

关键字: jboss启动参数(转)

JBoss Bootstrap Environment

JBOSS_HOME: /usr/java/jboss4

JAVA: /usr/java/j2sdk/bin/java

JAVA_OPTS: -Dprogram.name=run.sh -server -Xms128m -Xmx512m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000

CLASSPATH: /usr/java/jboss4/bin/run.jar:/usr/java/j2sdk/lib/tools.jar


usage: run.sh [options]

-h, –help Show this help message
-V, –version Show version information
– Stop processing options
-D<name>[=<value>] Set a system property
-d, –bootdir=<dir> Set the boot patch directory; Must be absolute or url
-p, –patchdir=<dir> Set the patch directory; Must be absolute or url
-n, –netboot=<url> Boot from net with the given url as base
-c, –configuration=<name> Set the server configuration name
-B, –bootlib=<filename> Add an extra library to the front bootclasspath
-L, –library=<filename> Add an extra library to the loaders classpath
-C, –classpath=<url> Add an extra url to the loaders classpath
-P, –properties=<url> Load system properties from the given url
-b, –host=<host or ip> Bind address for all JBoss services
-g, –partition=<name> HA Partition name (default=DefaultDomain)
-u, –udp=<ip> UDP multicast address
-l, –log=<log4j|jdk> Specify the logger plugin type

-c 服务配置名,指定JBoss启动哪个服务配置,默认是default,常用有 -c all

-b 绑定JBoss服务的IP,特别在部署EJB服务,只能通过绑定的IP查找EJB,在Linux下,不绑定IP将找不到EJB服务.对于单纯的Web应 用,不绑定IP可以实现全地址绑定,对双网卡或者多个IP的环境都能通过不同IP访问.

-g 绑定HA分区名,用于EJB集群分组.

-u UDP多播地址,用于集群JBoss环境,默认为230.0.0.4,如果在局域网在有多个启动all配置(有集群配置)的JBoss服务,那在 JBoss日志中能看到不时的有组播信息出现,可以设置为不同的组播地址,避免这些干扰.合法值是IP协议中说到的广播段.


