Treat Spider Veins With Sclerotherapy



Talk to your doctor about the advantages and disadvantages of sclerotherapy before you agree to the procedure. With sclerotherapy, there are no guarantees for success (about 10 percent of people see no results at all, even after repeated treatment). While less expensive than other types of treatment, it may also require more postoperative care, including the wearing of special compression garments.

Use sclerotherapy to treat spider veins if you don't mind waiting for the results to appear. It may take several months for the legs to return to their normal appearance (without bruises and swelling) and for scars to heal. If you are a slow healer, you should give your body an even longer time to recover.

Treat spider veins with sclerotherapy if you can handle needles. The procedure involves the injection of solution directly into the vein to be treated, separated every one inch. While not necessarily painful, the procedure can cause burning and discomfort, and may need to be repeated several times, depending on the seriousness of your case.

Prepare for the procedure by avoiding physical activity for at least 24 hours, eliminating alcohol and eating light meals. Stay away from the sun and chemicals, such as lotions or tanning sprays. Your doctor may also suggest avoiding certain drugs that can interfere with the healing and affect circulation, like aspirin.

Expect swelling, discoloration of the skin, bruising and itching. In some cases, sclerotherapy may lead to the formation of new veins, which will also need to be treated. Brown spots around the injection sites may also appear.

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