Selenium2Library系列 keywords 之 _SelectElementKeywords 之 list_selection_should_be(self, locator, *items)

 1     def list_selection_should_be(self, locator, *items):
 2         """Verifies the selection of select list identified by `locator` is exactly `*items`.
 4         If you want to test that no option is selected, simply give no `items`.
 6         Select list keywords work on both lists and combo boxes. Key attributes for
 7         select lists are `id` and `name`. See `introduction` for details about
 8         locating elements.
 9         """
10         items_str = items and "option(s) [ %s ]" % " | ".join(items) or "no options"
11         self._info("Verifying list '%s' has %s selected." % (locator, items_str))
12         items = list(items)
13         self.page_should_contain_list(locator)
14         select, options = self._get_select_list_options_selected(locator)
15         if not items and len(options) == 0:
16             return
17         selected_values = self._get_values_for_options(options)
18         selected_labels = self._get_labels_for_options(options)
19         err = "List '%s' should have had selection [ %s ] but it was [ %s ]" \
20             % (locator, ' | '.join(items), ' | '.join(selected_labels))
21         for item in items:
22             if item not in selected_values + selected_labels:
23                 raise AssertionError(err)
24         for selected_value, selected_label in zip(selected_values, selected_labels):
25             if selected_value not in items and selected_label not in items:
26                 raise AssertionError(err)

方法名:list_selection_should_be(self, locator, *items)


公共方法 验证指定labels或values的选项应该被选中


13行:使用page_should_contain_list(self, locator, message='', loglevel='INFO')方法,验证select list 存在于当前页面

14行:使用_get_select_list_options_selected(self, locator)方法返回Select 元素对象和选中options数组

17行:使用_get_values_for_options(self, options)方法返回选中options的values数组

18行:使用_get_labels_for_options(self, options)返回选中options的labels数组

20、21行: 遍历所传入的items,判断item是否为选中项

24、25行: 遍历当前选中项的value和label,如果不在传入items中存在则报错




FAIL : List 'id=creOutTime' should have had selection [ 0 | 1 ] but it was [ 无逾期 | 无记录(征信空白) | 贷款或贷记卡当前逾期金额>=300元 ]

