
Can Computers Think? The History and Status of the Debate - Map 1 of 7


Issue Area: Are computers inherently dissabled?

问题域: 计算机是否天生残疾

The link to the part of the map this discussion is about: http://www.macrovu.com/CCTWeb/CCT1/CCTMap1Disabled.html

(Pretty much Turing's speaking to himself, maybe because of the difficulty of specifying the issue so that it can be discussed in a scientifical way and most of the possibilities having already been covered by Turing's anticipations, or a yet insufficent progress in this respect -- translator)

87. Anticipated by Alan Turing, 1950 The argument from disabilities.Machines can never do X, where X is any of a variety of abilities that are regarded as distincly human, for example, being friendly, having a sense of humor, making mistakes, enjoying strawberries and cream, or thinking about oneself. (These are all I like to do, I'm a human fortunately -- translator)
Note: A great deal of the debate represented on these maps are forms of disability arguments -- arguments that machines can't be creative, can't use analogies, can't be conscious, and so forth -- and so could also be thought of as supports for this claim.

由阿兰·图灵1950年设想 残障观点。机器永远无法做X,其中X是任何被看作人类独有的能力。例如,表现得友善,有幽默感,犯错误,喜欢草莓和奶油,和想自己的事。

注: 这些图中大量的论争从某种程度上说都是某种形式的残障观点——例如关于机器不能有创造力,不能类比,不能有意识的观点等等——这些也能被看作是对这一观点的支持。

88. (Disputing 87) Alan Turing, 1950 Disability arguments derive from our limited experience with machines.Because the machines we've seen are clunky, ugly, mechanical, and so forth, we assume that a machine could never fall in love or enjoy strawberries and cream. But these are just bad inductions from a limited base of experience.

(反驳87)阿兰·图灵,1950 残障观点来源于我们对机器的有限的经验。因为我们所见到的机器笨重、丑陋、机械等等,我们一般假设机器永远不会恋爱或吃草莓和奶油。然而这些只是从有限的经验中得出的结论。

89. (Supporting 87) Anticipated by Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can't enjoy strawberries and cream.Computers will never possess the human ability to enjoy strawberries and cream.

(支持87)由阿兰·图灵1950年设想 计算机吃不了草莓冰淇淋。计算机永远无法获得人类享受草莓和奶油的能力。

90. (Disputing 89) Alan Turing, 1960 Computers may be made to enjoy strawberries and cream.Computers might be made that will enjoy strawberries and cream, but the only importance of this would be illuminate other issues, such as the possibility of friendship of man and machine.

(反驳89)阿兰·图灵,1960 计算机可能能被设计成能感受草莓和奶油。计算机能被做成能感受草莓和奶油的样子,不过这个的重要性是在于能启发其他问题,诸如人和机器的友谊的可能性。

91. (Supporting 87) Anticipated by Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can't make mistakes. (It may sound weird to say being unable to make mistakes is a type of disability -- translator) Computers differ from humans in that humans can make mistakes, whereas computers can't. They are easily unmasked in the Turing test, because human would frequenly make mistakes in complex arithmetic whereas computers never do.
Note: For more on the Turing test, see Map 2.

(支持87) 阿兰·图灵1950年设想 计算机不能犯错。计算机不同于人类之处在于人类会犯错,而计算机不会。这一点能在图灵测试中轻易被发现,因为人类会时常在复杂数学计算中犯错,而计算机从来不会。

92. (Disputing 91) Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can make certain kinds of mistakes.Those who think computers can't make mistakes confuse errors of functioning (errors that result from the physical construction of the machine) with errors of conclusion (errors that result from the machine's reasoning process). It is true that machines can't commit errors of functioning if they are properly constructed (they are intended and designed to be correct; so with regards to this issue they have again to be intended and designed to be able to 'correctly' make certain mistakes -- translator). But machines can commit errors of conclusion, for example, by making faulty inferences based on a lack of adequate information. (Is making mistakes of such kind sufficient for computers to be thought of as being able to make mistakes as humans do)

(反驳91)阿兰·图灵,1950 计算机能够犯某些错误。那些认为计算机不能犯错的人把功能性错误(机器物理构造问题引致的错误)和结论性错误(机器的思维过程的错误)混淆了。机器如果合理地构造了,就不会犯功能性错误。但计算机能犯结论性错误,例如,通过基于不恰当的信息而得出错误推论。

93. (Supporting 87) Anticipated by Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can't think about themselves.Computers cannot be the object of their own thoughts.

(支持87)阿兰·图灵1950年设想 计算机不能想它们自己的事。计算机不能成为它们自己的思考的对象。

94. (Disputing 93) Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can be the subject of their own thoughts.When a computer solves equations, the equations can be said to be the object of its thought. Similarly, when a computer is used to predict its own behavior or to modify its own program, we can say that it is the object of its own thoughts.

(反驳93)阿兰·图灵,1950 计算机能成为它们自己的思考的主题。当一个计算机解方程时,方程式是它思考的对象。类似地,当一个计算机用于预测它自己的行为或更改它自己的执行程序时,我们能说它正成为他自己的思考的对象。

95. (Supporting 87) Anticipated by Alan Turing, 1950 Computers can't exhibit much diversity of behavior.Humans can display much more diversity of behavior than machines ever will.

(支持87)由阿兰·图灵于1950年设想 计算机不能充分展示行为的多样性。人类能比机器更好地表现行为多样性。

96. (Disputing 95)  Alan Turing, 1950 Diversity of behavior depends only on storage capacity.Great diversity of behavior is possible for machines if they have large enough storage capacities. The objection is based on the misconception that it is not possible for a machine to have much storage capacity. (maybe, but the relationships between motives or presentations of behaviour, and the evolution of behavior may still not easily be implemented even with large storage capacity at hand)

(反驳95)阿兰·图灵,1950 行为多样性只依赖于存储容量。对于拥有足够大容量存储的机器,行为多样性是可能的。这个反驳建立在以为机器无法拥有大存储的误解上。
