
数据的筛选 条件筛选
select 具体列,表达式...
from 表
where 条件


大于 >
小于 <
等于 =
大于等于(不少于,不低于)  >=
小于等于(不多于,不高于)  <=
不等于 != 或者 <> (个人推荐使用第2种写法)


select ename, sal
from emp
where sal > 2000;


select *
fRom emp
where ename = 'SMITH'


select *
from emp
where deptno <> 20;


select *  from emp where deptno = 20 and sal > 2000;


select * from emp where job = 'MANAGER' or sal >= 3000;


select * from emp where deptno = 10 and sal < 2000 and job <> 'CLERK'

--and的优先级要高于or 如果两者混合使用,需要注意优先级的问题

select * from emp where (deptno = 10 or deptno = 20) and sal >= 1500;


select * from haha where lname = 'xxxx' and lpass = '' or lname = 'admin';

--SQL片段:通过在密码框中输入下方的SQL片段,更改了原有SQL语句的逻辑 ' or lname = 'admin --or前的逻辑:账号随意,密码为空 (登录失败) --or后的逻辑:用户名是admin的账号 (调取了admin的信息)



select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 and job = 'MANAGER';


select *
from emp
where sal < 2000 or sal > 3000


select *
from emp
where mgr = 7902


select *
from emp
where (job = 'CLERK' or job = 'SALESMAN') and sal >= 1000;


select *
from emp
where (sal+nvl(comm,0)) >= 2500;

--书写: select...from...where...


select *
from emp
where deptno = 30 and (sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 < 10000;


select sal,comm, sal+nvl(comm,0)
from emp
where ename = 'SCOTT';


select *
from emp
where hiredate < '01-1月-82';

select *
from emp
where hiredate >= '01-1月-82' and hiredate < '01-1月-83';


1.between A and B 运算符 (在A与B之间,包含A和B)

--相当于 >= A and <= B

①select *
from emp
where sal >= 1000 and sal <= 2000;

②select *
from emp
where sal between 1000 and 2000;


select *
from emp
where hiredate between '01-1月-82' and '31-12月-82';

--like '特定字符'
-- 特定字符:由转义字符和搜索文本组成
-- 转义字符: %: 0-n个字符(任意长度的任意字符)
-- : 1个字符(1个长度的任意字符)
-- 比如 姓李 特定字符的写法 '李%'
-- 第二个字符是哈 特定字符的写法 '


select *
from emp
where ename like 'S%';


select *
from emp
where ename like '%T_';


select *
from emp
where ename like '%T%';


select *
from emp
where ename like '%T%T%';


select *
from emp
where ename like '%TT%';


select *
from emp
where ename like '%\%%' escape '\';

select *
from emp
where ename like '%(%%' escape '(';,B,C...)

--相当于 = A or = B or = C...


select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 or deptno = 20;

select *
from emp
where deptno in(10,20);


select *
from emp
where deptno = 10 or sal > 1200

-- = null 无法筛选任何数据

select *
from emp
where comm = null;

-- is null 筛选null值

select *
from emp
where comm is null;
--5.对于特殊运算符取反 NOT

-- not between A and B 不在A与B区间内
-- not like '%A%' 名字里面没有A
-- not in(A,B,C) 不是A,B,C其中之一
-- is not null 不为null


select *
from emp
where (sal not between 1000 and 2000) and (ename not like '%T%')


--order by 列名 或 列别名 或 表达式 或 列序号
--ASC 升序 由小到大
--DESC 降序 由大到小
--不写 默认是升序

--##书写顺序:select...from...where...order by...
--##执行顺序 by...


select *
from emp
order by sal asc;


select *
from emp
order by sal desc;


select ename,sal,comm, (sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 as income
from emp
order by (sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 desc;


select ename,sal,comm, (sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 as income
from emp
order by income desc;


select ename,sal,comm, (sal+nvl(comm,0))*12 as income
from emp
order by 4 desc;


select *
from emp
order by ename;


select *
from emp
order by hiredate;

--#####order by 可以修饰多个列
-- ##order by A, B 先A的升序排序,如果A相同,再按B的升序排序
-- ##order by A desc, B desc 先A的降序排序,如果A相同,再按B的降序排序


select *
from emp
where sal > 1000
order by deptno asc, hiredate desc;

--推荐在order by中使用列名或列别名



select ename, sal
from emp
where ename like '%T%' and sal between 1500 and 3000;


select *
from emp
where mgr is null;


select ename, sal, comm, (sal+nvl(comm, 0))*12 as income
from emp
order by income desc;


select *
from emp
where job like '%MAN%' and comm > 0;

-- in中出现null,查询就没有结果
-- not in(A,B,C,D...)  A,B,C,D...值中不能出现null值,否则没有查询结果
-- X not in(null,25)  X!=null or X!=25


select *
from emp
where hiredate between '01-1月-81' and '31-12月-81'
order by sal desc;


select *
from emp
order by job asc, deptno asc;


select *
from emp
where deptno not in(10,20) and sal < 1500;


select distinct job
from emp
order by job asc;


select *
from emp
where ename in('SCOTT','ADAMS');


select ename, sal, comm, (sal+nvl(comm, 0))*12 as income
from emp
where (sal+nvl(comm, 0))*12 > 15000
order by income desc;
