其内部对象
* 如果在其他文件内部定义了子 module , 导入方式不变,访问方式:mod名称::子mod名称::对象名称
* 导入时候只导入顶层mod
let u = other_rs_file::other::User {
name: String::from("cml"),
age: 9,
println!("实例化另外一个rs文件中定义的结构体,u is: {:?}", u);
* 上级文件夹 rs 文件
* rust 默认将rs文件识别为一个 module 处理, 但是无法将文件夹识别为一个 module ,所以如果我们要访问entity文件夹中dept.rs文件中的对象,需要在entiry文件夹中新增一个 并在其中定义 dept module。
let d=entity::dept::Dept{
println!("实例化另外一个rs文件中定义的结构体,d is: {:?}", d);
Hello, world!
实例化另外一个rs文件中定义的结构体,u is: User { name: "cml", age: 9 }
实例化另外一个rs文件中定义的结构体,d is: Dept { name: "技术部门", no: 5 }
name = "Crate"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
rand = "0.5.5"
* 导入标准库
use std::fmt::Result as FmtResult;
use std::io::Result as IoResult;
// use std::cmp::Ordering
use std::*;
use std::{self, cmp::Ordering, io};
* 导入外部第三方库
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let fmtr = FmtResult::Ok;
let ior = IoResult::Ok("成功");
println!("fmtr 无法打印 , ior is : {:?}", ior);
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let x: u32 = rng.gen();
println!("x is :{}", x);
│ Cargo.lock
│ Cargo.toml
│ hello.txt
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io;
use std::io::Read;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
let mut f = File::open("hello.txt");
match f {
Ok(file) => {
println!("File opened successfully.");
Err(err) => {
println!("Failed to open the file.");
match err.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
println!("File Not Found. soon create . ");
fs::write("hello.txt", "I am hello.txt");
_ => {
//其他原因直接抛 panic
panic!("Failed to open the file.");
//打印 txt内容
let mut file = std::fs::File::open("hello.txt").unwrap();
let mut contents = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut contents).unwrap();
print!("txt 的内容是:{}", contents);
Hello, world!
Failed to open the file.
File Not Found. soon create .
txt 的内容是:I am hello.txt
泛型这种编程语言得设计绝非 rust 独有的,实际上在C# , Java 这些语言中早就引入了泛型的设计思想。泛型即类型的泛化,在编写代码的时候并不知道具体的数据类型或者数据结构是什么样子的,而是定义一个标识,在运行时此标识可动态替换为实际的数据类型。很显然这种设计能够让开发人员避免编写很多相似的重复的代码。
在 rust 中,可以在如下位置编写泛型代码:
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!-->泛型");
* 泛型函数
let a = [2, 4, 6, 3, 1];
println!("数字数组中最大元素是 = {}", max(&a));
let b = ["A", "B", "C"];
println!("字符数组中最大元素是 = {}", max(&b));
* 泛型结构体
// i32
let p1 = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };
let p2 = Point { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 };
println!("p1 ={:?} , p2 = {:?}", p1, p2);
fn max(array: &[T]) -> &T {
let mut max_index = 0;
let mut i = 1;
while i < array.len() {
if array[i] > array[max_index] {
max_index = i;
i += 1;
return &array[max_index];
struct Point {
x: T,
y: T,
Hello, world!-->泛型
数字数组中最大元素是 = 6
字符数组中最大元素是 = C
p1 =Point { x: 1, y: 2 } , p2 = Point { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 }
特性(trait)概念接近于 Java 中的接口(Interface),但两者不完全相同。特性与接口相同的地方在于它们都是一种行为规范,可以用于标识哪些类有哪些方法
一个对象的行为由其可供调用的方法构成。如果可以对不同类型调用相同的方法的话,这些类型就可以共享相同的行为了。trait 定义是一种将方法签名组合起来的方法,目的是定义一个实现某些目的所必需的行为的集合。
use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!--->特性(接口)");
let p = Person {
name: String::from("cml"),
age: 100,
let d = p.describe();
println!("d = {}", d);
let s = p.tostring();
println!("s={}", s);
let t = p.nowTime();
println!("t ={:?}", t);
trait Descriptive {
fn describe(&self) -> String;
fn nowTime(&self) -> SystemTime {
let start = SystemTime::now();
return start;
//定义一个 tostring 接口
trait ToString {
fn tostring(&self) -> String;
struct Person {
name: String,
age: u8,
//结构体的一个继承类实现了 Descriptive 接口
impl Descriptive for Person {
fn describe(&self) -> String {
"I am Person , name is : {} , age is : {}",, self.age
impl ToString for Person {
fn tostring(&self) -> String {
format!("Person:{{name:{},age:{}}}",, self.age)
Hello, world!--->特性(接口)
d = I am Person , name is : cml , age is : 100
t =SystemTime { intervals: 132914629768805244 }
rust 标准库中的 std::fs 可以用来操作文件
use std::fs;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::prelude::*;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!--->文件io");
//文件内容:This is a text file.
let text = fs::read_to_string("text.txt").unwrap();
println!("txt文件的内容是:{}", text);
println!("追加后,txt文件的内容是:{}", text);
fs::write("text.txt", "FROM RUST PROGRAM").unwrap();
println!("覆盖写入后,txt文件的内容是:{}", text);
fn append() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = OpenOptions::new().append(true).open("text.txt")?;
file.write(b" APPEND WORD")?;
Hello, world!--->文件io
txt文件的内容是:This is a text file.
追加后,txt文件的内容是:This is a text file.
覆盖写入后,txt文件的内容是:This is a text file.
面向对象编程(OOP)思想是一个概念,是一种思想指导,围绕“对象”展开,从万物皆是对象的角度出发,一个 crate , 一个 module ,一个 struct ,一个枚举等等都是一个个独立的对象,能自主表达一个事物、某种特征。而运用封装、继承、多态等手段可以让对象与对象之间产生某种联系,进而表达更多的事物,解决更多的问题。
rust 语言中 可以通过 结构体,枚举,特性(trait)等来实现oop思想。
rust 中的并发编程主要得益与 线程 、 消息传递和互斥锁。
Rust 语言是满足多线程特性的,所以 rust 可以满足 主–>子 多任务应用场景。
消息传递有点类似与消息队列,但消息队列一般跨进程或线程,而 rust 中的消息传递主要是主子线程中数据的传递。
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
fn main() {
println!("[主线程] Hello, world!--->线程");
for item in 0..5 {
println!("[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:{}", item);
let child_thread = thread::spawn(|| {
for i in 0..2 {
println!("[子线程] hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);
for i in 0..3 {
println!("[主线程] hi number {} from the main thread!", i);
let child1 = thread::spawn(|| {
println!("[child-1]hi I am spawned thread!");
let child2 = thread::spawn(|| {
println!("[child-2]hi I am spawned thread!");
println!("[main]hi I am main thread!");
[主线程] Hello, world!--->线程
[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:0
[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:1
[子线程] hi number 0 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:2
[子线程] hi number 0 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:3
[子线程] hi number 0 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] 即将创建一个子线程,当前循环变量:4
[子线程] hi number 0 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] hi number 0 from the main thread!
[子线程] hi number 0 from the spawned thread!
[子线程] hi number 1 from the spawned thread!
[子线程] hi number 1 from the spawned thread!
[子线程] hi number 1 from the spawned thread!
[子线程] hi number 1 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] hi number 1 from the main thread!
[子线程] hi number 1 from the spawned thread!
[主线程] hi number 2 from the main thread!
[child-1]hi I am spawned thread!
[child-2]hi I am spawned thread!
[main]hi I am main thread!
以下示例演示了子线程获得了主线程的发送者 tx,并调用了它的 send 方法发送数据,然后主线程就通过对应的接收者 rx 接收到了发送的数据。
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!--->消息传递");
let p1 = Person {
active: true,
name: String::from("cml"),
email: String::from("[email protected]"),
sign_in_count: 99,
tuple: (8, 8),
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();
thread::spawn(move || {
let received = rx.recv().unwrap();
println!("Got: {:?}", received);
struct Person {
active: bool,
name: String,
email: String,
sign_in_count: u64,
tuple: (u32, u32),
Hello, world!--->消息传递
Got: Person { active: true, name: "cml", email: "[email protected]", sign_in_count: 99, tuple: (8, 8) }
互斥锁(mutex)是 mutual exclusion 的缩写,也就是说,任意时刻,其只允许一个线程访问某些数据。为了访问互斥器中的数据,线程首先需要通过获取互斥器的 锁(lock)来表明其希望访问数据。锁是一个作为互斥器一部分的数据结构,它记录谁有数据的排他访问权。因此,我们描述互斥器为通过锁系统 保护(guarding)其数据。
以下示例演示了在主线程中创建一个值,并在多个子线程中修改此值,最终等所有子线程处理完毕,主线程打印最终值。为了让变量能够跨线程之间共享,引入了std::sync::Arc 这个结构体。
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!--->互斥锁");
//Arc 原子引用计数器,确保在多个线程中共享数据;counter初始值为0
let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
println!("counter 初始值为:0");
let mut handles = vec![];
for _ in 0..10 {
//将counter值从主线程中克隆,并赋值给私有变量 counter
let counter = Arc::clone(&counter);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut num = counter.lock().unwrap();
*num += 1;
let thread_id = thread::current().id();
println!("[子线程:{:?}]中将 counter 的值修改为:{}", thread_id, num);
for handle in handles {
let result = *counter.lock().unwrap();
println!("Result: {}", result);
Hello, world!--->互斥锁
counter 初始值为:0
[子线程:ThreadId(2)]中将 counter 的值修改为:1
[子线程:ThreadId(4)]中将 counter 的值修改为:2
[子线程:ThreadId(3)]中将 counter 的值修改为:3
[子线程:ThreadId(5)]中将 counter 的值修改为:4
[子线程:ThreadId(8)]中将 counter 的值修改为:5
[子线程:ThreadId(6)]中将 counter 的值修改为:6
[子线程:ThreadId(7)]中将 counter 的值修改为:7
[子线程:ThreadId(9)]中将 counter 的值修改为:8
[子线程:ThreadId(10)]中将 counter 的值修改为:9
[子线程:ThreadId(11)]中将 counter 的值修改为:10
Result: 10
打开代码仓库中的 Sport 文件夹,有惊喜!!!