
Fever when you hold me tight

Under covid-19 casual sex is out. Companionship is in


On a smartphone screen rob(not his real name) looked good. Twenty-four years old, classically handsome, with a job on Wall Street, he was an attractive prospect on dating apps. shepherding women from bar to bedroom was easy. Sex was on tap . Then in March covid-19 struck New York City and shut off the mains.


  • prospect (/'prɒspekt/)

    • 前景;前途

      • A prospect that should brighten anyone's day.科学60秒-科学美国人 2020年6月合集
      • But that alluring prospect might prove elusive.经济学人-综合
      • How do your job prospects look now?PBS访谈社会系列
      • I don't have a job, I don't have any prospects.马男波杰克第一季(双语)
    • 词源

      • pro- 前 + -spect- 看 → 向前看到的是前景和前途
  • on tap

    • 随时随地

      • So no water is stored. It's always on tap.TED演讲(音频版) 2015年1月合集
      • The fund says it has about $1trn on tap, about a fifth of which is already committed.经济学人(汇总)
    • 词源

      • 古英语 taeppa, 水龙头,塞子
  • struck/straɪk/

    • 罢工;打,打击;敲,敲击;抓;穿透;打动

      • That name struck a chord of remembrance.雅思词汇例句
      • The clock struck eleven as she entered.雾都孤儿 Oliver Twist
      • What? You have two strikes. Three strikes and you're out.生活大爆炸 第2季
      • So, you're here to strike a bargain?权力的游戏视频版(第四季)
      • When the worst of humanity strikes the best of humanity responds.川普每周电视讲话音频版(2017-2018合集)
      • Then a strangely incongruous sight struck her eyes.飘(原版)
    • 词源

      • 源于古英语 strican (击 , 打)
  • shepherding/'ʃepəd/

    • vt. 带领;看管;牧羊;指导

      • The guide shepherded the tourists around.雅思词汇例句
    • n. 牧羊人;指导者;牧师

      • The angels tell the shepherds about Jesus.空中英语:大家说英语
      • James Ferguson was a poor Scotch shepherd boy.美国原版语文第三册
    • 词源

      • 来自 sheep + herd, 这里的 herd 指“牧人、放牧者”


It is a frustrating time to be single. Social distancing makes meeting in the flesh hard. Some people are still trying . In socially conservative Bangladesh , where cohabitation is rare, couples rushed to get married before lockdown started . In Italy lovers rendezvous in supermarket queues.


  • frustrating

    • adj. 产生挫折的;使人沮丧的,令人泄气的

      • African-Americans in this country are frustrated, absolutely frustrated.VOA常速英语_美国
      • Most frustrating is the arbitrary nature of the process.经济学人-国际
      • It must be so frustrating for him摩登家庭第二季_Modern Family-Season02
    • 词源

      • fraud, 欺骗,伤害。即被欺骗的,被伤害的,受到挫折的
  • in the flesh

    • 肉体

      • What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh.新概念英语.词汇随身听.第三册
      • So...here I am, Tom Scavo's bitch of a wife, in the flesh.绝望的主妇(音频版)第六季
      • Voldemort, the arch-enemy of Harry Potter This moment marked his first ever appearance in the flesh.哈利波特精彩瞬间
      • I've never seen one in the flesh.绯闻女孩 第3季
      • That's the trick in matters of the flesh无耻家庭 第1季
    • 词源

      • 来自 PIE * pleik, 撕,剥,词源同 flay. 即剥皮,肉体。
  • conservative

    • n. 保守的人

      • It's equally true of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans.2019年名人高校毕业演讲
    • adj. 保守的, 守旧的

      • So I'd still be viewed as conservative.The Ellen Show
      • Can we try something a little more conservative?《无耻之徒》 美版
    • 词源

      • con- 加强意义 + -serv- 保持 , 留心 + -ative 形容词词尾
  • Bangladesh

    • 孟加拉国(亚洲国家)

      • Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.
  • cohabitation

    • 同居

      • Friendship is not a requirement of cohabitation.福尔摩斯基本演绎法第一季
      • That all started with a big bang Cohabitation with my girlfriend?生活大爆炸 第10季
    • 词源

      • co- 共同 + -habit- 居住 + -ation 名词词尾
  • rare

    • adj. 半熟的;稀有的;稀薄的

      • I want my steak very rare, please刘毅突破英文词汇3000
      • Rare is its lowliest seat, rare is its meanest of lives. 泰戈尔诗歌精选
    • 词源

      • 自拉丁语 rarus, 稀疏的,薄的,松散的
  • rendezvous

    • n. 约会, 幽会

      • You two rendezvousing in an airport toilet?竟认为你俩在机场厕所密会?
      • Katherine. -Did you enjoy your little rendezvous with Stefan this morning?吸血鬼日记第二季
    • 词源

      • 中古法语 rendez vous, 呈现你自己,表现你自己
  • queue

    • 队列;长队;辫子

      • The British queue up; Americans stand in line.外研社新标准高中英语必修第5册
      • I can't stand people that push into queues. English With Lucy精选(英式发音)
    • 词源

      • queue 于16世纪直接借自法语,拼法和法语完全一样
      • 法语词 queue 则来源于拉丁语 cauda (尾巴)
      • 到了19世纪初 queue 在法语中从本义引申出“(人、车等
      • 美国英语 stand in line (排队)相当,于英国英语 queue up 。 queue 在美国英语中几乎不用。


But many more are looking for love on the internet .Some people are trying to recreate old formats online. In lagos professionals host virtual games nights for the unattached . In China people dance the night away at "internet discos", before peeling off into message boards to chat privately . But others are embracing a new set-up; the virtual date . And the solitude of lockdown is making them reconsider what they want from romantic relationships.


  • virtual

    • 实质上的, 事实上的, 实际上的, 虚拟的

      • Oh, hey. Nice virtual presence device. Thank you.生活大爆炸 第4季
    • 词源

      • virtue, 男人的品行,品质,原义为男人的,男人应有的品行
      • 后引申词义看不见但却实质存在的品行
  • peel off

    • 剥去;脱掉

      • The dead skin cells peel off, revealing healthy skin cells underneathScishow 精选系列
      • Is it okay if I peel off for a little while?我离开一会行吗?
      • He grasped the hatchet quickly to peel off the bark and shape the wood.木偶奇遇记
      • As the dogs approach their prey, they peel off to take up separate positions around their target.BBC纪录片《地球脉动》 第一季精选
      • Okay, um... - Oh, it's time. I'm gonna peel this sucker off right now.我们这一天 第二季
    • 词源

      • 自古法语 pel, 皮,皮肤,果皮,来自拉丁语 pellis, 皮
  • embrace

    • vt. & vi. 拥抱

      • That's your big solution -- embrace ignorance?摩登家庭第二季_Modern Family-Season02
      • I saw China embracing the world and vice versa.名人演讲综合
      • Most people her age don't embrace technology.生活大爆炸(视频版) 第9季
    • 词源

      • 前缀 en- 在 -b- 前面被同化成了 em- ,意思为" in "; -brace 来自古法语 brace (手臂)
  • solitude

    • n. 独居; 孤独

      • When our solitude can no longer be denied...《绝望的主妇》第八季
      • Consequently, they are likely to choose solitude恋爱物语
    • 词源

      • -sol- 单独 + -i- + -tude 情况 , 状态 , 性质


Nearly 240m people use dating apps and websites. Even before the pandemic American couples were more likely to meet each other through online-dating services than through personal contacts, according to a study published in 2019 by sociologists from Stanford University and and the University of New Mexico. Such apps are increasingly popular in poor countries , too, especially where dating is frowned upon. In Bangladesh and Egypt singletons have flocked to apps such Tinder


  • frown

    • 皱眉;不同意

      • It's frowned upon. - But it happens.老友记第九季
      • The coast guard seriously frowns on fraternizing.摩登家庭第五季_Modern Family-Season05
      • And you may frown upon that but...老友记第六季
    • 词源

      • 古法语 frognier, 皱眉,哼鼻子。
  • flock

    • 聚集;成群而行

      • And Liz, birds of a feather flock together.语法大讲堂
      • Big business did not flock to Hitler.耶鲁大学公开课:欧洲文明(音频版)
    • 词源

      • 可能来自 folk, 人们,民众。原指一群人或队伍,


Dating apps are designed to push users off their phones and into bars , a less than ideal model in the middle of a pandemic . But user numbers for the five most popular online dating services have held steady this year, according to app Annie, a market-research firm. And would-be Romeos and Juliet are using them more intensely than They were before covid-19 struck. In April the average number of messages sent daily across Match products, including Ok-cupid , PlenyofFish, Tinder, Hinge and Match.com, was up by 27% compared with the last week of February. During the worst week of China's epidemic , in late February, the average user of TanTan, a Chinese app, spent 30% longer on the app than normal.


  • steady

    • 稳定的;不变的;沉着的

      • The pulse rate becomes calm and steady.爱驻我心
      • A steady unrelenting unbearable stream of pit老爸老妈的浪漫史视频版(第四季)
      • The sun shone down, strong and steady.吹小号的天鹅
      • .They're on our tail! - Steady, Morty. Five cetons瑞克与莫蒂 第三季(双语)
    • 词源

      • stead, 位置,地方, -y, 形容词后缀。
  • epidemic

    • 流行的;传染性的

      • One fall is an accident, three an epidemic.破产姐妹 第5季
      • It's the world's worst ever measles epidemic.BBC 听力 2020年1月合集
      • China has had enormous success in beating down its epidemic.战疫特辑
    • 词源

      • epi-, 在上,在中。 -demo, 人民,


Before the pandemic , online daters complained about the fickleness of their peers. Many failed to initiate conversations with those they were matched with; if they did, the other party soon disappeared , accordingly to Dawoon Kang of Coffee Meets Bagel, an app. The ease with which users could make connections encourage them to treat matches as if they were "replaceable", argues Rachel Dealto, a relationships expert from Match , one of the first dating websites. this stoked frustration; lst October 45% of American users told Pew that online dating was a vexing experience.


  • fickleness

    • 浮躁,变化无常

      • With typical human fickleness, they jumped from one extreme to the other海底两万里(精选)
      • I've lived in this town for four years but still can't come to terms with the fickleness of its weather.新概念英语.词汇随身听.第三册
  • peer

    • 封为贵族;与…同等

      • I'm your peer. - You're my peer.诉讼双雄 第2季
      • I'm portraying someone who succumbs to peer pressure.老爸老妈的浪漫史视频版(第一季)
      • Jack peered at the world beyond the giraffe.神奇树屋
      • 洛哈持和蔼可亲地抬头望着他们。哈利波特与密室
    • 词源

      原来,在中世纪,法兰克王国的著名国王查理曼大帝身边有十二个武艺高强的骑士,一直追随查理曼大帝南征北战,立下赫赫战功。为了犒赏他们,查理曼大帝借鉴亚瑟王和十二圆桌骑士的故事,和这十二位骑士平起平坐,将他们称为 peer ,意思就是“平起平坐的人”。由于这些骑士都是贵族,因此 peer 就衍生了“贵族”的含义。

      • 英语单词 peer 原本是“同等的人”之意,来自拉丁语 par ( equal
      • 还可以表示“贵族”
      • 子主题 3
  • initiate

    • 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解

      • Initiating landing protocol in T-minus three minutes.少儿动漫万用对白
    • 词源

      • 来自 initial, 开始的。引申词义开始,启动。
  • ease

    • 减轻,缓和;使安心

      • Ease your conscience! I'll ease your conscience for you. Mercy, sir!美国原版语文第六册
      • easing the hostility between rich and poor.历年研究生考试英语阅读真题
      • As lockdowns ease it is going gangbusters.经济学人(汇总)
    • 词源

      • 来源于拉丁语动词 adjacere (附近放置) 附近的 , 手边的 , 方便的) ,
  • stoke

    • 烧火;做司炉工推动,导致

      • So stoked. So stoked. Honestly, it's so good to have a coffee.PBS访谈社会系列
      • Stoke up more steam, sir, if you can海底两万里(精选)
      • He was humming merrily as he stoked the fire.哈利波特与魔法石
    • 词源

      • 荷兰语 stoken, 捅,添加燃料,来自 PIE * steig, 捅,推,
  • vexing

    • 令人烦恼的

      • And this vexing question quickly passed.美国小学原版语文课
      • The last few days have been quite... vexing福尔摩斯基本演绎法第一季
    • 词源

      • 来自拉丁语 vexo, 摇晃,搅拌,来自 PIE * gwog, 词源同 quake, 引申义烦恼。


But covid-19 has rendered users less flighty. Between late February and late March , the average length of a conversation on Tinder, one of the most popular apps, surged by 25%. "people are taking the time to get to know each other more" says Ms Kang , who has seen a similar shift on Coffee Meets Bagel. In Bangladesh the daily video calls Shenaz has with her boyfriend, whom she met on Tinder five months ago, last for hours. She was worried they would drift apart during lockdown , but knowing that she cannot meet someone new "has made me commit to this relationship" more than she did before. (She is luckier than some. Saeda Bani of BRAC , a Bangladeshi NGO, says men from poor families are commandeering the mobile phones of female relatives, younger ones in particular , to stop them from spending money on phone credit or talking to strange men)


  • render

    • vt. 报答;归还;给予

      • The organization renders great service to the community. 刘毅突破英文词汇5000
    • 词源

      • 来自古法语 rendre, 给回,呈现,出产,
      • 来自俗拉丁语* rendere, 给予,给回,异化自 reddere, 返回,给予,
  • flighty

    • (尤指女人或其行为)轻浮的,朝三暮四的,反复无常的

      • Flighty people are the opposite. You can't depend on them.VOA Special 2020年4月合集
      • You are determined to make me sound flighty.英音:德雷尔一家(The Durrells)第二季
      • Flighty? Irresponsible? I'm gonna kill him.绯闻女孩 第5季
    • 词源

      • flight, 飞行。引申义浮在空中的,轻浮的。
  • surge

    • vi. (人群等)蜂拥而出

      • Last year saw a surge in social conservatism.经济学人-国际
      • Since then, women have surged into power here.NPR音讯 2016年7月合集
      • The feeling suddenly surged back into Harry's legs.哈利波特与魔法石
      • Meanwhile, mortgage rates have surged in recent weeks.NPR音讯 2013年7月合集
      • The offering coincides with a cryptocurrency surge.经济学人(汇总)
      • India is experiencing a surge of infections.VOA Daily Standard 2021年3月合集
    • 词源

      • 来源于拉丁语中由前缀 sur- (上 , 超越)和动词 regere (统治)组成的复合动词 surgere (上升)。
  • drift

    • 漂流,漂移;漂流物;趋势

      • I'm sorry, I got bored and drifted off.v生活大爆炸(视频版) 第3季
      • Apple drifted too far away from its roots乔布斯:遗失的访谈
      • I was soon bored, and my mind would drift.富爸爸穷爸爸
    • 词源

      • 来自 drive, 驱动
  • commandeer

    • vt. 征用
      • Now the bot-herders have learned to commandeer huge corporate or public-sector computers in America.经济学人-国际
      • Then farm wagons, ox carts and even private carriages commandeered by the medical corps.飘(原版)
      • A strong merchant fleet meant lots of boats that could be commandeered during times of war. 经济学人(汇总)
    • 词源
    • 来自 command, 命令。后用于军事术语。com- 加强意义 + -mand- 命令 + -eer 动词词尾


The pandemic has also made singletons more willing to show their faces. Before it , they rarely turned ton the webcam. Video-conferencing was "a business thing", says Mike, a 28-year-old Bumble user from Perth; using it for dating seemed creepy. Just 6% of American singles said they were likely to have used video to meet people before the pandemic, according to a poll of Match users conducted in mid-April.


  • creepy

    • 令人毛骨悚然的

      • There is something creepy about him.
  • poll

    • 民意测验;投票;投票数;投票所

      • The same is true of Twitter polls.VOA Special 2016年6月合集
      • It's not just an exit poll, an exit poll is one component of that.当月 CNN 10 学生英语 2020年10月合集
      • A recent poll gives us some idea.CNN 精选 2015年12月合集
    • 词源

    古代人们进行投票的一种最简单的方式就是数人头,人头数就相当于得票数。因此, poll 从“人头数”又衍生出“得票数、投票数”的含义,而且还可以用来表示“投票”。在现代, poll 通常用来表示“民意测验”。
      -  poll 的本意是 head (人头),具体来说是人的头顶,也就是在人群中数人头时能看到的部位
      - poll 衍生出了“人头数”的含义。 poll tax 就是“人头税”的意思,即按照人头数征收的税。
  • conduct

    • 组织,实施,进行;指挥(音乐);带领,引导;举止,表现;传导(热或电

      • The children were rewarded for good conduct and punished for bad conduct.
      • This van stands ready to conduct tests.VOA常速英语_经济
      • I had to conduct the inquiry myself, virtually.yp/ymp
      • Local authorities hoped to conduct 80,000 coronavirus tests.VOA Daily Standard 2021年2月合集
    • 词源

      • con- 共同 , 一起 + -duct- 引导


But zoom chats with friends and family have become routine in the age of covid-19 . Some 70% of American singles surveyed by Match said they would now use video. Bumble , which introduced video chat last July , reported an 84% increase in the number of video calls between the third and fourth weeks of March . Hinge , the League and March added video last month . Facebook Dating and Tinder plan to do so, too.


  • routine(/ruː'tiːn/)

    • n. 例行公事;日常工作;程序

    • adj. 日常的;例行的

      • It vets candidates by handling routine queries.

        • 它通过处理常规问题来审查候选人。
        • CNN 10 学生英语 2019年5月合集
      • You see the combatants everywhere...engaged in their routine skirmishes.

        • 你会发现随处都有斗争者,在一切日常的冲突中。
        • 绝望的主妇(音频版)第二季
      • Make it part of your routine.

        • 让它变成你每天的惯例。
        • English With Lucy精选(英式发音)
    • 词源

      • 来自 route, 路线, -ine, 形容词后缀。引申词义常规的,日常的。
      • 古法语 rute, 路,小径,来自拉丁语 rupta via, 开拓的路


And people are surprisingly willing to bare their souls on video dates. At home there are fewer distractions to nudge along a dull conversation than there would be at a restaurant enlivened by a bickering couple. Mike realised that only way to avoid the dreaded " awkward pause" during his virtual dates was to "really listen", really react and go deep into what we're talking about. The result is that "you end up really investing in each other." And such dates weed out those unable to make conversation , points out Abigail Arunga, a journalist in Nairobi.


  • bare(/beə/)

    • adj. 光秃秃的, 无遮蔽的

      • The mountaintops were bare of any vegetation.

        • 那些山顶上光秃而无任何植物
        • 雅思词汇例句
      • I looked down at my bare arms and bare chest… at the hair on my head.

        • 我低头看了看我裸露的手臂和裸露的胸部… … 看了看我头上的头发。
        • 舞台剧:格列佛游记
      • The rough stone had scuffed her bare feet.

        • 粗糙的石地面磨破了她的脚丫。
        • 冰与火之歌精选
    • 刚好够的, 勉强的

      • Subdued lighting. No luxuries. Just the bare necessities.

        • 淡淡的灯光照着内部。里面没有什么讲究的东西。只有一些必需品
        • 海底两万里(精选)
      • This hotel has all the bare necessities.

        • 这家旅馆有所有最起码的必需品
        • CNN 10 学生英语 2019年1月合集
    • vt. 使赤裸, 使露出, 使暴露

      • It did lay bare divisions in both parties.

        • 这的确暴露了两党的分歧。
        • NPR音讯 2014年12月合集
    • 词源

      • 来自古英语bær(裸露的)

      • bare 和 naked 的区别

        • bare 表示局部的裸露,bare 可以用于 bare-footed (赤脚的)、 bare-headed (光头的)
        • naked 表示全裸
  • distraction(/dɪ'strækʃ(ə)n/)

    • 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

      • Keep your focus and avoid the distractions.

        • 保持专注,避免分心。
        • 超级碗广告合辑
      • Science-- the most potent distraction of all.

        • 科学,是转移精力的最有效方法。
        • 福尔摩斯基本演绎法第二季
      • Anything to get a little distraction from life...Reality.

        • 可以让我忘记真实的生活......现实。
        • 吸血鬼日记第一季
    • 词源

      • dis-, 分开,散开。 -tract, 拉,伸,
  • nudge(/nʌdʒ/)

    • vt. 用肘轻推;推进;向…不停地唠叨

      • A nudge is a small push, to encourage us to do something.

        • A nudge" 是一个小小的推动,鼓励我们做某事。
        • 6 Minute English 六分钟英语
      • Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge.

        • 有时候你只需要轻轻" 推" 一下。
        • 摩登家庭第六季_Modern Family-Season06
      • Oh, please! That was a gentle nudge.

        • 拜托,我只是给他个下马威。
        • 逍遥法外 第三季
  • dull (/dʌl/)

    • adj. 钝的;呆滞的;阴暗的;迟钝的;无趣的

      • All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jill a dull girl

        • 只干活兒不放松會把人悶壞的。
        • 唐顿庄园 第4季
      • This would make Twitter a lot duller.

        • 这会让推特变得更沉闷无聊。
        • 经济学人(汇总)
  • enliven(/ɪn'laɪv(ə)n/)

    • vt. 使活泼;使生动;使有生气,使活跃

      • We just use its Dionysus effect to enliven the atmosphere,

        • 我们是利用酒神效应,活跃活跃气氛
  • bicker(/'bɪkə/)

    • vi. 闪动;斗嘴;潺潺而流

      • As politicians bickered in Washington, state legislatures took action

        • 正当华盛顿政客们吵得不可开交之际,各州立法机构已经开始采取行动。
        • 经济学人-国际
      • It couldn't hurt. Ever since you've been in here, all we do is bicker.

        • 总没坏处啊。自从你进监狱以后,我们除了吵架没干别的。
        • 绝望的主妇(音频版)第二季
    • 词源

      • bicker ←古英语 bikere (小冲突、争斗)←中古荷兰语 bicken (砍、戳、攻击)
  • dread(/dred/)

    • adj. 可怕的

      • What dread hand and what dread feet?

        • 什么样惊人的手、惊人的脚?
        • 天真与经验之歌
      • Walter Kaufmann--he quotes it --Death Without Dread.

        • 沃尔特·考夫曼的《无畏的死亡》中的一段诗。
        • 耶鲁大学公开课:死亡(音频版)
      • Oh, God. I'm dreading that dinner.

        • 天哪,我怕极了那顿晚餐。
        • 致命女人
      • He knew Neville, like himself, was dreading the dawn.

        • 他知道纳威像他自己一样,都很害怕黎明的到来
        • 哈利波特与魔法石
    • 词源

      • 缩写自古英语 ondraedan, 谏言,建议放弃,来自 ond-, 相对,相反
      • 词源同 reason, read. 即劝阻,恐怖的结果,引申义恐惧,惧怕。
  • weed out

    • 清除;淘汰;除去

      • The government must weed out criminal elements from within the security forces

        • 政府必须剔除保安队伍内部的犯罪分子
        • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
      • He is eager to weed out the many applicants he believes may be frauds

        • 他急于剔除那些他认为可能是行骗的申请人。
        • 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》


These shifts reveal a desire for companionship , argues Ms Dealto. They also highlight the unease felt by some with the rush of romance pre-covid . Merav Gur, a psychologist in Manhattan ,says that before the pandemic her millennial patients felt pressure to have casual sex. The more anxious shunned dating altogether. More confident millennials like Rob, the banker, threw themselves headlong into hook-up culture but it left them dissatisfied.


  • shift/ʃɪft/

    • vi. 移动;转换;转变

      • The former is a scale shift. The latter is a perceptual shift.

        • 前者是转变比例, 後者是改变看法。
        • TED演讲(音频版) 2015年10月合集
      • The wind shifted from east to west.

        • 风由东转向西。
        • 刘毅突破英文词汇3000
    • 词源

      • 古英语 sciftan, 分开,隔开,安排,布置, 源同 shed,sheath,science. 引申词义安排,转移,转换。
  • reveal/rɪ'viːl/

    • vt. 显示;露出

      • You didn't reveal that I was awake.

        • 你没告诉他 我已经醒了。
        • 初代吸血鬼 第1季
      • This microscope reveals things beyond comprehension.

        • 这个显微镜能揭秘不可思议之物。
        • 瑞克与莫蒂 第一季(双语)
      • I wanted to reveal myself to you.

        • 向你揭示我的身份。
        • 福尔摩斯基本演绎法第一季
    • 词源

      • 来源于拉丁语中由 re- (后)和 velum (帆 , 窗帘 , 面罩)组成的复合词 revelare (揭开)。
  • highlight

    • vt. 强调, 突出, 使显著

      • That was the highlight. How about you?

        • 这就是亮点。你呢?
        • BBC The English We Speak
      • Then you want to comprehend and highlight

        • 然后你要理解并突出重点。
        • 雅思阅读备考指南
      • All you're going to do is highlight it.

        • 你只需要先把它标注出来。
        • 听力文摘
    • 词源

      • 原为绘画术语,即最明亮的部分,后引申词义做标记,强调。 high 高 + light 光 → 以强光使画、照片等指定的部分显著
  • millennial/mi'leniəl/

    • adj. 一千年的,千福年的

      • We're on the platform for the millennial moment!

        • 进入千禧年时我们会在平台上!
        • 老友记第六季
      • Consider, then, the millennial generation's experience of America so far.

        • 现在,不妨回想一下到目前为止,千禧一代体会到的是怎样的一个美国?
        • 时代周刊 (Time)
      • You know, I have insight into the millennial female brain.

        • 我很了解千禧一代的女生。
        • 致命女人
      • Much of the millennial generation grew up with single or divorced parents.

        • 许多千禧一代生长在单亲离婚家庭中
        • 听力文摘
  • headlong/'hedlɒŋ/

    • adv. & adj. 轻率地(的), 仓促地(的)

      • He fell headlong into sunlight, and his feet found warm ground.

        • 他头朝前掉进一片陽光中,脚下是一片温 暖的土地。
        • 哈利波特与死亡圣器
      • In his headlong rush to junk the entire history of landscape painting

        • 在他莽撞的摈弃风景绘画的整个历史之后。
        • 艺术的力量-文森特·梵高
      • But the nonstop pace of her career ran headlong into efforts to find inner peace.

        • 但是,事业上不停歇的步伐却打乱了她寻求内心平静的脚步。
        • 人物杂志
      • He was halfway down the passage when he tripped headlong over something lying on the floor.

        • 他走到一半,突然被躺在地板上的什么东西绊倒了。
        • .哈利波特与密室
      • Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched him run.

        • 然后转身捂着脸颊,横冲直撞地跑离广场。提利昂目送他远去
        • 冰与火之歌精选
    • 词源

      • head, 头, -long, 向前。引申词义莽撞的。


Isolation had improved their emotional lives, says Ms Gur. Those who felt hurt by the casualness of dating apps say the people they are meeting now are kinder and more responsive than before the pandemic . App users surveyed in March by the Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana " were more likely to say that they found other users to be friendlier than usual, more willing to have deep conversations" than before the pandemic ,says Justin Lehmiller , one of the study's authors.


  • isolation

    • 隔离, 与世隔绝

      • That accentuates this isolation from the Romanians.

        • 这就加剧了匈牙利与罗马尼亚的隔阂。
        • 耶鲁大学公开课:欧洲文明(音频版)
      • I won't live in fear and isolation.

        • 我不想生活在恐惧和孤独中。
        • 美国恐怖故事第二季
      • And Italy's isolation in Europe also grew.

        • 意大利被欧洲孤立的情况也更加明显。
        • NPR音讯 2019年8月合集
    • 词源

      • isol ( -insul- )岛 + -ation 名词词尾
  • Institute/'ɪnstɪtjuːt/

    • n. 协会,学会;学院,研究院

      • The galaxy's most successful couples' counseling institute.

        • 他家是银河系里最好的婚姻咨询机构。
        • 瑞克与莫蒂 第二季(双语)
      • So, enjoy your life in this esteemed institute!

        • 所以,尽情享受这所著名大学里的生活吧。
        • 胖胖文章
      • That is short for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

        • 它是麻省理工学院的简称。
        • VOA慢速英语_单词故事
    • 词源

      • 词根词缀: in- 向上 + -stitut- 创建 , 建立 + -ion 名词词尾


Where lockdowns lift, the old ways are returning . In BeiJing , which is slowly reopening , parks are filling up with strolling couples and restaurants are busy serving tables for two. In Iran , which has allowed cars back on the streets, a teacher says that he has registered as a driver on one of the country's ride-hailing apps, hoping to meet women. But Ms DeAlto predicts that until people need no longer worry about covid-19, most singletons will be wary of close contact with potential mates. Almost all OkCupid users, polled since March , say they plan to continue using video. The virtual date may outlast the pandemic.


  • stroll/strəʊl/

    • 闲逛;散步;巡回演出

      • Take a stroll along the Seine River.

        • 沿着塞纳河散散步。
        • 经典英语美文背诵100篇
      • It's a marathon not a stroll in the park!

        • 这是场马拉松,可不是在公园里溜达呢。
        • Emma的美味英语
      • He nodded, and Angelina strolled back to Alicia Spinnet.

        • 他点了点头,安吉利娜慢慢走回去找艾丽娅斯平内特了。
        • 哈利波特与凤凰社
  • register

    • vt. 记录;注册;登记;把…挂号;挂号邮寄;正式提出

      • You couldn't even register the domain name.

        • 你连域名都没注册上。
        • 摩登家庭第七季_Modern Family-Season07
      • Excuse me, where do I go to register?

        • 请问, 在哪儿挂号?
        • 医疗服务英语口语
      • I've come to register a trade mark.

        • 我今天是来给商标注册的。
        • 外贸英语话题王
    • 词源

      • re- 回 , 向后 + gist (= -gest- )携带 , 运输 + -er 动词词尾 → 送回→(记下 ... 以备)送回(而有案可查)
  • hail

    • vt. 招呼;猛发;致敬;向...欢呼;

      • The crowd hailed the new boxing champion.

        • 群众向新的拳击冠军欢呼。
        • 日常生活高频词汇
      • A shout from Francois hailed his appearance.

        • 他一出现, 弗朗索瓦便高兴地大喊起来。
        • 野性的呼唤
    • 词源

      • 自古英语 hals, 健康,词源同 holy,health. 即祝您健康,引申词义欢呼,赞颂
  • wary/'weərɪ/

    • adj. 机警的;谨慎的;惟恐的;考虑周到的

      • 'Professor'? " repeated Riddle. He looked wary.

        • “‘教授’?”里德尔重复了一句,他露出很警觉的神情。
        • 哈利波特与混血王子
      • Ron was staring at it, looking slightly wary.

        • 罗恩盯着它,心存戒备。
        • 哈利波特与凤凰社
      • Romantics are wary of teaching and instruction.

        • 浪漫主义者讨厌教学和指导。
        • 社会关系学(视频版)
      • They may be wary of unexpected visitors.

        • 他们恐怕不会欢迎不请自来的访客。
        • 冰与火之歌精选
    • 词源

      • wer, 覆盖,保护,看管,看护,词源同 ward,ware 。引申词义谨慎的。
  • outlast/aʊt'lɑːst/

    • vt. 比…长久;从…中逃生

      • Will the interest in midwifery outlast the pandemic?

        • 美国人对于助产的兴趣会延续到疫情之后吗?
        • 经济学人(汇总)
      • As an institution, I think it's outlasted its usefulness by quite a large...margin.

        • 作为一种制度,我觉得婚姻的必要性十分有限。
        • 福尔摩斯基本演绎法第二季
      • The Eastern Roman Empire better known as the Byzantine Empire outlasted the Western Empire for centuries.

        • 东罗马帝国也就是常说的拜占庭帝国比西罗马帝国晚几个世纪覆灭。
        • 超级大国的兴衰
    • 词源

      • out-, 超过, last, 持续。
