

How can one determine whether a singly linked list has a cycle?

第一种方法是从单链表head开始,每遍历一个,就把那个node放在hashset里,走到下一个的时候,把该node放在hashset里查找,如果有相同的,就表示有环,如果走到单链表最后一个node,在hashset里都没有重复的node,就表示没有环。 这种方法需要O(n)的空间和时间。


第二种方法是设置两个指针指向单链表的head, 然后开始遍历,第一个指针走一步,第二个指针走两步,如果没有环,它们会直接走到底,如果有环,这两个指针一定会相遇。



 1 /* (Step 1) Find the meeting point. This algorithm moves two pointers at  

 2 * different speeds: one moves forward by 1 node, the other by 2. They  

 3 * must meet (why? Think about two cars driving on a track—the faster car  

 4 * will always pass the slower one!). If the loop starts k nodes after the  

 5 * start of the list, they will meet at k nodes from the start of the  

 6 * loop. */  

 7 n1 = n2 = head;   

 8 while (TRUE) {   

 9     n1 = n1->next;   

10     n2 = n2->next->next;   

11     if (n1 == n2) {   

12         break;   

13     }   

14 }   

15 // Find the start of the loop.   

16 n1 = head;   

17 while (n1->next != n2->next) {   

18     n1 = n1->next;   

19     n2 = n2->next;   

20 }   

21 Now n2 points to the start of the loop.  

