Sudoku Solver

Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.

Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'.

You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.

A sudoku puzzle...

...and its solution numbers marked in red.

class Solution {
     bool search(vector<vector< char>>& board, int i, int j)
        unordered_set< int> hash;
         for( int k= 0;k< 9;k++)
             if(board[i][k]!= ' . ')
                hash.insert(board[i][k]- ' 0 '); 
         for( int k= 0;k< 9;k++)
             if(board[k][j]!= ' . ')
                hash.insert(board[k][j]- ' 0 ');
         for( int x=i/ 3* 3;x<i/ 3* 3+ 3;x++)
             for( int y=j/ 3* 3;y<j/ 3* 3+ 3;y++)
                 if(board[x][y]!= ' . ')
                    hash.insert(board[x][y]- ' 0 ');        
         if(hash.size()== 9return  false;
         int newi=- 1;
         int newj=- 1;    
         for(newi= 0;newi< 9;newi++)
             for(newj= 0;newj< 9;newj++)
                 if((newi!=i || newj!=j) && board[newi][newj]== ' . ')                                                                               
                     for( char k= ' 1 ';k<= ' 9 ';k++)
                         if(hash.find(k- ' 0 ')==hash.end())
                             if(search(board,newi,newj))  return  true;
                    board[i][j]= ' . ';
                     return  false;
         for( char k= ' 1 ';k<= ' 9 ';k++)
             if(hash.find(k- ' 0 ')==hash.end())
         return  true;
     void solveSudoku(vector<vector< char> > &board) 
         int x= 0;
         int y= 0;
         for( int i= 0;i< 9;i++)
             int j;
             for(j= 0;j< 9;j++)
                 if(board[i][j]== ' . ')
                 if(j!= 9break;
