WPF里分三种Binding:Binding, PriorityBinding, MultiBinding,这三种Binding的基类都是BindingBase,而BindingBase又继承于MarkupExtension
提供对绑定定义的高级别访问,绑定将绑定目标对象(通常为 WPF 元素)的属性与任何数据源(例如数据库、XML 文件或包含数据的任何对象)连接起来。
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.Source = treeView; // Set source object
binding.Path = new PropertyPath("SelectedItem.Header"); // Set source property
SetBinding(TextBlock.TextProperty, binding); // Attach to target property currentFolder.
所有 FrameworkElement都包含SetBinding方法:SetBinding(DependencyProperty dp, String path), SetBinding(DependencyProperty dp, BindingBase binding),可以看出,FrameworkElement中的SetBinding只对DependencyProperty有效。
另一种设置Binding的方法是:BindingOperations.SetBinding(currentFolder, TextBlock.TextProperty, binding);
public static BindingExpressionBase SetBinding( DependencyObject target, DependencyProperty dp, BindingBase binding)
<TextBlock x:Name=”currentFolder”
Text=”{Binding ElementName=treeView, Path=SelectedItem.Header}”
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(currentFolder, TextBlock.TextProperty); //删除currentFolder上的TextBlock.TextProperty绑定 BindingOperations.ClearAllBindings(currentFolder); //删除currentFolder上的所有绑定
直接对dependency property赋值也可以解除binding, 不过只对单向binding有效。
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={StaticResource myDataSource}, Path=PersonName}"/>
<Window x:Class="Yingbao.Chapter2.RelativeEx.AppWin" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Title="相对绑定" Height="100" Width="300"> <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock FontSize="20" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}, Path=FontSize}"/> <TextBlock Margin="10,1,1,5" FontSize="20" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type StackPanel}}, Path=Orientation}"/> </StackPanel> </Window>
1:Binding中的Path是PropertyPath对象。在最简单的情况下,Path制定一个源的属性,如 Path=PropertyName。
2:通过类似于 C# 中使用的语法,可以指定子属性。例如,子句 Path=ShoppingCart.Order 将绑定设置为对象的子属性 Order。
3:若要绑定到附加属性,请将附加属性用括号括起。例如,若要绑定到附加属性 DockPanel.Dock,则语法为 Path=(DockPanel.Dock)。
4:在应用了索引器的属性名称之后的方括号内,可以指定属性的索引器。例如,子句 Path=ShoppingCart[0] 将绑定设置为与属性的内部索引处理文本字符串“0”的方式对应的索引。此外,还支持多个索引器。在 Path 子句中可以同时使用索引器和子属性,例如,Path=ShoppingCart.ShippingInfo[MailingAddress,Street]。在索引器内部,可以有多个由逗号 (,) 分隔的索引器参数。可以使用圆括号指定每个参数的类型。例如,可以使用 Path="[(sys:Int32)42,(sys:Int32)24]",其中 sys 映射到 System 命名空间。
5:如果源为集合视图,则可以用斜杠 (/) 指定当前项。例如,子句 Path=/ 设置到视图中当前项的绑定。如果源为集合,则此语法指定默认集合视图的当前项。
6:可以结合使用属性名和斜杠来遍历作为集合的属性。例如,Path=/Offices/ManagerName 指定源集合的当前项,该源集合包含同样是集合的 Offices 属性。其当前项是包含 ManagerName 属性的对象。
7:也可以使用句点 (.)路径绑定到当前源。例如,Text=”{Binding}” 等效于 Text=”{Binding Path=.}”。
Binding 类是高级别类。BindingExpression 类是基础对象,用于保持绑定源与绑定目标之间的连接。Binding 中包含可在多个 BindingExpression 对象之间共享的所有信息。也就是说,可以把一个Binding对象绑定对n个元素上,而针对这n个元素,分别有相应的n个BindingExpresion对象。
Binding 可以直接绑定普通的.net实例,比如int值。但是如果后台改变int值了,前台不能显示改变后的值,这时可以调用UpdateTarget()方法更 新绑定。如下:
BindingExpression be = button.GetBindingExpression(Button.ContentProperty);
event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SDKSample { // This class implements INotifyPropertyChanged // to support one-way and two-way bindings // (such that the UI element updates when the source // has been changed dynamically) public class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged { private string name; // Declare the event public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; public Person() { } public Person(string value) { this.name = value; } public string PersonName { get { return name; } set { name = value; // Call OnPropertyChanged whenever the property is updated OnPropertyChanged("PersonName"); } } // Create the OnPropertyChanged method to raise the event protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name) { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } } } } 或者显式实现INotifyPropertyChanged:
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members event PropertyChangedEventHandler INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged { add { this.PropertyChanged = (PropertyChangedEventHandler)Delegate.Combine(this.PropertyChanged, value); } remove { this.PropertyChanged = (PropertyChangedEventHandler)Delegate.Remove(this.PropertyChanged, value); } } #endregion
我猜想是Binding内部获取了这个接口并对PropertyChanged进行了赋值,因为在debug时,这个事件确实被赋值的,而赋值前的Stack是External Code调用的。
<StackPanel x:Name="parent" DataContext="{StaticResource photos}"> <Label x:Name="numItemsLabel" Content="{Binding Path=Count}" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"/> 等价C#中代码是:parent.DataContext = photos;
public class RawCountToDescriptionConverter : IValueConverter{
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { int num = int.Parse(value.ToString()); // Let Parse throw an exception if the input is bad return num + (num == 1 ? " item" : " items"); } public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
<Window.Resources> <local:CountToBackgroundConverter x:Key="myConverter"/> </Window.Resources>
<Label Background="{Binding Path=Count, Converter={StaticResource myConverter}, Source={StaticResource photos}}"/>
<Label Background="{Binding Path=Count, Converter={StaticResource myConverter}, ConverterParameter=Yellow, Source={StaticResource photos}}"/>
可 用使用[ValueConversion(typeof(DateTime), typeof(String))]来标识Converter要转化和返回的值类型,第一个参数是soure,第二个参数是target。这样在编译时,如 果类型不匹配的话,编译器会抛出异常:error CS0592: Attribute 'ValueConversion' is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on 'class' declarations.
大部分WPF自带的控件的dependency property默认的是OneWay,像TextBox.Text默认的是TwoWay。
注意:再次提醒,源要实现INotifyPropertyChanged 接口才能传到目标。
Binding实例: http冒号//www点wpf123点com/news/?8849.html
1 <Window x:Class="Binding2.MainWindow" 2 xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" 3 xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" 4 Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"> 5 6 <Window.Resources> 7 <DataTemplate x:Key="nameDT"> 8 <TextBlock x:Name="textBoxName" Text="{Binding Name}"/> 9 </DataTemplate> 10 11 <DataTemplate x:Key="skillDT"> 12 <TextBlock x:Name="textBoxSkill" Text="{Binding Skill}"/> 13 </DataTemplate> 14 15 <DataTemplate x:Key="hmDT"> 16 <CheckBox x:Name="checkBoxJob" IsChecked="{Binding HasM}"/> 17 </DataTemplate> 18 19 </Window.Resources> 20 <Grid Margin="5"> 21 <Grid.RowDefinitions> 22 <RowDefinition Height="3*"/> 23 <RowDefinition Height="1*"/> 24 </Grid.RowDefinitions> 25 <ListView x:Name="listViewHeros" Grid.Row="0"> 26 <ListView.View> 27 <GridView> 28 <GridViewColumn Header="ID" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Id}"/> 29 <GridViewColumn Header="姓名" CellTemplate="{StaticResource nameDT}"/> 30 <GridViewColumn Header="能力" CellTemplate="{StaticResource skillDT}"/> 31 <GridViewColumn Header="已婚" CellTemplate="{StaticResource hmDT}"/> 32 33 </GridView> 34 </ListView.View> 35 </ListView> 36 <Button Grid.Row="1" Content="给关老爷正名!" Click="Button_Click"/> 37 </Grid> 38 </Window>
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Windows; 6 using System.Windows.Controls; 7 using System.Windows.Data; 8 using System.Windows.Documents; 9 using System.Windows.Input; 10 using System.Windows.Media; 11 using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; 12 using System.Windows.Navigation; 13 using System.Windows.Shapes; 14 using System.ComponentModel; 15 16 namespace Binding2 17 { 18 /// <summary> 19 /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml 20 /// </summary> 21 public partial class MainWindow : Window 22 { 23 24 public class Hero : INotifyPropertyChanged 25 { 26 public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 27 28 private string skill; 29 private string name; 30 31 public int Id { get; set; } 32 public string Name 33 { 34 get { return name; } 35 set 36 { 37 name = value; 38 if (PropertyChanged != null) 39 { 40 PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Name")); 41 } 42 } 43 } 44 public bool HasM { get; set; } 45 public string Skill 46 { 47 get { return skill; } 48 set 49 { 50 skill = value; 51 if (PropertyChanged != null) 52 { 53 PropertyChanged.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Skill")); 54 } 55 } 56 } 57 58 59 public Hero(int id, string name, string skill, bool hasM) 60 { 61 this.Id = id; 62 this.Name = name; 63 this.Skill = skill; 64 this.HasM = hasM; 65 } 66 } 67 68 Dictionary<string, Hero> map = new Dictionary<string, Hero>(); 69 70 private void InitDictionary() 71 { 72 Hero hero1 = new Hero(1, "刘备", "哭泣", true); 73 map.Add(hero1.Name, hero1); 74 Hero hero2 = new Hero(2, "官羽", "贪污", false); 75 map.Add(hero2.Name, hero2); 76 Hero hero3 = new Hero(3, "黄忠", "射击", true); 77 map.Add(hero3.Name, hero3); 78 Hero hero4 = new Hero(4, "魏延", "突击", true); 79 map.Add(hero4.Name, hero4); 80 Hero hero5 = new Hero(5, "马超", "单挑", false); 81 map.Add(hero5.Name, hero5); 82 Hero hero6 = new Hero(6, "曹仁", "防守", true); 83 map.Add(hero6.Name, hero6); 84 } 85 public MainWindow() 86 { 87 InitializeComponent(); 88 InitDictionary(); 89 90 Binding binding = new Binding(); 91 binding.Source = map; 92 binding.Path = new PropertyPath("Values"); 93 listViewHeros.SetBinding(ListView.ItemsSourceProperty, binding); 94 95 //listViewHeros.ItemsSource = map.Values; //可以使用这行来代替上面的binding 90~93 96 } 97 98 private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 99 { 100 map["官羽"].Name = "关羽"; 101 map["官羽"].Skill = "单挑"; 102 } 103 104 105 } 106 }