
源码:https://github.com/AlliedToasters/circle-fit     已经点了个star








import unittest
import time
from circle_fit import hyper_fit, least_squares_circle
import numpy as np

class AppTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.startTime = time.time()
        self.data = [
            [329.4165297387034, 22058.59654729173],
            [329.8574976938737, 22054.62783124933],
            [328.9755617834489, 22051.98202025803],
            [327.6526579178539, 22049.77717811104],
            [326.3297510885569, 22047.57233566768],
            [324.1249083488352, 22045.36749322432],
            [321.9200656090292, 22043.60361962528],
            [319.7152228693075, 22041.83974572986],
            [317.0694121744155, 22041.39877718193],
            [314.4236014794393, 22040.5168403824],
            [311.7777907845473, 22040.07587183446],
            [309.1319800895711, 22040.5168403824],
            [305.6042334842544, 22041.39877718193],
            [302.5174548341079, 22042.72168252938],
            [299.8716441392159, 22044.04458787685],
            [298.1077693546644, 22046.24943032021],
            [296.343894570113, 22048.4542724672]
        self.numpy_data = np.array(self.data)

    def tearDown(self):
        t = time.time() - self.startTime
        print("%s: %.3f seconds" % (self.id(), t))

    def test_hyper_fit(self):
        circle = hyper_fit(self.data)
        circle = hyper_fit(self.numpy_data)

    def test_circle_fit(self):
        circle = least_squares_circle(self.data)
        circle = least_squares_circle(self.numpy_data)

if __name__ == '__main__':


import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, cm, colors
from math import sqrt, pi

def calc_R(x,y, xc, yc):
    calculate the distance of each 2D points from the center (xc, yc)
    return np.sqrt((x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2)

def f(c, x, y):
    calculate the algebraic distance between the data points
    and the mean circle centered at c=(xc, yc)
    Ri = calc_R(x, y, *c)
    return Ri - Ri.mean()

def sigma(coords, x, y, r):
    """Computes Sigma for circle fit."""
    dx, dy, sum_ = 0., 0., 0.

    for i in range(len(coords)):
        dx = coords[i][1] - x
        dy = coords[i][0] - y
        sum_ += (sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) - r)**2
    return sqrt(sum_/len(coords))

def hyper_fit(coords, IterMax=99, verbose=False):
    Fits coords to circle using hyperfit algorithm.
        - coords, list or numpy array with len>2 of the form:
    [x_coord, y_coord],
    [x_coord, y_coord]
        or numpy array of shape (n, 2)
        - xc : x-coordinate of solution center (float)
        - yc : y-coordinate of solution center (float)
        - R : Radius of solution (float)
        - residu : s, sigma - variance of data wrt solution (float)
    X, X = None, None
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        X = coords[:, 0]
        Y = coords[:, 1]
    elif isinstance(coords, list):
        X = np.array([x[0] for x in coords])
        Y = np.array([x[1] for x in coords])
        raise Exception("Parameter 'coords' is an unsupported type: " + str(type(coords)))

    n = X.shape[0]

    Xi = X - X.mean()
    Yi = Y - Y.mean()
    Zi = Xi*Xi + Yi*Yi

    #compute moments
    Mxy = (Xi*Yi).sum()/n
    Mxx = (Xi*Xi).sum()/n
    Myy = (Yi*Yi).sum()/n
    Mxz = (Xi*Zi).sum()/n
    Myz = (Yi*Zi).sum()/n
    Mzz = (Zi*Zi).sum()/n

    #computing the coefficients of characteristic polynomial
    Mz = Mxx + Myy
    Cov_xy = Mxx*Myy - Mxy*Mxy
    Var_z = Mzz - Mz*Mz

    A2 = 4*Cov_xy - 3*Mz*Mz - Mzz
    A1 = Var_z*Mz + 4.*Cov_xy*Mz - Mxz*Mxz - Myz*Myz
    A0 = Mxz*(Mxz*Myy - Myz*Mxy) + Myz*(Myz*Mxx - Mxz*Mxy) - Var_z*Cov_xy
    A22 = A2 + A2

    #finding the root of the characteristic polynomial
    y = A0
    x = 0.
    for i in range(IterMax):
        Dy = A1 + x*(A22 + 16.*x*x)
        xnew = x - y/Dy
        if xnew == x or not np.isfinite(xnew):
        ynew = A0 + xnew*(A1 + xnew*(A2 + 4.*xnew*xnew))
        if abs(ynew)>=abs(y):
        x, y = xnew, ynew

    det = x*x - x*Mz + Cov_xy
    Xcenter = (Mxz*(Myy - x) - Myz*Mxy)/det/2.
    Ycenter = (Myz*(Mxx - x) - Mxz*Mxy)/det/2.

    x = Xcenter + X.mean()
    y = Ycenter + Y.mean()
    r = sqrt(abs(Xcenter**2 + Ycenter**2 + Mz))
    s = sigma(coords,x,y,r)
    iter_ = i
    if verbose:
        print('Regression complete in {} iterations.'.format(iter_))
        print('Sigma computed: ', s)
    return x, y, r, s

def least_squares_circle(coords):
    Circle fit using least-squares solver.
        - coords, list or numpy array with len>2 of the form:
    [x_coord, y_coord],
    [x_coord, y_coord]
        or numpy array of shape (n, 2)
        - xc : x-coordinate of solution center (float)
        - yc : y-coordinate of solution center (float)
        - R : Radius of solution (float)
        - residu : MSE of solution against training data (float)

    x, y = None, None
    if isinstance(coords, np.ndarray):
        x = coords[:, 0]
        y = coords[:, 1]
    elif isinstance(coords, list):
        x = np.array([point[0] for point in coords])
        y = np.array([point[1] for point in coords])
        raise Exception("Parameter 'coords' is an unsupported type: " + str(type(coords)))

    # coordinates of the barycenter
    x_m = np.mean(x)
    y_m = np.mean(y)
    center_estimate = x_m, y_m
    center, _ = optimize.leastsq(f, center_estimate, args=(x,y))
    xc, yc = center
    Ri       = calc_R(x, y, *center)
    R        = Ri.mean()
    residu   = np.sum((Ri - R)**2)
    return xc, yc, R, residu

def plot_data_circle(x, y, xc, yc, R):
    Plot data and a fitted circle.
        x : data, x values (array)
        y : data, y values (array)
        xc : fit circle center (x-value) (float)
        yc : fit circle center (y-value) (float)
        R : fir circle radius (float)
        None (generates matplotlib plot).
    f = plt.figure(facecolor='white')

    theta_fit = np.linspace(-pi, pi, 180)

    x_fit = xc + R*np.cos(theta_fit)
    y_fit = yc + R*np.sin(theta_fit)
    plt.plot(x_fit, y_fit, 'b-' , label="fitted circle", lw=2)
    plt.plot([xc], [yc], 'bD', mec='y', mew=1)
    # plot data
    plt.scatter(x, y, c='red', label='data')

    plt.legend(loc='best',labelspacing=0.1 )
    plt.title('Fit Circle')
