

1、精读:  Overcoming Obstacles

  视听说: Journey into the Unknown


NBA  National Basketball Association 全美篮球协会

MVP  Most Valuable Player 最优秀选手

demote  vt .使降职

anchor  n .(广播、电视节目的)主持人

diagnose    vt .诊断

hormone  n .荷尔蒙

deficiency  n .缺乏

stature  n .身高

FIFA  国际足球联合会

devastated  a .身心俱毁的

depressed  a .抑郁的

suicide  n .自杀

album    n .音乐专辑

reject  vt .拒绝接受

fiancee  n .未婚妻

palm  n .手掌

sweat    vi .出汗 n .汗水

towel    n .毛巾,手巾

competition    n .竞赛,比赛

confront    vt . come face to face with , esp . in competition or hostilit;deal with    面对(尤指比赛或敌对行动);应对,处理

pole-vault    vi .撑竿跳高

stand  看台

highlight    n . the best or most exciting , or interesting part of sth.最精彩的部分

grace  n . the quality of being smooth and elegant , esp. in movement or structure


gymnas    n .体操运动员

element    n . a part or an aspect of sth . abstract 成分,要素

fantasy  n . fancy , esp . the free play of imagination 幻想

numerous    a . very many 许多的,无数的

bird' s-eye view      a view from a high angle as if seen by a bird in flight 鸟瞰;俯视

excitement    n . the state of being excited 兴奋,激动

detail    n . a single feature , fact , or piece of information about sth.细节

recur  vi . come or happen again 再来;再发生

outrun  (outran, outrun ) vt . run faster or better than ; go beyond 跑得比…快;跑得比…


locomotive    n .( AmE ) a railway engine 机车;火车头

eagle  n .鹰

coincide    vi . happen at the same time ; be in agreement 同时发生;一致

dreamer  n . a person who spends a lot of time thinking about or planning enjoyable events that are not likely to happen 幻想家,空想家

hard-core    a .顽固不化的

realist    n . a person who deals in a practical way with situations as they actualy are 现实主义者

moto    n .格言,座右铭

weightlifting    n .举重(运动)

alternate  a . every other or second ; happening by turns  间隔的;轮流的

monitor  vt . keep close watch over ; supervise 密切监视;监督

coach  n .(体育运动的)教练

dedication  n . giving oneself , time , effort , etc .( to sth .)奉献,献身

determination    n . firmness of purpose 决心;毅力

discipline    n . self - control 自控能力

chore  n .(家庭)日常杂务

occasion    n . a particular time when sth . happens 时刻;场合

reward    n . sth . given in recognition of good behavior or good work , etc .报答;报偿

vain    a . too pleased with one's own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的

bar  n .横杆;条;块

inflate    v . fil ( sth .) with air (使)充气,(使)膨胀

mat    n .垫子;席子

unaware  a . not having knowledge or consciousness 不知道的,未意识到的

competitor  n .竞争者,对手

emotion    n . any strong feeling , eg. love , fear , or anger 激情,感情,情绪

vaulter  n .撑竿跳高运动员

finger-tipped  a . using or operated by the finger tips 用手指尖的

push-up  n .( AmE )俯卧撑

runway  n .跑道

startle  vt . give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊

brief    a . lasting only a short time 短暂的

bale    n .(一)大捆,(一)大包

hay    n .干草

intensity    n . the state of being intense 紧张,强烈

tension    n . worry or nervousness 紧张,不安

scared  a . frightened 惊恐的,害怕的

upper  a . at or near the top of sth.上部的

breeze    n .微风,轻风

pound    vi . beat repeatedly with a strong regular rhythm (心等)剧烈跳动

deafen    vt . make ( sb .) unable to hear , esp . for a short time 使耳聋

sprint  vi . run at one's fastest speed , esp . for a short distance 疾跑,冲刺

vision    n . an idea or mental image of sth.幻影,幻象

effortless    a . needing little or no efort 容易的,不费力气的

eruption  n .爆发

thump    n .( noise made by ) a heavy blow 重击(声)

hug    vt . hold tightly in the arms , esp . as a sign of love 拥抱

surround    vt . be al around ( sb ./ sth .)围绕,包围

congratulate    vt . express pleasure at sb's success or happiness 祝贺;庆贺

acomplishment    n . sth. that has been achieved successfully 成就

media    n .( with singular or plural verb )大众传播媒介

sponsorship    n .资助;赞助

torn  犹豫的


Poland  波兰(欧洲中部国家)

Istanbul  伊斯坦布尔(土耳其西北部港市)

solid    a .不中断的;连续的

Turkey    土耳其(西南亚国家)

Malta  马耳他(欧洲岛国)

anticipation    n .期待

backpack  v . 背着背包徒步旅行

handicapped    a .有生理缺陷的

Venice    威尼斯(意大利东北部港市)

fragile    a .脆弱的

temporary    a .临时的;短期的

the Grand Canyon  大峡谷(美国亚利桑那州)

the Masai Mara    马赛马拉野生动物保护区(肯尼亚)

Buddhist    n .佛教徒

Kenya  肯尼亚(东非国家)

zebra  n 、斑马

antelope  n .羚羊

hippo    n .( infm )河马

Eiffel Tower  埃菲尔铁塔(法国巴黎)

Table Mountain  桌山(南非开普敦)

unbelievably  ad .难以置信地

awesome    a .棒极了

carnival    n .狂欢节

Plaza Hotel  广场酒店

The Grand Motel    格兰德汽车旅馆

3、精读:The silence was deafening.  鸦雀无声

视听说:It's one of my passion.

        I've done quite a bit of traveling on holidays and stuff.

        It's important to get an understanding.

        It's a necessary…


set an example of

stimulate sb. to    促进,激发某人干某事

not amount to much 没出息

culminate in  以…告终

recording studio  录音棚;唱片公司

the Beatles  甲壳虫乐队

pass by  go past 经过

on the other hand  used to introduce a contrasting point of view , fact , or situation 另一方面

work out    do physical exercise in order to make one's body fit and strong 锻炼身体

every other day / week / year  每隔一天/周/年

on one / two / several occasion ( s )有一(两、几)次

bring ( sb .) back to earth 使回到现实中

in one's mind's eye    in one's imagination or mental view 在想像中

stretch out      extend 伸展

sweat heavily  大汗淋漓

final race    决赛

a body builder  健美运动员

at the exact moment  当时,在最后一刻

lift off      起飞,发射

clear the bar at 17 feet 2 inches

in slow motion  慢动作

soar like an eagle    像鹰一样翱翔


experience a different country and lifestyle

2.5 years solid  连续的2.5年

in all honesty    老实说

miss out on  错过


视听说: 听不见,听不懂,听了好多好多遍还是听不出来




Part 2



