Procedure Relocate(s : state; b : base_index) { Move base for state s to a new place beginning at b } begin foreach input character c for the state s { i.e. foreach c such that check[base[s] + c]] = s } begin check[b + c] := s; { mark owner } base[b + c] := base[base[s] + c]; { copy data } { the node base[s] + c is to be moved to b + c; Hence, for any i for which check[i] = base[s] + c, update check[i] to b + c } foreach input character d for the node base[s] + c begin check[base[base[s] + c] + d] := b + c end; check[base[s] + c] := none { free the cell } end; base[s] := b end
Definition 2. For a transition from state s to t which takes character c as the input, the condition maintained in the double-array trie is: check[base[s] + c] = s base[s] + c = t
根据定义2,base[s] + c = t;
而 s, base[s], t, base[t], base[b+c] ,u,b 均为 数组下标,c,d为字符序列码,即偏移量。
base[s] = k
base[s] + c = t; b + c = t', base[b+c] = base[t']; 因此:
check[b + c] := s; { mark owner }
base[b + c] := base[base[s] + c]; { copy data }
可以理解为: check[t'] = s = check[t]; base[t'] = base[t]; 即将 t(base[s] + c) 结点的base,check 值复制到 t'结点中。
check[i] = base[s] + c 即 check[i] = t;
u = base[t] + d = base[base[s] + c] + d ; check[u] = check[base[base[s]+c] + d];
check[u] = t 即是:
check[base[base[s]+c] + d] = base[s] + c = t
check[base[base[s]+c] + d] = b+c = t'
check[base[s] + c] := none 即是 check[t] := none
base[s] = b;