
Chinese hotels apologise for unhygienic practices caught on video



Luxury Chinese hotels run by Marriott, Hilton and Hyatt have apologised after a video showing unhygienic practices such as in one case using the same sponge to clean drinking cups, a sink and a toilet was viewed by tens of millions of people.


The flurry of apologies came after an 11-minute video shot with hidden cameras showing cleaning staff wiping cups and sinks with used guest towels and sponges at 14 hotels in China was posted online by a blogger using the name Huazong.

被官方媒体《新京报》在微博——中国的Twitter——上转发的这一视频,截至周四已被点击2800万次。官方的中国消费者协会(China Consumers Association)也转发了这一视频。

A repost of the video on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, by state-run newspaper the Beijing News had been viewed 28m times as of Thursday. The state-run China Consumers Association also reposted the video. 

视频显然显示,一个清洁工在上海世茂皇家艾美酒店(Le Royal Méridien Shanghai)使用相同的清洁布擦拭一个洗手池和杯子,然后用客人用过的毛巾擦马桶。这家隶属万豪国际(Marriott International)网络的酒店发表声明,就这一事件给客人带来的“困扰”致歉。

The footage apparently showed a cleaner at the Le Royal Méridien Shanghai hotel using the same cleaning cloth to wipe a washbasin and cups, and wiping a toilet with a guest’s towel. The hotel, part of a network run by Marriott International, issued a statement apologising for the “disturbance” the incident had caused to guests. 


Two Sheraton hotels in the cities of Guiyang and Nanchang, which are also operated by Marriott, issued apologies for practices shown in the video.

希尔顿全球(Hilton Worldwide)旗下的上海华尔道夫酒店(Waldorf Astoria)发表了道歉声明。视频显示该公司的清洁工用同一块海绵清洗水池、杯子,后来又清洗了马桶。

The Waldorf Astoria in Shanghai, part of Hilton Worldwide, whose cleaner was apparently shown using the same sponge to clean a sink, cups and later a toilet, issued an apology.


China is the fastest growing major market for the world’s top hotel chains as rising incomes have led to domestic travel spending increasing at double-digit rates. Marriott alone operates several hundred hotels in China.

视频显示,北京柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt hotel)的一名清洁工显然是在用客人的毛巾擦饮水杯。这家酒店由美国上市的凯悦酒店集团(Hyatt Hotels)运营。该酒店对视频中的情况表示道歉。

A cleaner at Beijing’s Park Hyatt hotel, which is operated by the US-listed company Hyatt Hotels, was apparently shown using a guest’s towel to clean drinking glasses. The hotel apologised for what was shown in the video.

视频显示,华东城市福州的香格里拉酒店(Shangri-La Hotel)的清洁工用客人用过的毛巾清洗房间的镜子和酒杯。该酒店表示,这不符合卫生标准并对此致歉。

The Shangri-La Hotel in Fuzhou, a city in eastern China, whose cleaner was shown using a used guest towel to clean a room’s mirror and a drinking glass, said the video showed a violation of standards and apologised.


Seven of the hotels shown in the video are located in Shanghai, and the city’s health inspection agency said it had ordered an investigation into their hygiene conditions. Beijing’s tourism agency said it had called representatives of four hotels featured in the video for talks.


Several internet users said they were not surprised by the lack of hygiene standards shown in the video. “I bet that if you performed similar investigations at every five-star hotel in the country, none of them would pass the test,” said one Weibo user.

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