在Windows资源管理器里选择一个存放工作副本的目录。右键点击弹出右键菜单,选择TortoiseSVN → 检出…命令。然后就会看到下面的对话框:
图 5.7. 检出对话框
If you check out a sparse working copy (i.e., by choosing something other than fully recursive
for the checkout depth), you can fetch additional sub-folders by using the repository browser (“版本库浏览器”一节) or the check for modifications dialog (“本地与远程状态”一节).
In the repository browser, Right click on the checked out folder, then use TortoiseSVN → Repo-Browser to bring up the repository browser. Find the sub-folder you would like to add to your working copy, then use Context menu → Update item to revision... That menu will only be visible if the selected item does not exist yet in your working copy, but the parent item does exist.
In the check for modifications dialog, first click on the button Check repository. The dialog will show all the files and folders which are in the repository but which you have not checked out as remotely added
. Right click on the folder(s) you would like to add to your working copy, then use Context menu → Update.
If Omit externals is checked, or if you wish to increase the depth value, you will have to perform updates to your working copy using TortoiseSVN → Update to Revision... instead of TortoiseSVN → Update. The standard update will include all externals and keep the existing depth.
强烈建议你只检出 trunk
或更低层的目录树。如果你在 URL 中指定了根路径,你的硬盘有可能被塞满,因为你将会得到整个版本库树的副本,包括项目所有的分支和标签(tag)!