旋转目标检测:mmrotate仓库中 “主要模型” 及其 “配置文件” 的列表



  • mmrotate 仓库中的主要模型和配置
    • Background and Motivation 背景与动机
    • Methods Overview 方法概述
      • 1. CFA
        • CFA: Convex-hull Feature Adaptation for Oriented and Densely Packed Object Detection
        • CFA:用于定向和密集对象检测的凸包特征适应
      • 2. ConvNeXt
        • ConvNeXt: A ConvNet for the 2020s
        • ConvNeXt:面向2020年代的卷积神经网络
      • 3. Circular Smooth Label (CSL)
        • Circular Smooth Label: Solving Boundary Discontinuity in Oriented Object Detection
        • 圆形平滑标签:解决定向目标检测中的边界不连续性问题
      • 4. G-Reppoints
        • G-Rep: Gaussian Representation for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection
        • G-Rep:用于任意方向目标检测的高斯表示
      • 5. Gliding Vertex
        • Gliding Vertex: Gliding Vertex on the Horizontal Bounding Box for Multi-Oriented Object Detection
        • Gliding Vertex:在水平边界框上滑动顶点用于多方向目标检测
      • 6. GWD
        • GWD: Rethinking Rotated Object Detection with Gaussian Wasserstein Distance Loss
        • GWD:用高斯沃瑟斯坦距离损失重新思考旋转目标检测
      • 7. K-FIoU
        • KFIoU: The KFIoU Loss for Rotated Object Detection
        • KFIoU:用于旋转目标检测的KFIoU损失
      • 8. KLD
        • KLD: Learning High-Precision Bounding Box for Rotated Object Detection via Kullback-Leibler Divergence
        • KLD:通过Kullback-Leibler散度学习高精度旋转目标检测边界框
      • 9. Oriented R-CNN
        • Oriented R-CNN: Oriented R-CNN for Object Detection
        • Oriented R-CNN:用于目标检测的定向R-CNN
      • 10. Oriented Reppoints
        • Oriented Reppoints: Oriented Reppoints for Aerial Object Detection
        • Oriented Reppoints:用于航空目标检测的定向Reppoints
      • 11. R3Det
        • R3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object
        • R3Det:具有特征优化的精细单阶段旋转目标检测器
      • 12. ReDet (Rotation-equivariant Network)
        • ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection
        • ReDet:用于航空目标检测的旋转等变检测器
      • 13. RoI Transformer
        • RoI Transformer: Learning RoI Transformer for Oriented Object Detection in Aerial Images
        • RoI Transformer:在航空图像中用于定向目标检测的RoI Transformer
      • 14. Rotated ATSS
        • Rotated ATSS: Bridging the Gap Between Anchor-based and Anchor-free Detection via Adaptive Training Sample Selection
        • Rotated ATSS:通过自适应训练样本选择弥合基于锚点和无锚点检测之间的差距
      • 15. Rotated Faster R-CNN
        • Rotated Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks
        • Rotated Faster R-CNN:用于实时目标检测的旋转区域提议网络
      • 16. Rotated FCOS
        • Rotated FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection
        • Rotated FCOS:全卷积单阶段目标检测
      • 17. Rotated Reppoints
        • Rotated Reppoints: RepPoints for Arbitrary-Oriented Object Detection
        • Rotated Reppoints:用于任意方向目标检测的Reppoints
      • 18. Rotated RetinaNet
        • Rotated RetinaNet: Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection
        • Rotated RetinaNet:用于密集目标检测的焦点损失
      • 19. S2A-Net (Single-stage Anchor-free Network)
        • S2A-Net: Align Deep Features for Oriented Object Detection
        • S2A-Net:对齐深度特征用于定向目标检测
      • 20. SASM Reppoints
        • SASM: Shape-Adaptive Selection and Measurement for Oriented Object Detection
        • SASM:用于定向目标检测的形状自适应选择和测量
  • 官方对比

mmrotate 仓库中的主要模型和配置

Background and Motivation 背景与动机


Methods Overview 方法概述


1. CFA

  • 目录cfa
  • 描述:待补充详细描述。
