Click anywhere and start typing 点击任意位置并开始输入
Drag the ⠟ icon to the left to reorder #tasks or click ✚ to the right for add-ons 拖动左侧的⠟图标可以重新排序#任务,或点击右侧的✚添加附件
Type “/” to insert due dates, assign tasks, embed links, timers, and more 输入"/"可以插入截止日期、分配任务、嵌入链接、计时器等等
This is a folded block. Click the ⏵ triangle to learn the essentials. 这是一个折叠的区块。点击⏵三角形学习基本要素。
Type “@” to Mention others or link to projects, ex: Taskade Updates - Changelog & Roadmap 输入"@"来提及他人或链接到项目,例如: Taskade更新 - 更新日志与路线图
Type “#” to tag your #tasks. Click on a tag to filter every tag in the project 输入"#"来标记你的#任务。点击一个标签可以筛选项目中的所有相同标签
Mix up the formatting in the same block using the ‘/’ command 在同一个区块内使用’/'命令来混合不同的格式
Press Tab to indent this task and create a sub-task 按下Tab键缩进此任务,创建一个子任务
Press Shift + Tab to outdent and move this task 按下Shift + Tab键取消缩进并移动此任务
Click the ✚ button to insert due dates, comments, embeds, timers, and uploads 点击✚按钮可以插入截止日期、评论、嵌入、计时器和上传
Click the ••• button to duplicate, move, copy link, and more 点击•••按钮可以复制、移动、复制链接等操作
Click Share in the top-right corner to invite others to collaborate on the same page 点击右上角的分享按钮邀请他人协作同一页内容
When you’re done, click ••• (top-right corner) and ✔️ Complete to archive this document 完成后,点击右上角的•••并勾选✔️完成来归档此文档
Ready for more? Unfold this to learn Advanced tips! 准备了解更多?展开这个学习 高级提示!
- Kicking it up a notch 进阶操作
- Click the ⠟ button on the left to change the Task Format 点击左侧的⠟按钮更改任务格式
- Click ➕ on the right and select ⏱ Timer to add countdown timers to tasks 点击右侧的➕并选择⏱计时器为任务添加倒计时
- Master other Keyboard Shortcuts to work faster and smarter (unfold) 掌握其他键盘快捷方式以更快更聪明地工作(展开查看)
- Tab or Shift + Tab to indent or outdent tasks Tab或Shift + Tab来缩进或取消缩进任务
- Ctrl/⌘ + K to run a global search in a Workspace Ctrl/⌘ + K在工作区中运行全局搜索
- Ctrl/⌘ + F to search inside the active Project Ctrl/⌘ + F在活动项目中进行搜索
- Type / + a Slash Command to apply add-ons/formatting options 输入/加一个斜杠命令以应用附加功能/格式化选项
- Ctrl/⌘ + z to undo or Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + z to redo changes Ctrl/⌘ + z来撤销或Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + z来重做更改
- Visit ⌨️ Taskade Keyboard Shortcuts to see all shortcuts! 访问⌨️ Taskade键盘快捷方式查看所有快捷键!
- Drag & Drop your files anywhere in the Project to Upload 将文件拖放到项目的任意位置进行上传
- Say Hi! in the Chat Box on the right 在右侧聊天框中打个招呼
- ✨ Watch these videos to learn more! ✨ 观看这些视频以了解更多!
- The homestretch 最后冲刺
- Press Ctrl/⌘ + / or click ➕ next to a task to open the Add-Ons Menu (unfold) 按Ctrl/⌘ + /或点击任务旁的➕打开附加功能菜单(展开查看)
- Add a due date 添加截止日期
- Assign a task 分配任务
- Comment on a task 评论任务
- ☁️ Upload a file ☁️ 上传文件
- Embed a video or website 嵌入视频或网站
- ⏱️ Start a countdown timer ⏱️ 开始倒计时
- React to a task 对任务作出反应
- Click ••• next to the title/heading of this block to sort list items 点击此区块标题/标题旁的•••来排序列表项
- Toggle Project Views on Web, Mac, and PC at the top of this Project 在此项目的顶部切换网络、Mac和PC的项目视图
- Click your profile picture (top-right) ➡ ☼ Theme to toggle Dark Mode 点击右上角的个人头像 ➡ ☼ 主题 切换暗黑模式
- Visit Calendar Integrations to learn how to sync Taskade with your calendar of choice. 访问日历集成学习如何将Taskade与您选择的日历同步。
- ✨ Watch these videos to learn more! ✨ 观看这些视频以了解更多!
- Graduation 毕业
- Congratulations! You can now start creating your own projects! 恭喜!您现在可以开始创建自己的项目了!
- Click < Workspace at the top-left corner to return to your dashboard 点击左上角的**<** 工作空间返回到您的仪表板
- If you still feel lost, visit our Help Center for guidance 如果您还感到迷茫,请访问我们的帮助中心寻求指导
- Get Taskade browser extensions from the Downloads Page 从下载页面获取Taskade浏览器扩展
- Be sure to leave any questions or suggestions on our Feedback Channel 确保在我们的反馈频道留下任何问题或建议
- Visit our YouTube Channel for more tips and tricks! 访问我们的YouTube频道获取更多技巧和窍门!