持续集成服务Continuous Integration(CI server)之 Hudson使用一
Today I am researching CI server -Hudson which is used for daily build, and I use maven for project build:
Hudson official site: http://hudson-ci.org/
Download latest version: http://hudson-ci.org/latest/hudson.war
Use Hudson: http://wiki.hudson-ci.org/display/HUDSON/Use+Hudson
Following is records of my using steps:
1. Download Hudson which is war package (Current version is 1.348)
2. Copy it into {Tomcat_Home}/webapps and set HUDSON_HOME, you'd better create a seperate directory like D:\hudsonHome, then set environment as
Note: If you on Linux, mkdir /usr/local/hudsonHome,
3. Start Tomcat. (Be sure you have installed jdk(better jdk1.6) and maven(better 2.2.1 above))
4. System manage: http://localhost:8080/hudson/manage
select Global settings( 全局设置 ):
a. configure maven:
uncheck option Install automatically.
name: mavem2.2.1
MAVEN_HOME: E:\eclipsedrivers\apache\maven-2.2.1
b. configure JDK:
uncheck option Install automatically.
name: jdk6
JAVA_HOME: D:\Java\jdk1.6.0_10
c. Hudson URL: (If you use localhost you will get a warning)
5. Create a new task:
a. input job name: maven
and select Build a maven2 project
b. In Source Code Management choose CVS part:
cvs root : pserver:{cvsusername }:{cvsuserpassword }@{cvshost }:/cvs/{cvsmodule } Module(s): {CVS_Module }
Branch: please left empty if it is in HEAD, input it if it is in Branch
c. In Build part:
Root POM: pom.xml (If warning please left empty)
d. click Save OK.
6. Run task:
Choose Build Now ( 立即生成 )
7. Then your project will be downloaded in {.hudson}\jobs\{your task name}\workspace
You can see the module at:
localsite : http://localhost:8080/hudson/