Writing shaders that interact with lighting is complex. There are different light types, different shadow options, different rendering paths (forward and deferred rendering), and the shader should somehow handle all that complexity.
Surface Shaders in Unity is a code generation approach that makes it much easier to write lit shaders than using low level vertex/pixel shader programs. Note that there are no custom languages, magic or ninjas involved in Surface Shaders; it just generates all the repetitive code that would have to be written by hand. You still write shader code in HLSL.
Unity中的Surface着色器是一种代码生成方法,它比使用低级的顶点(vertex)/像素(pixel)着色程序更容易编写光照着色。请注意,在表面着色器中没有定制语言、魔术或忍者;它只是可生成所有需要手工编写的重复代码。你仍然可以在HLSL中编写shader 代码。
For some examples, take a look at Surface Shader Examples and Surface Shader Custom Lighting Examples.
How it works
You define a “surface function” that takes any UVs or data you need as input, and fills in output structure SurfaceOutput. SurfaceOutput basically describes properties of the surface (it’s albedo color, normal, emission, specularity etc.). You write this code in HLSL.
Surface Shader compiler then figures out what inputs are needed, what outputs are filled and so on, and generates actual vertex&pixel shaders, as well as rendering passes to handle forward and deferred rendering.
Standard output structure of surface shaders is this:
struct SurfaceOutput
fixed3 Albedo; // diffuse color
fixed3 Normal; // tangent space normal, if written
fixed3 Emission;
half Specular; // specular power in 0..1 range
fixed Gloss; // specular intensity
fixed Alpha; // alpha for transparencies
In Unity 5, surface shaders can also use physically based lighting models. Built-in Standard and StandardSpecular lighting models (see below) use these output structures respectively:
在Unity 5中,表面着色器也可以使用基于物理的照明模型。内置的标准和标准的照明模型(见下文)分别使用这些输出结构:
struct SurfaceOutputStandard
fixed3 Albedo; // base (diffuse or specular) color
fixed3 Normal; // tangent space normal, if written
half3 Emission;
half Metallic; // 0=non-metal, 1=metal
half Smoothness; // 0=rough, 1=smooth
half Occlusion; // occlusion (default 1)
fixed Alpha; // alpha for transparencies
struct SurfaceOutputStandardSpecular
fixed3 Albedo; // diffuse color