
THE Legend of Peugeot

老实说,这本人类简史,看到现在,我去查有道翻译的第一个单词是 PEUGEOT,尼玛,结果让我大失所望,竟然是个汽车品牌,标志!!!我就奇了怪了,你们这么大个公司,是怎么做的中国市场,让我这种英语这么好的人,竟然只知道它的中文名字,却不知道它的英文拼写和发音,我也是跪了,你们成功了,成功的让中国人心底里根深蒂固的知道,你们就叫标志。好吧!

这个章节,很有意思,因为它讲了标志公司的起源直至现在,作者是拿它来举例一个有限责任公司的 成立。其他技术细节我不关心,我关心其中比较逗比的段落,比如

Just as human politicians in clection campaigns go around shaking hands and kissing babies,so aspirants to the top position in a chimpanzee group spend much time hugging,back-slapping and kissing baby chimps.正如身处选举运动中的政客们,到处和人握手寒暄以及亲吻小贝贝一样(人家让你亲了吗),一群黑猩猩群体中的身处高位的野心家们,花大量时间和人拥抱,背后打脸和亲小黑猩猩脸蛋(人类亲戚)。

The alpha male usually wins his position not because he is physically stronger,but because he leads a large and stable coalition.这个男头领通常不是因为他身体最强壮,而是因为他领导着一个大的稳定的联合体。(马云根本也不懂电脑啊,人家学英语的,却领导着一个IT领域的 精英)

继续回到标志的 神话

These strangers cooperate so effectively that in 2008Peugeot produced more that 1,5million automobiles,earning revenues of about E55billion.这些陌生人在一起有效地合作,以至于在2008年,标志制造了1500多万台汽车,税入5500万欧元。鼓掌。

The difficulty lies not in telling the story,but in convincing everyone else to believe it.Just try to imagine how difficult it would have been to create states,or churches,or legal systems if we could speak only about things that really exist,such as rivers,trees and lions.困难不在于阐述故事,而在于说服别人去相信它。就试想一下,如果我们在建立国家,教堂或法律系统时,我们只靠说那些确实存在的 东西如河流,树木和狮子的 时候,该有多困难!(必然是要提出设想,让人憧憬,人们才会接受的 啊 )

最搞笑的 是下面这段

On the one hand,the objective reality of rivers ,trees and lions;and on the other hand,the imagined reality of gods,nations and corporations. As time went by,the imagined reality became ever more powerful,so that today the very survival of rivers ,trees and lions depends on the grace of imagined entities such as the Unitied States and Google.一方面,客观存在的事实如河流数目和狮子,另一方面是上帝,国家和公司这些想象出来的现实。时光荏苒,想象的 现实变得越来越强大,所以,今天,确确实实存在的 河流等需要依赖, 想象中的实体如美利坚合众国和谷歌,才能优雅地出现。(美国怎么能和谷歌相提并论呢 ,在国外生活我离不开谷歌,但我可以永不踏入呢个国家,切)

