同步0x03,FIFO CLK来自外部,Slave FIFO工作在同步模式之下,Slave FIFO Interface;
异步0xCB,FIFO CLK来自内部,IFCLK频率选为48MHz,Slave FIFO工作在异步模式之下,Slave FIFO Interface;
下面是IFCONFG寄存器中bit 3的注释:
Bit3 ASYNC: Slave FIFO Asynchronous Mode.
0 The Slave FIFOs operate synchronously. A clock is supplied either internally or externally on the IFCLK pin; the FIFO control signals function as read and write enable signals for the clock signal.
1 The Slave FIFOs operate asynchronously. No clock signal input to IFCLK is required; the FIFO control signals function directly as read and write strobes.
下面是IFCONFG寄存器中bit 7\6的解释:
Bit7 IFCLKSRC: FIFO/GPIF Clock Source.
This bit selects the clock source for both the FIFOS and GPIF.
0 The external clock on the IFCLK pin is selected.
1 An internal 30 or 48 MHz (default) clock is used (default).
Bit6 3048MHZ: Internal FIFO/GPIF Clock Frequency
This bit selects the internal FIFO and GPIF clock frequency.
0 30 MHz (default)