SharePOint 2010 配置发送邮件 out mail

Sharepoint 2010 – Outgoing mail configuration

Outgoing e-mail is the foundation on which site administrators can implement several useful e-mail notification features. These features help end users track changes and updates to individual site collections and enable site administrators to deliver status messages. After you configure outgoing e-mail, users can create alerts to track items in a site. If you want to configure outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application, you must first configure the default outgoing e-mail for all Web applications in the farm. If you configure the outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application, that configuration will override the default configuration for all Web applications in the farm. Before you can enable outgoing e-mail, you must determine which SMTP server to use. This SMTP server must be configured to allow anonymous SMTP e-mail submissions. The SMTP server can be a server in the farm or outside the farm.

To install the SMTP service

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
  2. In Server Manager, click Features.
  3. In Features Summary, click Add Features to open the Add Features Wizard.
  4. On the Select Features page, select SMTP Server.
  5. In the Add Features Wizard dialog box, click Add Required Features, and then click Next.
  6. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
  7. On the Installation Results page, ensure that the installation is complete, and then click Close.

 SMTP service on Windows Server 2008, you must use Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager… Make sure that you install IIS 6.0 Management tools in Server Manager

To configure the SMTP service

  1. Click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager.
  2. In IIS Manager, expand the server name that contains the SMTP server that you want to configure.
  3. Right-click the SMTP virtual server that you want to configure, and then click Start.
  4. Right-click the SMTP virtual server that you want to configure, and then click Properties.
  5. On the Access tab, in the Access control area, click Authentication.
  6. In the Authentication dialog box, verify that Anonymous access is selected.
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the Access tab, in the Relay restrictions area, click Relay.
  9. To enable relayed e-mail messages from any server, click All except the list below.
  10. To accept relayed e-mail messages from one or more specific servers, follow these steps:
    1. Click Only the list below.
    2. Click Add, and then add servers one at a time by IP address, or in groups by using a subnet or domain.
    3. Click OK to close the Computer dialog box.
    4. Click OK to close the Relay Restrictions dialog box.
  11. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box

and make sure that on the service…Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)…set to automatic.

To configure outgoing e-mail for a farm by using Central Administration

  1. In Central Administration, click System Settings.
  2. On the System Settings page, in the E-Mail and Text Messages (SMS) section, click Configure outgoing e-mail settings.
  3. On the Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
  4. In the From address box, type the e-mail address as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
  5. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
  6. In the Character set list, select the character set that is appropriate for your language.
  7. Click OK.

To configure outgoing e-mail for a specific Web application by using Central Administration

  1. In Central Administration, in the Application Management section, click Manage web applications.
  2. On the Web Applications Management page, select a Web application, and then in the General Settings group on the Ribbon, click Outgoing E-mail.
  3. On the Web Application Outgoing E-Mail Settings page, in the Mail Settings section, type the SMTP server name for outgoing e-mail (for example, in the Outbound SMTP server box.
  4. In the From address box, type the e-mail address (for example, the site administrator alias) as you want it to be displayed to e-mail recipients.
  5. In the Reply-to address box, type the e-mail address (for example, a help desk alias) to which you want e-mail recipients to reply.
  6. In the Character set list, click the character set that is appropriate for your language.
  7. Click OK.

Once you finish all these…please note that Sharepoint 2010 has a tight integration towards Exchange Server.. If you have an in-house server for mail, on the edge server, you should create a Send connector for the SPS server as an SMTP.

Thats all…




