
1. 释义:something that people think will make everything better and solve all their problems

2. 理解:名词,重音在第三个音节上,意思是“解决某些问题的万灵丹、灵丹妙药”,可用它替换“a perfect solution"。


抽取句型:there is no panacea for X problems

一个好用的句式:X(某个解决方案), though not a universal panacea for the problems of Y, would be a reform/challenge/step in the right direction.(当我们想表示某个方案虽然不够完美,但也能奏效时,可以套用这个句式)


3. 应用


Many CEOs hope to find out a panacea for all of their company's problems.(参考译文:Many CEOs hope they can find the panacea for all of their company's problems. 或者Many CEOs wish they would find the panacea for all corporate ills.)

2) 造句

Donating books to depressed areas, though not a universal panacea for the problems of uneven distribution of educational resources, would be a step in the right direction.(向落后地区捐赠图书,虽然不是解决教育资源分配不均问题的万全之策,还是有积极意义的。)
