
module tech_startup

  def initialize
    @you = {
      :definition => 'developer',
      :motivation => 'build something meaningful of your own',
      :current_status => ['unemployed','working for an uninspired  boss','working on uninspiring projects'],
      :present_skills => 'can build groundbreaking web and mobile apps',
      :realizations => [
        'success requires a great idea',
        'not all ideas are created equal',
        'it takes a committed team to turn that into a successful business',
        'great ideas are rare, and must be taken advantage of',
        'you should not waste your time on mediorce ideas',
        'you need a team that can focus on the business, so you can focus on the technology',
        'with these, your dreams can come true'
    }#/ you

    @project = {
      :type => ['web app', 'mobile apps'],
      :description => 'groundbreaking nightlife apps for highly targeted audience with potential for explosive growth', 
      :status => {
        :web => 'in development',
        :mobile => 'to begin after funding or sooner with web wrapper if you advise so'
      :prospects => 'potential for mass appeal and high cash flows with good execution',
      :cost_to_users => 'free',
      :business_model => 'very clear multiple sources of revenue'
    }#/ project

    @company ={
      :employees = > {
      :present_number => 2,
      :background => 'strong in finance, strategy, and programming',
      :biography => 'worked at major banks and other startups',
      :motivation => ['build something that is ours','create disruptive tech,' 'make social impact'],
      :commitment => ['working full-time since January 2011','intent on succeeding as entrepreneurs'],
      :legal => 'retained top law firm',
      :contacts => ['top law firms','VCs','angels','entrepreneurs','CEOs','other important individuals']
      :needs => [
        'CTO type individual to guide present and future development', 
        'finish developement of working demo to pitch investors'
    }#/ company

    @position = {
      :requirements => {
      :description => 'programmer',
      :personality => ['problem solver','problem anticipator','passionate','committed','loves this idea','dreams big'],
      :expertise =>['ruby','rails','sinatra','grape','html5','css3','saas','coffeescript','mysql','posgres','mongodb', 'mongoid','mongo_mapper','rhodes','yaml','rest','rss','jquery','mootools','heroku','ios','android','load balancing','oauth2','devise','openid','ruby observers'],
      :compensation => {
      :equity => '3-5% based on experience',
      :bonus => '$15,000 upon funding'.
      :salary => {
      :present => 'none',
      :after_funding => 'minimum $100,000 per year'
      :benefits => ['ground floor opportunity','voice in shaping the company','main technology person','strong input in shaping the technology team as the company grows'],
      :time_frame => 'hire within 2 weeks'
    }#/ position

  def get_hired
    if @you == @position
      email @you.resume
      email @you.projects_completed
      email @you.other_relevant_information
      email @you.schedule_and_availability
  end #/ get_hired
end #/ tech_startup 
