You can do it step by step as follow.
Step 1, Detect if the encoding of the project is UTF-8. If not, change its encoding to UTF-8.
Step 2, Add configuration in struts' config file[src/struts.xml].
<constant name="struts.custom.i18n.resources" value="messageResource" />
<constant name="struts.i18n.encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
<constant name="struts.locale" value="en_US"> </constant>
Step 3, Add propertites files to src. the file name's format is Take chinese and english for example:,
The content's format in property file is key/value, and one pair per line:
HelloWord={0},Hello World
Step 4, Replace labels you want to change in jsp page with the struts tag as follow methods.
1, <s:property value="%{getText('Login.Login')}"/>
2, <s:text name="Login.Language"/>
3, <s:text name="HelloWord">
Step 4, Replace strings you want to change in action as follow methods.
1, getText("Login.Language")
2, getText("HelloWord", {"Mike"})
At this time, The page's language will be same as your browser's language. And if you want to change the language manually, you should do the next step.
Step 5, Add a action to change the current Locale.
request.getSession().setAttribute("WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE", currentlocale);
Wish it can help you.