
                                                   who Is Jane Goodall?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Did you know that a girl whose dream was to live among chimpanzees? Yes,I did .Jane Goodall was born in london ,England.                                                                                                                                              By the time ,when she was a child ,she was curious about the animals .In many girl`s childhood there always had a doll to spend time with . So did Jane .But her doll was a big chimp and she named it Jubilee.She also had a lot of friengs to play with .But what was most special for her was being out in nature .One time ,she dug up some earrthworms .She took them back home and put them under the pillow .Her mother found it and told her that the worms needed to be in their own homes.Jane was unhappy ,but returned the worms to the yard  .When she was 5 years old ,she was until loved animals .When she was curious to see how chicken laid eggs, she even stayed in the cotton for 5 hours .What perseverance this girl had! In these five hours her parents were very worried about her safety .They even called the police to report the girl was missing .                                                                                                                                                When she come back .Her mother didn`t scold her .Because she knew that Jane wan`t a naughty.She was just walking in her own way.
