基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)




1、imx991 SWIR Image Sensor





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1、imx991 SWIR Image Sensor

  • Description :

The IMX991-AABA-C is a diagonal 4.1 mm (Type 1 / 4) CMOS active pixel type solid-state image sensor with a square pixel array and 0.33 M effective pixels. This chip features a global shutter with variable charge-integration time. This chip has a wide waveband (0.4 μm to 1.7 μm) with high sensitivity, high resolution, low dark current and low power consumption.   

  • Features 

◆ CMOS active pixel type dots 
◆ Visible + SWIR wideband sensor (0.4 μm to 1.7 μm) 
◆ Built-in timing adjustment circuit, H/V driver and serial communication circuit 
◆ Global shutter function 
◆ Input frequency 
37.125 MHz / 74.25 MHz / 54 MHz 
◆ Number of recommended recording pixels: 640 (H) × 512 (V) approx. 0.33 M pixels 
Readout mode 
All - pixel scan mode   
Vertical / Horizontal 1 / 2 Subsampling mode 
ROI mode 
Vertical / Horizontal‐Normal / Inverted readout mode 
◆ 8-bit / 10-bit / 12-bit A/D converter 
◆ Readout rate 
Maximum frame rate in 
All - pixel scan mode: 8bit : 258.80 frame/s, 10 bit: 240.61 frame/s, 12bit: 137.39 frame/s 
◆ Variable-speed shutter function (resolution 1 H units) 
◆ PGA function 
        0 dB to 18 dB: Analog Gain (0.1 dB step) 
        18.1 dB to 42 dB: Analog Gain: 18 dB + Digital Gain: 0.1 dB to 24 dB (0.1 dB step) 
◆ I/O interface 
SLVS (2 ch / 4 ch switching) output 
◆ Recommended exit pupil distance: –100 mm to –∞ 
◆ Built-in digital thermometer 
◆ Built-in thermoelectoric cooler 



基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第1张图片

        M2S090 内部包括主要分两部分,MSS和fabric,其中MSS即为一个cortext M3 ARM核和一些外围接口,fabric部分即为FPGA的逻辑部分。两部分之间可以通过AHB、APB进行通信,另外还有相互的中断信号可用。

        下面就是Cache Controller Interfaces to Cortex-M3 Processor, AHB Bus Matrix, and MDDR Bridge基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第2张图片


本工程配置imx991 sensor 为主模式,SLVS 4channel,8bit数据,all scan,656*545分辨率


This sensor has a total of 5376 bytes of registers, composed of registers with address 00h to FFh that correspond to Chip ID = 02h to 0Ch, 10h to 19h. Use the initial values for empty address. Some registers must be change from the initial values, so the sensor control side should be capable of setting 5376 bytes.

基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第3张图片

配置寄存有两种总线:IIC和SPI,任选其一,本工程使用IIC总线,上图为寄存器说明的一部分,IIC总线和SPI总线操作地址有所不同。SPI总线时需要先chip ID然后再address;IIC总线就直接address。

基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第4张图片


基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第5张图片


基于Mcrosemi M2S090T FPGA 的 imx991 SWIR的SLVS解码(一)_第6张图片


// IIC or SPI;  

	wire [1:0] isStart;
	wire [15:0] iic_rAddr;
	wire [7:0]  iic_WrData;
	assign isStart    = (sen_reg_sta==4'h0 || sen_reg_sta==4'h2 )? ( (Start_Sig == 1)? ((r_rw==1)?2'b10 : 2'b01) : 2'b00 ) : ((Start_Sig2 == 1)? ((r_rw2==1)?2'b10 : 2'b01) : 2'b00 );
	assign iic_rAddr  = (sen_reg_sta==4'h0 || sen_reg_sta==4'h2 )? rAddr   : conf_addr ;
	assign iic_WrData = (sen_reg_sta==4'h0 || sen_reg_sta==4'h2 )? WrData  : conf_data ;

	iic_bus U_iic
	      .CLK      ( i_clk      ),
		  .RSTn     ( i_rst_n    ),
		  .Start_Sig( isStart    ),
		  .Addr_Sig ( iic_rAddr  ),
		  .WrData   ( iic_WrData ),
		  .RdData   ( RdData     ),
		  .Done_Sig ( Done_Sig   ),
	      .SCL      ( o_i2c_scl  ),
		  .SDA      ( io_i2c_sdi )

	assign o_spi_cs   = 1;


