UVA 620 - Cellular Structure


I think this problem's tip is..
len=string length
Mutant : len is 1, and str[0]='B'
Simple : if len is 1, and str[0]='A'
Fully-Grown : str[len-1]='B', and str[len-2]='A'
Mutagenic : str[0]='B', and str[len-1]='A'
Else : Mutant



const char ans[4][20] = { "SIMPLE", "FULLY-GROWN", "MUTAGENIC", "MUTANT"};
int T, len, res;
char ch[1005];

int solve()
if( len % 2 == 0) // !(len & 1)
return 4;
if( len == 1) {
if( ch[0] == 'A')
return 1;
else return 4;

if( ch[len - 2] == 'A' && ch[len - 1] == 'B') // FULL-GROWN
return 2;

if( ch[0] == 'B' && ch[len - 1] == 'A') // MUTAGENIC
return 3;

return 4;

int main()
scanf( "%d", &T);
while( T --)
scanf( "%s", ch);
len = strlen(ch);
printf( "%s\n", ans[solve() - 1]);
return 0;
