(iphone)Objective c hessian

//  HessianInputStream.h
//  AutoBlog
//  Created by yang yi on 4/22/08.
//  Copyright 2008 unic. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface HessianInputStream : NSObject {
  NSData *bytedody;
  int currentindex;
//@property (nonatomic, retain) NSInputStream *inputByteStream;
-(id) initwithbyte:(NSData *)content;
-(int) readInt;
-(NSString *)readString;
-(NSData *)readBytes;
//-(void) readBytes:(NSData *)bytebody;
-(unsigned long long) readLong;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSData *bytedody;


//  HessianInputStream.m
//  AutoBlog
//  Created by yang yi on 4/22/08.
//  Copyright 2008 unic. All rights reserved.

#import "HessianInputStream.h"

@implementation HessianInputStream
@synthesize bytedody;
-(id) initwithbyte:(NSData *)content
 [super init];
 //bytedody=[[NSData alloc] initWithData:content];
 return self;

-(void) dealloc
 //[bytedody release];
 [super dealloc];
 //[inputsteam release];

-(int) readInt
 char *co=(char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
  int b32=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b24=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b16=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b8=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int result = (b32<<24)+(b24<<16)+(b16<<8)+b8;
 // int len=[bytedody length];
  return result;
 return 0;
-(NSString *)readString
 char *co=(char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
  return NULL;
  int b16=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b8=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int len=(b16<<8)+b8;
  NSString * stringcontent=NULL;
  for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
   int ch=*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
   if (ch < 0x80)
    //char * ic=(char *) &ch;
     //NSString * stringtemp=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", ch];
     stringcontent=[stringcontent stringByAppendingFormat:@"%C",ch];
     //[stringtemp release];
     stringcontent= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", ch];
   else if ((ch & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {
    int ch1 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
    int v = ((ch & 0x1f) << 6) + (ch1 & 0x3f);

     //NSString * stringtemp=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", v];
     stringcontent=[stringcontent stringByAppendingFormat:@"%C",v];
     //[stringtemp release];
     stringcontent= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", v];
   }else if ((ch & 0xf0) == 0xe0) {
    int ch1 =*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
    int ch2 =*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
    int v = ((ch & 0x0f) << 12) + ((ch1 & 0x3f) << 6) + (ch2 & 0x3f);
     //NSString * stringtemp=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", v];
     stringcontent=[stringcontent stringByAppendingFormat:@"%C",v];
     //[stringtemp release];
     stringcontent= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", v];
  //NSError *error;
  //[stringcontent writeToFile:@"/Users/yangyi/c.txt" atomically:TRUE encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
  //[error release];

  //FILE *newStderr = freopen("/Users/yangyi/c.txt", "a", stderr);
  //NSLog(@"read string %@", stringcontent);
  return stringcontent;
 return NULL;

/*-(void) readBytes:(NSData *)bytebody
 unsigned char *co=(unsigned char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
  int b16=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b8=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int len=(b16<<8)+b8;
  //int startbegin=currentindex;
  unsigned char * content=malloc(len);
  for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
  bytebody=[[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:content length:len];
  //delete content;


-(NSData *)readBytes
 char *co=(char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
  return NULL;
  int b16=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int b8=*(co+currentindex)& 0xFF;
  int len=(b16<<8)+b8;
  int startbegin=currentindex;
  NSRange arange={startbegin,len};
  NSData * bytecontent=[bytedody subdataWithRange:arange];
  return bytecontent;
 return NULL;

-(unsigned long long) readLong
 char *co=(char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
 unsigned long long value;
  unsigned long long b64 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b56 =*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b48 =*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b40 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b32 =*(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b24 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b16 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  unsigned long long b8 = *(co+currentindex) & 0xFF;
  value = (b64 << 56) +(b56 << 48) +(b48 << 40) +(b40 << 32) +(b32 << 24) +(b24 << 16) +(b16 << 8) +b8;
 return value;

 char *co=(char *)[bytedody bytes];
 char tag=*(co+currentindex);
 switch (tag) {
  case 'T':
   return YES;
  case 'F':
   return NO;
    return YES;



//  HessianOutPutStream.h
//  AutoBlog
//  Created by yang yi on 4/24/08.
//  Copyright 2008 unic. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface HessianOutPutStream : NSObject {
 NSMutableData * bytebody;
@property (copy,readwrite) NSMutableData * bytebody;
-(void) writeInt:(int)aint;
-(void)writeString:(NSString *) aString;
-(void)writeBytes:(NSData *)adata;



//  HessianOutPutStream.m
//  AutoBlog
//  Created by yang yi on 4/24/08.
//  Copyright 2008 unic. All rights reserved.

#import "HessianOutPutStream.h"

@implementation HessianOutPutStream
@synthesize bytebody;
 [bytebody release];
 [super dealloc];
-(void) writeInt:(int)aint
 char tag='I';
  [bytebody appendBytes:&tag length:1];
  bytebody=[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&tag length:1];
 //NSString * stringcontent=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c", 'I'];
 unsigned char b32 = aint >> 24;
 unsigned char b24 = (aint >> 16) & 0x000000FF;
 unsigned char b16 = (aint >> 8) & 0x000000FF;
 unsigned char b8 = aint & 0x000000FF;
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b32 length:1];
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b24 length:1];
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b16 length:1];
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b8 length:1];
-(void)writeString:(NSString *) aString
 char tag='S';
  [bytebody appendBytes:&tag length:1];
  bytebody=[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&tag length:1];

  const char * atempstring=[aString UTF8String];
  unsigned short slen = [aString length];
  unsigned char b16 = slen >> 8;
  unsigned char b8 = slen & 0x00FF;
  [bytebody appendBytes:&b16 length:1];
  [bytebody appendBytes:&b8 length:1];
  [bytebody appendBytes:atempstring length:slen];

-(void)writeBytes:(NSData *)adata
 char tag='B';
  [bytebody appendBytes:&tag length:1];
  bytebody=[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&tag length:1];
 char * buffer=(char *)[adata bytes];
 //unsigned int slen = strlen(buffer);
 unsigned short int slen =[adata length];
 unsigned char b16 = slen >> 8;
 unsigned char b8 = slen & 0x00FF;
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b16 length:1];
 [bytebody appendBytes:&b8 length:1];
 [bytebody appendBytes:buffer length:slen];


THANKS [email protected]
A more complete implementation for iPhone and Mac OS X that he have implemented.

Source code, downloads, etc at:

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