老爸老妈浪漫史How I Met Your Mother第1季第10集台词

英文 中文
Now I remember a lot of stories from back in the days 现在我还记得很多
before I met your mother. 遇见你妈妈之前的事情
But there's one story I don't remember. 但有一个故事我是不记得的
Uncle Marshall still refers to Marshall叔叔一直
it as "the pineapple incident." 把它称为菠萝事件
The night started like any other. 那个晚上和平时没两样
We were downstairs at the bar. 我们在楼下的酒吧
Hey, it's on the house. 我请的
it's my own concoction. 是我自己调的
I call it the red dragon. 我叫它红龙
All: Thanks! That was really sweet. 谢谢! 这太好了
We're not really doing shots,are we? 我们不是真的要尝吧, 是不?
I hope not. No,no,no. 我可不想 别, 别, 别
these look kind of like blood. 这些看起来象血
Okay,I know that you'veall dismissed this theory before. 好了, 我知道你们以前 否决过这个猜想
But is there any chance that Carl is a vampire? 但Carl有可能是吸血鬼吗?
no,you guys,I'm serious.Think about it. 不, 伙计们, 我是认真的 想想有没可能
He always wears black. 他总是穿黑色的衣服
We never see him in the daylight,only after dark. 我们从来没在白天 见过他, 只有傍晚后
Oh,my god. 噢, 天那
That does describe a vampire...or,you know,a bartender. 确实形容的象吸血鬼... 或者, 你们知道, 是酒吧调酒师
Well, I should go get dressed. 我得去打扮了
Where you going,buddy?Hot date? 你要去哪, 伙计? 约会?
I'll say.She's going out with a billionaire. 我来说, 她要和一个 身家数十亿的富翁约会
I told you not to call him that. 我说了不要那样称呼他
Wait,you're really going out with a billionaire? 等等, 你真要和 身家数十亿的富翁约会?
He's not a billionaire. 他不是身家数十亿
He's a hundred-millionaire. 他是身家数亿
Why do people always round up? 为什么人们总是分不清楚呢?
So,uh,where's Thurston Howell taking you? 那么, 呃 Thurston Howell要带你去哪?
A charity dinner. 一个慈善晚会
Yeah,$2,000 a plate. 对, 2,000块一个盘子
$1,500. Stop rounding up. 是1,500 别再弄错了
And it's for third world hunger. 是为第三世界的饥民办的
You gonna put out? 你要献身吗?
What?There's only one reason 什么? 只有一个原因
he's taking her to this dinner, 他才会带她去那个晚会
and it's not so little Mu Tu 而且这绝不是因为小富翁
can get his malaria pills. 需要人服侍喝疟疾药
I think my soul just threw up a little bit. 刚才我的灵魂呕吐了
Well,I'm gonna be late. 嗯, 我要迟到了
You guys have fun. 你们玩的开心点
-Bye. See ya.-Bye.See ya. - 拜 回头见 - 拜 回头见
You okay? 你还好吧?
Sure. Why? 当然 为什么这么问?
Oh,I don't know. 噢, 我不知道
Girl of your dreams dating a billionaire. 你的梦中情人和一个 身家数十亿的富翁约会
Okay,first of all,hundred-millionaire. 好吧, 首先, 他身家数亿
And second,she's not the girl of my dream. 其次 她不是我的梦中情人
we're just friends. 我们只是朋友
Look,it would not be smart if we got together. 听着, 如果我们在一起 是不明智的
I mean,I'm looking to settle down, 我是说, 我希望一切安定下来
she's looking for... 她希望的是...
wha...? You done? Great. 什么?你说完了? 太好了
Check out table number four. 看那边4号桌
See that little hottie on the end? 看到最后那个小辣妹了吗?
She's short,but has an ample bosom. 她有点矮, 但胸够大
I love it. She's,like,half boob. 我喜欢她就象个半个乳房
Let's go. 我们过去
Yeah,and say what? 嗯, 然后说什么?
What's our big opening line? 我们的开场白是什么?
I... uh... daddy's home. 我... 呃... 爹地回家了
Daddy's home? 爹地回家了?
Okay,you want us to go over there right now 好吧, 你希望我们现在过去
and say to those girls,"daddy's home"? 然后跟那些女生说 "爹地回家了"?
Really think about that,Barney. 认真想清楚点, Barney
Hmm. Yeah,I think it's pretty solid. 嗯 耶, 我觉得很不错
Okay,think about this. 好吧, 想下这个
Is there even a single item 菜单里有任何
on the menu that has garlic in it? 放了大蒜的菜吗?
Garlic fries. 大蒜炸薯条
Okay,well,I'll get back to you. 好吧, 嗯, 我再想想
Oh,daddy's back. 噢, 爹地回来了
See,if you'd taken a moment to think about that... 看吧, 如果你有认真想想...
then daddy wouldn't have gotten this 那么爹地就不可能拿到
seven-digit father's day card from Amy. 这个7位数的父亲节卡片了 ……来自于Amy的
Ah. That worked? 啊 那管用吗?
I hate the world. 我恨这个世界
Ted,your problem isall you do is think,think,think. Ted, 你的问题是每次 做什么都是考虑, 考虑, 考虑
I'm teaching you how to do,do,do. 我在教你怎么 实践, 实践, 实践
do-do Doo-doo. (孩童用语“大便”)
Totally. 对啊
So I think a lot. 我考虑很多
I happen to have a very powerful brain. 因为我恰好有一个 很聪明的大脑
It can't be helped. 那不可能有用
Oh,yes,it can. 噢, 不, 它可以
Interesting. 有趣
Ted,I believe you and I met for a reason. Ted, 我相信我们相遇 是有原因的
It's like the universe was saying,"hey,Barney, 就象上天在说, 嘿, Barney
"there's this dude-- he's pretty cool 有个家伙 不错的家伙
but it's your job to make him awesome." 但你的工作是让他变的很棒
Your brain screws you up,Ted. 你的脑把你给搞砸了, Ted
It gets in the way. 一直这样
It happened with Robin, Robin也是
it happened with half boob, 半个乳房也是
and it's gonna keep onhappening until you power down 这些事会一直发生 直到……
that bucket of neuroses inebriation-style. 你用酒医治你的神经妄想症
So,what,you want me to do a shot? 那么, 怎么, 你想我喝一杯吗?
Oh,no. I want you to do five shots. 噢, 不 我想要你把五杯都喝了
Ooh.Ooh. More interesting. 喔 喔 更加有趣了
Barney,I think you've officially... Barney, 我觉得你...
no,don't think. Do. 不, 别考虑了 喝吧
Ted,he's right: You overthink. Ted, 他是对的 你想太多了
Maybe you should overdrink. 也许你应该多喝点
Drink,drink... drink, drink,drink... drin drink,drink... 喝, 喝... 喝 喝, 喝...
uh,Lily,will you tell theseguys how stupid they're being? 呃, Lily, 你来告诉 他们这事有多蠢?
Guys,you are being immature and moronic, 伙计, 你们太不成熟和愚蠢了
……and drink,drink... oh! ……还有喝, 喝... 噢!
Drink,drink,ink... drink,drink,drink... 喝... 喝...
Let me tell you something about this brain,okay? 让我来告诉你一点 关于这大脑的事, 好吗?
Mere alcohol cannot stop this brain. 酒精不能让 这脑袋停止思考
Drink,drink... I love it! 喝... 我喜欢这个!
I love it! I love it! 我喜欢这个! 我喜欢这个!
This brain,dear mortals,is no ordinary brain. 这大脑, 亲爱的凡人们 这不是普通的大脑
Drink,drink... this is a super brain. 喝... 这是超级大脑
this brain is unstoppable. 是不可能被阻止思考的
This brain... 这大脑...
and that's all I remember. 这就是所有我记得的了
Except for a few other hazy memories. 除了一些模糊的记忆
But really,the next thing I remember 但真的, 下面我记得的
was waking up the following morning, 就是第二天早晨醒来的事了
so there were some unanswered questions. 所以就有好多 亟待解答的问题了
How much did I drink? 我喝了多少?
How did I sprain my ankle? 我怎么弄伤脚踝的?
Who was this girl in my bed? 在我床上的女孩是谁?
There's our rock star. 我们的摇滚明星来了
Okay,uh... what the hell happened last night? 好吧, 呃... 昨晚 到底发生了什么?
You really don't remember,superbrain? 你真的都不记得了吗 超级大脑?
So uncle Marshall and aunt Lilly filled me in. Marshall叔叔和Lily阿姨 补上了我的记忆
And how did you guys like the shots? 你们觉得这酒怎么样?
I drank all five,bitch. 我把五杯都喝完了, 婊子
I love drunk Ted. 我喜欢喝醉的Ted
Marshall thinks you're vampire. Marshall认为你是吸血鬼
all right,if he pukes, 好吧, 如果他吐了
one of you guys cleans it up. 你们之一要清理干净
No dibs. 不是我
Oh. No D... damn it! Yes. 噢 不是... 该死! 耶
How quickly you l forget. 我忘了你有多快了
I haven't puked since high school. 从高中起我就没吐过了
I am vomit-free since 93. 我从93年起就没吐过了
Vomit-free since 93. That's funny.I'm funny! 93年起, 免吐王 这太好笑了 我很好笑!
Who are you calling? 你在给谁打电话?
Robin Robin.
Oh,bad idea jeans. 噢, 坏主意
No,no,it's a great idea. 不, 不, 这是个好主意
That's the whole point of getting drunk. 这就是为什么要喝醉的重点
You do things you'd never do if you were sober. 你可以做一些清醒时候 不可能做的事情
Says every girl you've ever slept with.Say what? -援引你睡过的女人的话 -说的好
Hello,Robin.It's Ted. 喂, Robin 我是Ted
Oh,hi,Ted. 噢, 嗨, Ted
Hello,Robin. It's Ted. 你好, Robin 我是Ted
Hi,Ted. Sounds like you're having fun. 嗨, Ted听起来你兴致很高
Robin,have I ever told you that Robin, 我有告诉过你
I am vomit-free since 93? 我从93年就没吐过?
Listen,Ted,I can't really talk right... 93? 听着, Ted, 我现在 不方便聊... 93年?
Dude,that's impressive. 伙计, 这很让人惊讶
Robin,I don't say this enough, Robin, 我永远也说不够
but you're a great woman,and a great reporter. 但你确实是个不错的女人 和伟大的记者
You should be on 60 minutes. 你应该上“60分钟” (CBS著名新闻节目)
You should be one of the minutes. 你应该是那些分钟的一员
That's sweet... and odd. 这很让人高兴... 和奇怪
But I'm kind of on a date right now. 但我现在正在约会
Yeah,and I disagree with Barney. 对, 我不同意Barney的观点
Just cause this guy's spending a lot of money 那家伙花了很多钱
doesn't mean you have to put out. 并不代表你得献身
Take it slow,Robin. 放慢点进度, Robin
Take it slow. 放慢点
Slow... bye,Ted. 慢点... 拜, Ted
Slow... wow,right. -慢点...-哇, 对了
That's why we don't do shots. 这就是为什么我们不喝
Friends don't let friends drink and dial. 朋友不会让朋友 喝醉然后打电话
I need that phone back. 我要拿回电话
You'll get this back at the end of class. 你会在下课的时候拿到的
Ding.Class dismissed.Here you go,kid. 叮 下课了 你的电话, 小朋友
You call whoever you want. 你给谁打电话都行
Thank you,kind sir. 谢谢, 好心的老师
At least someone appreciates the fact that 至少有人欣赏我
I am doing and not thinking. 行动,而不是考虑
And now,I don't think I won't 还有现在, 我不会想
not go to the bathroom. 我不去厕所
Was that necessary? 这有必要吗?
He is not making smart decisions. 他不是在做明智的决定
Exactly.It's like,what's he gonna do next? 完全正确,就象 他下一步要做什么?
I don't know,but I want to find out. 我不知道, 但我要找出来
cheap trick? 烂把戏?
Oh,Ted. 噢, Ted
hello again,Ted. 又见了, Ted
Hey,it's me again 嘿,我又来了
plain to see again 清晰的再次相见
please,can I see you every day 求求你,能不能每天与你见面
I love everyone in this bar! 我爱这里每个人!
we love you,drunk Ted! 我们也爱你,醉Ted!
I'm a fool again 我又一次成了笨蛋
I fell lo... ve. 我又落入了爱……
Ted? Ted?
Well,that explainthe ankle. 嗯, 这就解释了为什么脚踝痛
Then we brought you home and put you to bed. 后来我们把你带回家睡觉
Was there anyone else in there with me? 有别的人和我一起回来吗?
Shh.Thers a girl in there! 嘘 有个女的在里面!
I know. 我知道
And a pineapple. 和一个菠萝
I know. 我知道
Who is she? 她是谁?
I don't know. 不知道
What the hell happened to my jacket? 我的夹克怎么了?
That girl in there is alive,right? 里面那女的还活着, 是不?
I should call Barney. 我得给Barney打个电话
Maybe he knows what happened. 可能他知道发生什么了
Why are you sleeping in our tub? 你干嘛睡在我们的浴缸里?
Uh,the porcelain keeps the suit from wrinkling. 呃, 陶瓷保持西装不变皱
Wait,were you here when I went to the bathroom 等等, 我昨天半夜上厕所
in the middle of the night? 你也在这儿?
Don't worry. 别担心
I slept through it. 我睡着了
I totally didn't sleep through it. 事实上我没睡着
Oh,and wow,for a little girl,you got a big tank. 噢, 哇, 你身材这么娇小 看不出容量这么大
How did you get in here anyway? 你到底怎么进来的?
We put Ted to bed around 1:00. 我们大概一点钟 把Ted弄上床的
Oh,you put Ted to bed,all right. 噢, 你们把Ted弄上床, 好吧
You guys take care of me. 你们照顾我
You guys are the best. 你们是最棒的
I love you guys so much. 我爱死你们了
Good night,Ted. Love you,too,buddy. -晚安, Ted-我也爱你 伙计
I'm back,baby doll! 我又来了, 宝贝!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! He rallies! 嘿! 嘿! 他又来啦!
And the night begins now! 夜生活开始了!
All right.Game face on. Carl,two more. 好了 精神点 Carl, 再来两杯
All right,what do we think of this one? 好吧 这个怎么样?
I think she...trick question.No thinking. -我觉得她...-圈套问题 不许想
You know what time it is? 你知道几点了吗?
Huh? 哼?
It's do o'clock. 是做事时间了
Let's ride. 我们走吧
Bring it! 上吧!
Hi. Have you met Ted? 嗨 见过Ted吗?
Excuse me. 抱歉
You're calling Robin. 你在给Robin打电话吗
I'm calling Robin. 我在给Robin打电话
Ted,as your mentor and spiritual guide, Ted, 做为你身体上 和精神上的导师
I forbid you from calling her. 我禁止你打给她
Oh,yeah? What you gonna do? 噢, 耶? 你想怎样?
If you complete that call, 如果你打电话
I will set your coat on fire. 我就点燃你的外套
You're bluffing. 你在唬我
Hello,Robin. It's Ted. 喂, Robin 我是Ted
-Ted,for the last time,stop... -ow! -Ted, 最后一次, 停止...-哇!
Ted? Ted?

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