Car or House, which first?

Yesterday night i received a call from honey, he asked me for our future for car and house plan which one you prefer first, wanna ask my idea.

I-28 aged-no storage for money-have a small job in GZ;

H-30 aged- no too much storage for money- have a benifit seems okay job in HN.

H is my boyfriend at present. Because this problem confused him a lot recently, many calls from his cousins, families and anyone else.  Some asked him to buy the house first, but he insist buy car, his plan as follows: keep the job now, but unsure whether this work can be longer and company business can be stable, no high salary and position is limited. He will take the rest day to get the drive license, and buy the car first, when he is free will to try be a driver of Didi company, if try success, he will quite his job to be a totally driver in near future, due this job he will get free time and may be high income than to be work for other people. 

Then he analysis me that, for buy car can give the money in one time or if loan can be finished within 2 to 3years;  but for house, in CS, the lowest price is 7K-8K,the first payment need 200K; do not have so much money now, need borrow from any other families members, and monthly installment payment need 2.5K-3K, and if have baby in same time no have job, the monthly cost need 8k, it's hard for H to bear, so much stress for the coming future. His reason for buy car is can use the car to take some money back, and within 2 years he will get the captial for the house.    Then i said i prefer house first, due to be a drive need experience and  time, and the competetion is acute, and need very hard work.  H said for freeedom, he prefer body work to head work. Then i didn't watch him and keep silent for few seconds. He asked my plan when to come to CS, i said no have plan wanna to change a city to earn some money first, due we are all shortage of money.  He was in few second silent. It seems, we couldn't keep move on this talking. So he told me that he need sleep, leave me sometime for thinking problem.

As for lady it seems all prefer house first, due the house is a home of your own, but if really you could afford it, maybe renting is no much big things for better future,less stress.

But for the guy you meet, you hope him to be positive, strong ability and struggle effort for our future. Sometime they prefer car in the excuse for fame or freedoom or even anything else.

So let's back to the reality, car or house, which first, i think to power improve yourself first, to earn money store captial first. Try to do some invest to earn the extra income.  To start a business or catch a chance to be stronger is the only way for get quick and stable income if everything go smoothly. 

What can i do for myself, what can i do for H?  Due our willing are too weak after graduate no matter for captial or life plan.   Anyway, to prepare some plans before you act it. Do something is better than empty thinking.

The environment and the people you are surround will sometime effect your attitude to life and even future, someone make you power, someone make you weaker, the most important is yourself, you should keep pursuite no matter anyone else told you show you anything.  Your future is your own treasure.  Day by day repeat work, no change from salary , deprive your confidence from year by year wait, when will the foreign sales to be double or triplicate, when will be the day come to me if i insist. Or i need change my job, need change a new environment, to lose some, to get some, no pain no gains, isn't a truth. To be a better lady, independent, act on my own, self-confident, keep study, update my blood, and change my fate. 

So will this problem change me, change our relationships. What's will future be. Happy, happy, happy??? Question, problem, god, never mentioned it.

Will wait for the order from D, then maybe the house first payment should come. And maybe no longer any more change the city to for better incoming, but never forget to improve the ability of yourself.

Come on me & lover.

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