POJ 2912 Rochambeau


并查集的思想与POJ1182 食物链相同

枚举所有Judge ID 情况:


  如果没有ID产生矛盾,输出Can not determine


1 #include < iostream >
2   using namespace std;
4 #define MAXN 501
5 #define MAXM 2001
6 int root[MAXN],relation[MAXN],x[MAXM],y[MAXM],sa[MAXN];
7 char cmp[MAXM];
8 int findroot( int x)
9 {
10 int t;
11 if (root[x] != x)
12 {
13 t = root[x];root[x] = findroot(root[x]);
14 relation[x] = (relation[x] + relation[t]) % 3 ;
15 }
16 return root[x];
17 }
19 bool IsTrue( int x, int y, int d)
20 {
21 int a, b;
22 a = findroot(x);
23 b = findroot(y);
24 if (a == b)
25 return ( 3 + relation[x] - relation[y]) % 3 == d ? true : false ;
26 else
27 root[b] = a,relation[b] = ( 6 - d + relation[x] - relation[y]) % 3 ;
28 return true ;
29 }
31 int main()
32 {
33 int i,N,M,judge,r,t,ansP,ansS;
34 while (scanf( " %d %d " , & N, & M) == 2 )
35 {
36 memset(sa, 0 , sizeof (sa));
37 for (i = 0 ;i < M;i ++ )scanf( " %d %c %d " , & x[i], & cmp[i], & y[i]);
38 for (judge = 0 ;judge < N;judge ++ )
39 {
40 for (i = 0 ;i < N;i ++ )root[i] = i,relation[i] = 0 ;
41 for (i = 0 ;i < M;i ++ )
42 {
43 if (x[i] == judge || y[i] == judge) continue ;
44 if (cmp[i] == ' = ' )r = 0 ;
45 else if (cmp[i] == ' > ' )r = 1 ;
46 else r = 2 ;
47 if ( ! IsTrue(x[i],y[i],r)){sa[judge] = i + 1 ; break ;}
48 }
49 }
50 for (ansS = i = t = 0 ;i < N;i ++ )
51 {
52 if (sa[i] == 0 )t ++ ,ansP = i;
53 if (sa[i] > ansS)ansS = sa[i];
54 }
55 if (t == 0 )printf( " Impossible\n " );
56 else if (t > 1 )printf( " Can not determine\n " );
57 else printf( " Player %d can be determined to be the judge after %d lines\n " ,ansP,ansS);
58 }
59 return 0 ;
60 }

