
using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Web;
using  System.Web.UI;
using  System.Web.UI.WebControls;

[assembly: WebResource(
" WebUIControl.Js.NumberTextBox.js " " application/x-javascript " )]
namespace  WebUIControl
" Text " )]
" <{0}:NumberTextBox runat=server></{0}:NumberTextBox> " )]
public   class  NumberTextBox : CompositeControl
private  TextBox _textBox;
private  HiddenField _hiddenField;

true )]
" Appearance " )]
true )]
true )]
public   bool  IsUseSeparator
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " IsUseSeparator " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return  ( bool )obj;
return   true ;
this .ViewState[ " IsUseSeparator " =  value;

true )]
" Appearance " )]
null )]
true )]
public   decimal ?  MinValue
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " MinValue " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return  ( decimal ? )obj;
return   null ;
this .ViewState[ " MinValue " =  value;

true )]
" Appearance " )]
null )]
true )]
public   decimal ?  MaxValue
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " MaxValue " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return  ( decimal ? )obj;
return   null ;
this .ViewState[ " MaxValue " =  value;

false )]
false )]
public   decimal ?  EditValue
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " EditValue " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return  ( decimal ? )obj;
return   null ;
this .EnsureChildControls();
this .ViewState[ " EditValue " =  value;
if  (value  ==   null )
this ._textBox.Text  =   string .Empty;
string  format  =   " 0 " ;
if  ( this .DecimalDigits  !=   null   &&   this .DecimalDigits.Value  >   0 )
+=   " . " ;
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <   this .DecimalDigits.Value; i ++ )
+=   " 0 " ;
if  ( this .IsUseSeparator)
=   " #,## "   +  format;

this ._textBox.Text  =  value.Value.ToString(format);

///   <summary>
///  返回显示值的文本框
///   </summary>
        [Browsable( false )]
public  TextBox TextBox
return  _textBox;

true )]
" Appearance " )]
null )]
true )]
public   uint ?  DecimalDigits
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " DecimalDigits " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return   Convert.ToUInt16(obj);
return   null ;
this .EnsureChildControls();
this .ViewState[ " DecimalDigits " =  value;
this ._hiddenField.Value  =  value.ToString();

true )]
" Appearance " )]
"" )]
true )]
public   override   string  CssClass
object  obj  =   this .ViewState[ " TextCssClass " ];
if  (obj  !=   null )
return  ( string )obj;
return   string .Empty;
this .EnsureChildControls();
this .ViewState[ " TextCssClass " =  value;
this ._textBox.CssClass  =  value;

protected   override   void  OnInit(EventArgs e)
base .OnInit(e);
if  ( ! Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptIncludeRegistered(Page.GetType(),  " NumberTextBox " ))
string  webUrl  =  Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(GetType(),  " WebUIControl.Js.NumberTextBox.js " );
" NumberTextBox " , webUrl);

protected   override   void  CreateChildControls()
this .Controls.Clear();
this ._textBox  =   new  TextBox();
this ._hiddenField  =   new  HiddenField();
this .Controls.Add( this ._textBox);
this .Controls.Add( this ._hiddenField);
this .ClearChildViewState();

protected   override   void  OnLoad(EventArgs e)
base .OnLoad(e);

this .EnsureChildControls();
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " style " " ime-mode:disabled " );
string  min  =   this .MinValue  ==   null   ?   ""  :  this .MinValue.Value.ToString();
string  max  =   this .MaxValue  ==   null   ?   ""  :  this .MaxValue.Value.ToString();
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " onblur " " return PL_NumberTextBox_onblur(' "   +   this .ClientID  +   " '); " );
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " onfocusin " " return PL_NumberTextBox_onfocus(' "   +   this .ClientID  +   " '); " );
if  ( this .MinValue  !=   null )
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " minValue " this .MinValue.Value.ToString());
if  ( this .MaxValue  !=   null )
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " maxValue " this .MaxValue.Value.ToString());
if  ( ! this .IsUseSeparator)
this ._textBox.Attributes.Add( " separator " " false " );

protected   override   void  LoadViewState( object  savedState)
base .LoadViewState(savedState);
this .ViewState[ " TextCssClass " =   this ._textBox.CssClass;
this .ViewState[ " DecimalDigits " =   this ._hiddenField.Value;
this .ViewState[ " EditValue " =   this ._textBox.Text.Trim().Replace( " , " "" );







function  PL_NumberTextBox_onfocus(controlid)
var  numberValue  =  PL_NumberTextBox_getValue(controlid);
var  textbox  =  document.getElementById(controlid).firstChild;
=  numberValue;
return   false ;

function  PL_NumberTextBox_onblur(controlid)
var  numberValue  =  PL_NumberTextBox_getValue(controlid);
var  result  =  PL_NumberTextBox_check(numberValue,controlid);
if (result)
var  textbox  =  document.getElementById(controlid).firstChild;
return   false ;

function  PL_NumberTextBox_getValue(controlid)
var  textbox = null ;
if ( typeof (controlid) == ' string ' )
=  document.getElementById(controlid).firstChild;
else  textbox = controlid.firstChild;
var  numberValue  =  textbox.value;
// 去除前后空格
     var  trimnum;
=  numberValue.replace( / (^\s*)|(\s*$) / g,  "" );
// 去除千分符
     var  result;
=  trimnum.replace( / , / g,  "" );
return  result;

function  PL_NumberTextBox_GetControlValue(controlid)
var  control = controlid;
if ( typeof (controlid) == ' string ' )
= document.getElementById(controlid);
if (control == null )
return   null ;
var  textValue = PL_NumberTextBox_getValue(control);
if (textValue == null || textValue == "" )
return   null ;
var  result =  Number(textValue);
return  result;

// 提供客户端设置数字值的方法
function  PL_NumberTextBox_setValue(numberValue,controlid)
if (document.getElementById(controlid) == null )
return ;
var  textbox  =  document.getElementById(controlid).firstChild;
var  hiddenfield  =  document.getElementById(controlid).lastChild;
var  digits  =  hiddenfield.value;
var  separator;
if (textbox.separator  ==  undefined) separator  =   true ;
else  separator  =   false ;
var  textboxValue  =  PL_NumberTextBox_formatValue(numberValue,separator,digits, true );
=  textboxValue;

// 提供客户端改变小数位数的方法,该方法设置HiddenField中的值,并重新格式化数字
function  PL_NumberTextBox_setDigits(digits,controlid)
if (document.getElementById(controlid) == null )
return ;
var  hiddenfield  =  document.getElementById(controlid).lastChild;
=  digits;
var  numberValue  =  PL_NumberTextBox_getValue(controlid);

// 判断数字格式合法性
function  PL_NumberTextBox_check(numberValue,controlid)
if (numberValue  ==   "" )
return   true ;
// 验证是否是数字
     var  vv;
=  isNaN(numberValue);
if (vv)
" Can only enter numbers. " );
return   false ;
var  numbervalue  =  Number(numberValue);
var  textbox  =  document.getElementById(controlid).firstChild;
if (textbox.minValue  !=  undefined)
if (numbervalue  <  Number(textbox.minValue))
" This number can only be between  "   +  textbox.minValue  + "  and  "   +  textbox.maxValue  +   " . " );
return   false ;
if (textbox.maxValue  !=  undefined)
if (numbervalue  >  Number(textbox.maxValue))
" This number can only be between  "   +  textbox.minValue  + "  and  "   +  textbox.maxValue  +   " . " );
return   false ;
return   true ;

function  PL_NumberTextBox_formatValue(fnumber,fdivide,fpoint,fround)
if (fnumber == null || fnumber == '' )
return   "" ;
var  fnum  =  fnumber  +   '' ;
var  revalue = "" ;

var  hasF  =   " 0 " ;
if (fnum == null )
for ( var  i = 0 ;i < fpoint;i ++ )revalue += " 0 " ;
return   " 0 " ;
=  fnum.replace( / ^\s*|\s*$ / g, '' );
if (fnum == "" )
for ( var  i = 0 ;i < fpoint;i ++ )revalue += " 0 " ;
return   " 0 " ;

= fnum.replace( / , / g, "" );

if (fnum.indexOf( ' - ' ) == 0 )
=   " 1 " ;
=  fnum.substring( 1 ,fnum.length);
if (fround)
var  temp  =   " 0. " ;
for ( var  i = 0 ;i < fpoint;i ++ )temp += " 0 " ;
+=   " 5 " ;

=  Number(fnum)  +  Number(temp);
+=   '' ;

var  arrayf = fnum.split( " . " );

if (fdivide)
if (arrayf[ 0 ].length > 3 )
while (arrayf[ 0 ].length > 3 )
= " , " + arrayf[ 0 ].substring(arrayf[ 0 ].length - 3 ,arrayf[ 0 ].length) + revalue;
0 ] = arrayf[ 0 ].substring( 0 ,arrayf[ 0 ].length - 3 );
= arrayf[ 0 ] + revalue;

if (arrayf.length == 2 && fpoint != 0 )
1 ] = arrayf[ 1 ].substring( 0 ,(arrayf[ 1 ].length <= fpoint) ? arrayf[ 1 ].length:fpoint);

if (arrayf[ 1 ].length < fpoint)
for ( var  i = 0 ;i < fpoint - arrayf[ 1 ].length;i ++ )arrayf[ 1 ] += " 0 " ;
+= " . " + arrayf[ 1 ];
else   if (arrayf.length == 1 && fpoint != 0 )
+= " . " ;
for ( var  i = 0 ;i < fpoint;i ++ )revalue += " 0 " ;
if (hasF == " 1 " )
return  revalue  =   " - " + revalue;
return  revalue;


