
七月 30, 2007 08:35 by Alpha


  1. Extension model :让用户可以自己写扩展,Mads Kristensen给了篇文章how to write extensions for BlogEngine.NET 1.2
  2. Send attachments from contact page (can be turned off/on):通过Contace页面来发送附件,这个功能好使么?现在反正是contact没有办法用,官方的博客上面也无法发送消息的。
  3. When adding a comment, a visitor can now be notified of future comments by mail:Email接受评论提醒
  4. The archive adjusts depending on comments and ratings are enabled:根据评论数量和投票来调整存档博客,首创?好像还没有哪个博客是这样。
  5. Show only the post excerpt on the front page and other post lists (categories, search, tags etc.):只显示摘要
  6. Intelligent error 404 page as described on A List Apart,调整404页面
  7. Enforce, remove or ignore the www sub domain from settings
  8. Theme previews
  9. Timed auto saving of posts when in the editor (every 5 seconds):自动保存功能
  10. A slug is added to posts so the URL doesn’t change when the title does:改变标题的时候不改变URL地址
  11. Added support for SSL on e-mail settings:Email设置支持SSL,这样是不是就可以用Gmail了呢?现在该功能不好使,就是普通的25端口也连接不了。
  12. A lot of bugs have been fixed and other small updates applied:修复了一大堆Bug,不知道有没有Email和Contact。




In the PostView.ascx control in your custom theme folder, you should replace

<%=Post.Content %>


<%=Body %>
