Boo? Halloween Used to Be About Finding True Love
New York Times
Halloween wasn't always so scary. It was once less about fright and more about flirtation.
A century ago, the rituals surrounding the celebration at the end of October emphasized love. Newspapers recommended parlor games that promised to reveal romantic fortune. Even the cast of characters was more oriented toward matters of the heart.
一个世纪以前,每逢10月底的这个节日,各种相关庆祝活动都是强调“爱情”的。报纸会推荐那些承诺能预测恋爱运势的室内游戏(parlor games)。而且与节日相关的角色更多的是涉及恋情的。
1)表示“习俗,惯例,老规矩,例行公事”,英文解释为“A ritual is a way of behaving or a series of actions that people regularly carry out in a particular situation, because it is their custom to do so.”,举个:
The whole Italian culture revolves around the ritual of eating.
2)表示“〔为纪念重要宗教或社会事件举行的〕仪式,典礼”,英文解释为“a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion.”
“Halloween in the early 20th century had far less emphasis on blood, gore and scary monsters, and much more emphasis on courtship, romance and the opportunity for love,” Daniel Gifford, the former manager of museum advisory committees for the Smithsonian National Museum of American History explained in a museum blog post last year.
“在20世纪初,万圣节不太关注鲜血,杀戮,以及可怕的怪物,而是更注重调情、浪漫和寻爱的良机,”史密森尼美国历史国家博物馆(Smithsonian National Museum of American History)顾问委员会前主席丹尼尔·吉福德(Daniel Gifford)在去年的一则博物馆博客文章中解释说。
表示“〔伤口流出的〕浓黑的血,凝血”,英文解释为“thick dark blood that has flowed from a wound”,举个:
He likes movies with plenty of blood and gore (= violence ) .
“In fact, the image of Cupid was often interspersed among the more familiar black cats, witches and jack-o’-lanterns.”
表示“点缀,散布”,英文解释为“If you intersperse one group of things with another or among another, you put or include the second things between or among the first things.”,举个:
Originally the intention was to intersperse the historical scenes with modern ones.
be interspersed with sth 大量点缀着某物,大量散布着某物,
intersperse sth with sth 在某物〔如演讲、文章、电影等〕中夹杂[穿插]某物
表示“(雕成人面的)南瓜灯”,英文解释为“A jack-o'-lantern is a lantern made from a hollow pumpkin that has been carved to look like a face.”,举个:
Her children have lighted their jack-o'-lanterns, even though there are still two days before Halloween.
Halloween games and traditions reflected that attention to themes of love, with many offering a peek at what the future holds. For women in a restrictive society, they offered a semblance of control.
a/some semblance of sth
表示“〔情况或性质的〕稍微相似,有点类似”,英文解释为“a situation, condition etc that is close to or similar to a particular one, usually a good one”,举个:
After the war, life returned to a semblance of normality.
“Given the importance of finding a desirable marriageable man in an era when prim, proper, ladylike behavior was the norm, young women often reveled in chances to participate in well-established and -regarded traditions that might guide them to the spouses of their dreams,” Diane Arkins, the author of the book “Halloween: Romantic Art and Customs of Yesteryear,” from Pelican Publishing, said in an email.
“在那个时代,寻觅一个适婚的好男人太重要了,而女人们通常又要一本正经、规规矩矩,表现出淑女风范,于是年轻女性们通常会踊跃参加那些历史悠久、口碑良好,并可能帮她们找到梦中另一半的传统活动,”《万圣节:浪漫艺术与昔年习俗》(Halloween: Romantic Art and Customs of Yesteryear)一书的作者黛安·阿金斯(Diane Arkins)在电子邮件中说,她的书由鹈鹕出版社(Pelican Publishing)出版。
revel in sth
表示“陶醉于,沉湎于”,英文解释为“to enjoy something very much”,举个:
He revelled in his new-found fame.
表示“往昔; 过去”,英文解释为“You use yesteryear to refer to the past, often a period in the past with a set of values or a way of life that no longer exists.”,举个:
The modern-day sex symbol has now taken the place of the old-fashioned hero of yesteryear.
Here's a look at some of those largely forgotten customs.
Snap Apple and Other Games of Love
Apples played a starring role in many of Halloween's romantic traditions.
One game, Snap Apple, challenged participants to use only their teeth to bite an apple suspended from the ceiling by a string or ribbon, Ms. Arkins writes in her book.
一个名叫“咬苹果”(Snap Apple)的游戏把一个苹果用线绳或丝带从天花板悬下来,参赛者们只能用牙齿来咬,阿金斯在她的书中写道。
suspend除了表示“暂停,中止”,此处表示“悬,挂,吊”,英文解释为“to attach something to a high place so that it hangs down”,通常用法:suspend sth from sth,举个:
A large light was suspended from the ceiling.
The first to succeed would be the first to marry. (In a more dangerous version of the game, the apple is speared by a stick with a lit candle on the opposite end.)
表示“刺; 叉 (某物)”,英文解释为“If you spear something, you push or throw a pointed object into it.”,举个:
pear a piece of fish with a carving fork and dip it in the batter.
In its heyday, the game was so popular that Halloween was sometimes called Snap Apple Night, according to various reports. But modern Americans may be more familiar with another, similar activity: bobbing for apples.
根据各种报道,这个游戏在全盛时期非常受欢迎,因此万圣节有时候被称为咬苹果夜(Snap Apple Night)。但现代美国人更熟悉的可能是另一种类似的活动:叼苹果(bobbing for apples)
in sb's heyday
表示“全盛时期,最兴盛[最成功,最强大]的时期”,英文解释为“the time when someone or something was most popular, successful, or powerful”
According to tradition, a successful first attempt at that game — retrieving an apple with one's mouth from a container filled with water — foretold true love reciprocated, Ms. Arkins writes. Repeated failure suggested that a less-than-ideal match awaited, or perhaps it was a warning to move on.
Other traditions were simpler. One old custom called for cutting a long strip of apple skin and tossing it over one's shoulder. The landed peel was said to resemble the first initial of a suitor.
这词真的是皮...就是指“(果) 皮”,英文解释为“The peel of a fruit such as a lemon or an apple is its skin. You can also refer to a peel.”,举个:lemon peel 柠檬皮;banana peel 香蕉皮
Another tradition involved eating an apple in front of a mirror to conjure the image of one's soul mate, just in time for him or her to ask for the last bite.
The Nut Crack Night
Nuts featured prominently enough in Halloween traditions that the day was also sometimes referred to as “Nut Crack Night.”
According to one popular tradition, placing two chestnuts on a stove or fire, each representing a partner in a romantic pairing, would yield insight into the stability of a match.
A pair that cozied up to each other and burned brightly foretold a happy relationship, Utah's Ogden Standard explained in 1915. But if one nut cracked or popped, that partner's love could prove fickle.
根据1915年犹他州《奥格登旗帜报》(Ogden Standard)的解释,如果这对栗子彼此靠近,燃烧出明亮的火花,表明这段关系会很幸福。但是如果一个栗子爆出裂纹或者爆开了,这个伴侣的爱意可能无常易变。
表示“三心二意的,靠不住的,变化无常的〔含贬义〕”,英文解释为“someone who is fickle is always changing their mind about people or things that they like, so that you cannot depend on them – used to show disapproval”,反义词是faithful
By adding a third nut, one could compare multiple partners: “The nut which burns longer and more quietly betokens the more constant lover,” the Ogden Standard reported.
表示“预示;显示…的征兆;表示; 标志”,英文解释为“If something betokens something else, it is a sign of this thing”,举个:
The president alone betokened the national identity.
此处用betoken替换了上文连续两次出现的foretell,同样表示“预言,预示”,英文解释为“If you foretell a future event, you predict that it will happen.”
In her book, Ms. Arkins describes a different kind of ritual, involving “boats” made of walnut shells filled with wax. Colored candles affixed to each represented potential partners. They were then set in motion in a tub of water, with the candles lit.
The boats that sailed together symbolized a match meant to be. The person whose boat first reached the opposite side would be first to wed. An extinguished candle indicated a lonely future.
Yet another superstition featured a walnut tree. The rules, according to a 1914 article in The Evening Public Ledger in Philadelphia, were straightforward: On a moonlit Halloween night, circle the tree three times while chanting, “Let him that is to be my true love bring me some walnuts.”
还有一种迷信是同核桃树有关的。根据1914年费城《公共分类晚报》(Evening Public Ledger)的一篇文章,规则很简单:在万圣节之夜的月光下,绕着栗子树走三圈,口中唱道,“未来的真爱啊,给我点栗子吧。”
表示“迷信”,英文解释为“a belief that some objects or actions are lucky or unlucky, or that they cause events to happen, based on old ideas of magic”
Once complete, the participant would see his or her future spouse picking walnuts in the tree.
Mirror, Mirror
While apples and nuts featured prominently — harking back to Halloween’s roots as a harvest celebration — other romantic traditions took hold as well.
One game, described by The Evening Public Ledger in 1914, called for a participant to walk backward in bright moonlight while staring into a hand mirror and reciting an incantation. If done properly, the face of his or her future spouse would materialize in the mirror. (In her book, Ms. Arkins describes a similar version of the game involving a mouthful of salt and a backward walk down cellar stairs.)
表示“咒语; 符咒”,英文解释为“An incantation is a series of words that a person says or sings as a magic spell.”
Another game described in The Ledger involved burying three items — a dime, a ring and a thimble — in mashed potatoes. The food was then served to guests at a party. The guest who received the ring would marry soon; the one with the thimble would spend most of his or her life alone; while the guest who got the dime could expect fame or fortune.
Fading Superstition
As varied and popular as the romantic Halloween customs were, they began to lose their hold on the American public in the early 20th century.
Women, the traditional party hosts and targets of such games, were gaining greater agency over their lives, eroding the appeal of rituals that underscored their lack of power.
表示“降低,逐步损害,渐渐削弱〔权力或信心〕”,英文解释为“to gradually reduce something such as someone’s power or confidence”,举个:
Repeated exam failure had eroded her confidence.
At the same time, a figure re-emerged in popular culture: the powerful witch. And unlike some modern depictions, she was alluring.
“The beautiful witch had both power and attractiveness, and could use both to make her own decisions about romance, suitors and the future of her love life,” Mr. Gifford explained.
The witch had no need for fortunetelling games: She could create her own destiny.
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