GEE数据集——全球排放数据(Climate TRACE 气候追踪)全面核算温室气体(GHG)排放量


Climate TRACE 是一个非营利性联盟,它发布了一个开放式排放数据库,其中包含超过 3.52 亿项资产。该数据库主要根据直接、独立的观测结果,全面核算温室气体(GHG)排放量。它包括世界上每一个国家和地区,涵盖各种排放活动,如能源生产、工业流程和土地利用。这些数据来自卫星、遥感以及其他公共和商业来源,使其成为有史以来最全面、最细化的近期温室气体排放数据集。通过该清单,可以对各国实现减排目标的进展情况进行透明的评估。前言 – 人工智能教程

欲了解更多详细信息,请访问气候 TRACE 网站。


对下载的数据集进行处理,以获得系统:时间起点(system:time_start)和系统:时间终点(system:time_end)的纪元时间,并将其添加到 GEE 的数据列中。每个部门及其相关排放数据集源都经过处理,共提供 38,731,650 个特征。并非所有部门都有排放地点,有些部门只提供了国家层面的数据。

Climate TRACE - Tracking Realtime Atmospheric Carbon Emissions (2022), Climate TRACE Emissions Inventory, [Date Accessed].
Metadata Descriptors¶

Expand to show data attributes and definitions for the emissions database


Data-attribute Definition
source_id The internal Climate TRACE identifier for each individual source of emissions.
source_name Name of the entity or source that produced the emissions.
source_type Description of the emission source classification.
iso3_country Corresponds to the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 specification of the country where the entity is physically located.
original_inventory_sector Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emissions sector to which the emissions source belongs.
start_time The time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of emissions, either as an instance of start time of observation.
end_time The time using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of emissions, either as an instance of end time of observation.
lat Approximate latitude location of the source.
lon Approximate longitude location of the source.
geometry_ref Corresponds to the reference id t
