C# 使用itextsharp 读取pdf中文字坐标

using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TestIText
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           PdfReader readerTemp = new PdfReader(@"D:\.pdf");

            PdfHelper.LocationTextExtractionStrategyEx pz = new PdfHelper.LocationTextExtractionStrategyEx();

            iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfReaderContentParser p = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser.PdfReaderContentParser(readerTemp);
            p.ProcessContent(1, pz);




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using iTextSharp.text.pdf.parser;

namespace PdfHelper
    /// Taken from http://www.java-frameworks.com/java/itext/com/itextpdf/text/pdf/parser/LocationTextExtractionStrategy.java.html
    class LocationTextExtractionStrategyEx : LocationTextExtractionStrategy
        private List m_locationResult = new List();
        private List m_TextLocationInfo = new List();
        public List LocationResult
            get { return m_locationResult; }
        public List TextLocationInfo
            get { return m_TextLocationInfo; }

        /// Creates a new LocationTextExtracationStrategyEx
        public LocationTextExtractionStrategyEx()

        /// Returns the result so far
        /// a String with the resulting text
        public override String GetResultantText()

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            TextChunk lastChunk = null;
            TextInfo lastTextInfo = null;
            foreach (TextChunk chunk in m_locationResult)
                if (lastChunk == null)
                    lastTextInfo = new TextInfo(chunk);
                    if (chunk.sameLine(lastChunk))
                        float dist = chunk.distanceFromEndOf(lastChunk);

                        if (dist < -chunk.CharSpaceWidth)
                            sb.Append(' ');
                        //append a space if the trailing char of the prev string wasn't a space && the 1st char of the current string isn't a space
                        else if (dist > chunk.CharSpaceWidth / 2.0f && chunk.Text[0] != ' ' && lastChunk.Text[lastChunk.Text.Length - 1] != ' ')
                            sb.Append(' ');
                        lastTextInfo = new TextInfo(chunk);
                lastChunk = chunk;
            return sb.ToString();

        public override void RenderText(TextRenderInfo renderInfo)
            LineSegment segment = renderInfo.GetBaseline();
            TextChunk location = new TextChunk(renderInfo.GetText(), segment.GetStartPoint(), segment.GetEndPoint(), renderInfo.GetSingleSpaceWidth(), renderInfo.GetAscentLine(), renderInfo.GetDescentLine());

        public class TextChunk : IComparable, ICloneable
            string m_text;
            Vector m_startLocation;
            Vector m_endLocation;
            Vector m_orientationVector;
            int m_orientationMagnitude;
            int m_distPerpendicular;
            float m_distParallelStart;
            float m_distParallelEnd;
            float m_charSpaceWidth;

            public LineSegment AscentLine;
            public LineSegment DecentLine;

            public object Clone()
                TextChunk copy = new TextChunk(m_text, m_startLocation, m_endLocation, m_charSpaceWidth, AscentLine, DecentLine);
                return copy;

            public string Text
                get { return m_text; }
                set { m_text = value; }
            public float CharSpaceWidth
                get { return m_charSpaceWidth; }
                set { m_charSpaceWidth = value; }
            public Vector StartLocation
                get { return m_startLocation; }
                set { m_startLocation = value; }
            public Vector EndLocation
                get { return m_endLocation; }
                set { m_endLocation = value; }

            /// Represents a chunk of text, it's orientation, and location relative to the orientation vector
            public TextChunk(string txt, Vector startLoc, Vector endLoc, float charSpaceWidth, LineSegment ascentLine, LineSegment decentLine)
                m_text = txt;
                m_startLocation = startLoc;
                m_endLocation = endLoc;
                m_charSpaceWidth = charSpaceWidth;
                AscentLine = ascentLine;
                DecentLine = decentLine;

                m_orientationVector = m_endLocation.Subtract(m_startLocation).Normalize();
                m_orientationMagnitude = (int)(Math.Atan2(m_orientationVector[Vector.I2], m_orientationVector[Vector.I1]) * 1000);

                // see http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance2-Dimensional.html
                // the two vectors we are crossing are in the same plane, so the result will be purely
                // in the z-axis (out of plane) direction, so we just take the I3 component of the result
                Vector origin = new Vector(0, 0, 1);
                m_distPerpendicular = (int)(m_startLocation.Subtract(origin)).Cross(m_orientationVector)[Vector.I3];

                m_distParallelStart = m_orientationVector.Dot(m_startLocation);
                m_distParallelEnd = m_orientationVector.Dot(m_endLocation);

            /// true if this location is on the the same line as the other text chunk
            /// the location to compare to
            /// true if this location is on the the same line as the other
            public bool sameLine(TextChunk textChunkToCompare)
                if (m_orientationMagnitude != textChunkToCompare.m_orientationMagnitude) return false;
                if (m_distPerpendicular != textChunkToCompare.m_distPerpendicular) return false;
                return true;

            /// Computes the distance between the end of 'other' and the beginning of this chunk
            /// in the direction of this chunk's orientation vector.  Note that it's a bad idea
            /// to call this for chunks that aren't on the same line and orientation, but we don't
            /// explicitly check for that condition for performance reasons.
            /// the number of spaces between the end of 'other' and the beginning of this chunk
            public float distanceFromEndOf(TextChunk other)
                float distance = m_distParallelStart - other.m_distParallelEnd;
                return distance;

            /// Compares based on orientation, perpendicular distance, then parallel distance
            public int CompareTo(object obj)
                if (obj == null) throw new ArgumentException("Object is now a TextChunk");

                TextChunk rhs = obj as TextChunk;
                if (rhs != null)
                    if (this == rhs) return 0;

                    int rslt;
                    rslt = m_orientationMagnitude - rhs.m_orientationMagnitude;
                    if (rslt != 0) return rslt;

                    rslt = m_distPerpendicular - rhs.m_distPerpendicular;
                    if (rslt != 0) return rslt;

                    // note: it's never safe to check floating point numbers for equality, and if two chunks
                    // are truly right on top of each other, which one comes first or second just doesn't matter
                    // so we arbitrarily choose this way.
                    rslt = m_distParallelStart < rhs.m_distParallelStart ? -1 : 1;

                    return rslt;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Object is now a TextChunk");

        public class TextInfo
            public Vector TopLeft;
            public Vector BottomRight;
            private string m_Text;

            public string Text
                get { return m_Text; }

            /// Create a TextInfo.
            public TextInfo(TextChunk initialTextChunk)
                TopLeft = initialTextChunk.AscentLine.GetStartPoint();
                BottomRight = initialTextChunk.DecentLine.GetEndPoint();
                m_Text = initialTextChunk.Text;

            /// Add more text to this TextInfo.
            public void appendText(TextChunk additionalTextChunk)
                BottomRight = additionalTextChunk.DecentLine.GetEndPoint();
                m_Text += additionalTextChunk.Text;

            /// Add a space to the TextInfo.  This will leave the endpoint out of sync with the text.
            /// The assumtion is that you will add more text after the space which will correct the endpoint.
            public void addSpace()
                m_Text += ' ';

