AppStore App 解密

AppStore 上的app都是经过加密的,如果想要砸壳,或者干别的事情。首先要解密,最近在github上发现了一个比较牛掰的项目Clutch,可以给app解密,所以在这里写一个使用心得。

  1. git clone 最新版 clutch
localhost:~ wany$ git clone clutch
  1. 编译clutch项目
localhost:~ wany$ cd clutch
localhost:clutch wany$ xcodebuild -project Clutch.xcodeproj -configuration Release ARCHS="armv7 armv7s arm64" build

编译之后会在~/clutch/clutch 下生成一个可执行clutch文件

  1. clutch 可执行文件拷贝到iPhone 内(我的iPhone的ip地址为:
localhost:clutch wany$cd clutch
localhost:clutch wany$ scp clutch [email protected]:/usr/bin
[email protected]'s password: 
localhost:clutch wany$ cd ~
  1. ssh 连接到iPhone
localhost:~ wany$ ssh [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
wany-iPhone:~  root# chmod 7777 /usr/bin/clutch
wany-iPhone:~  root# clutch -i                   (查看ipone中应用列表)
1. app1
2. app2
..... 省略部分......
wany-iPhone:~  root# clutch -d 2
Zipping Detection of color
ASLR slide: 0xe7000
Dumping  (armv7)
Patched cryptid (32bit segment)
Writing new checksum
DONE: /private/var/mobile/Documents/Dumped/
Finished dumping com.pinping.Seruodetection in 8.0 seconds
wany-iPhone:~  root# logout
Connection to closed.
localhost:~ wany$
  1. 解密的ipa包,保存在/private/var/mobile/Documents/Dumped/ 目录下。可使用ssh , 或者iTool Pro 导出
    ssh 导出
localhost:~ wany$ scp [email protected]  ~/Desktop
localhost:~ wany$ cd ~/Desktop
localhost:Desktop$ ls
localhost:~ wany$

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