2021-06-12 One small step

Micro habits are those smaller steps in our lifestyle that can help us achieve the macro goals. Over the years of self-help, I have realized that adopting some healthy micro habits can help us form macro habits effortlessly. Besides, fulfilling those micro-habits instills in us an achievement feeling that elevates our mood and psychological well-being.

Suppose you are suffering from high cholesterol; you can’t lower it directly unless you adopt small changes like avoiding fried foods, eating small portions, walking a mile daily, etc. Also, losing some ounces of weight by refraining from oily foods would boost some self-esteem.

It’s also like playing the chess game; attack those insignificant pawns to make the king helpless.

Consciously incorporating some minor changes in my lifestyle helped me boosts my productivity, creativity, and mental ease. I experienced a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction through small wins that empowered me to target the bigger ones.

When I incorporated these micro habits in my life, I found that they are not at all cumbersome to implement. However, they require some awareness and attention.

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