啰嗦几句,开个小头,转入正题。 先给出几个关于STL中erase和remove(remove_if等,下称remove类函数)的事实,小小复习:
更多信息,可以参考《Effective STL》
下面,提供一个统一的接口,来删除一个容器中的元素,原理较简单,使用编译器通过type deduce获知容器的类型,然后通过type traits在编译器就可以决定函数派送决定。比如,编译器知道当前容器是list,那么就会调用list:remove相关的成员函数,性能?inline当然少不了!代码来源是一个STL的教学视频上得之,做了些自以为是的简单修改,当然,我的修改可能让代码“恶”了,自己简单用了些容器做测试,程序行为正确,用了trace工具跟踪代码,足迹符合预期,当然,重在思想的运用,真正的代码使用还需要经过多次严格测试。
1: //
2: //Source code originally from MSDN Channel 9 Video
3: //Modified by techmush
4: //NOTE: the original code may be perfect, the modified version may be buggy!
5: //Modifies: add string container, add some template parameters, alert some name
6: // add some notes, code style.
7: //
8:9: #pragma once10:11: #ifndef erasecontainer_h__12: #define erasecontainer_h__13:14: #include <algorithm>15: #include <deque>16: #include <forward_list>17: #include <list>18: #include <map>19: #include <set>20: #include <vector>21: #include <string> //string "as" a vector22: #include <unordered_map>23: #include <unordered_set>24:25: namespace techmush
26: {27: namespace detail
28: {29: //erasing behavior like vector: vector, queue, string
30: struct vector_like_tag
31: {32: };33:34: //erasing behavior like list: list, forward_list
35: struct list_like_tag
36: {37: };38:39: //erasing behaviod like set: set, map, multiset, multimap, unordered_set, unordered_map
40: //unordered_multiset, unordered_multimap
41: struct associative_like_tag
42: {43: };44:45: //type traits for containers
46: template <typename Cont> struct container_traits;47:48: template <typename Elem, typename Alloc>49: struct container_traits<std::vector<Elem,Alloc> >
50: {51: typedef vector_like_tag container_category;
52: };53:54: template <typename Elem, typename Alloc>55: struct container_traits<std::deque<Elem,Alloc> >
56: {57: typedef vector_like_tag container_category;
58: };59:60: //full specialization traits for string
61: template <> struct container_traits<std::string>62: {63: typedef vector_like_tag container_category;
64: };65:66:67: template <typename Elem, typename Alloc>68: struct container_traits<std::list<Elem,Alloc> >
69: {70: typedef list_like_tag container_category;
71: };72:73: template <typename Elem, typename Alloc>74: struct container_traits<std::forward_list<Elem,Alloc> >
75: {76: typedef list_like_tag container_category;
77: };78:79: template <typename Key, typename Pred, typename Alloc>80: struct container_traits<std::set<Key,Pred,Alloc> >
81: {82: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
83:84: };85:86: //If a multiset contains duplicates, you can't use erase()
87: //to remove only the first element of these duplicates.
88: template <typename Key, typename Pred, typename Alloc>89: struct container_traits<std::multiset<Key,Pred,Alloc> >
90: {91: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
92: };93:94: template <typename Key, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>95: struct container_traits<std::unordered_set<Key,Hash,Equal,Alloc> >
96: {97: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
98: };99:100: template <typename Key, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>101: struct container_traits<std::unordered_multiset<Key,Hash,Equal,Alloc> >
102: {103: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
104: };105:106: template <typename Key, typename Val, typename Pred, typename Alloc>107: struct container_traits<std::map<Key,Val,Pred,Alloc> >
108: {109: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
110: };111:112: template <typename Key, typename Val, typename Pred, typename Alloc>113: struct container_traits<std::multimap<Key,Val,Pred,Alloc> >
114: {115: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
116: };117:118: template <typename Key, typename Val, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>119: struct container_traits<std::unordered_map<Key,Val,Hash,Equal,Alloc> >
120: {121: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
122: };123:124: template <typename Key, typename Val, typename Hash, typename Equal, typename Alloc>125: struct container_traits<std::unordered_multimap<Key,Val,Hash,Equal,Alloc> >
126: {127: typedef associative_like_tag container_category;
128: };129:130:131: //for vector-like containers, use the erase-remove idiom
132: template <typename Cont, typename Elem>133: inline void erase_helper(Cont& c, const Elem& x, vector_like_tag /*ignored*/)134: {135: c.erase(std::remove(c.begin(), c.end(), x), c.end());136: }137:138: //for vector-like containers, use the erase-remove_if idiom
139: template <typename Cont, typename Pred>140: inline void erase_if_helper(Cont& c, Pred p, vector_like_tag)141: {142: c.erase(std::remove_if(c.begin(), c.end(), p), c.end());143: }144:145: //for list-like containers, use the remove member-function
146: template <typename Cont, typename Elem>147: inline void erase_helper(Cont& c, const Elem& x, list_like_tag)148: {149: c.remove(x);150: }151:152: //for list-like containers, use the remove_if member-function
153: template <typename Cont, typename Pred>154: inline void erase_if_helper(Cont& c, Pred p, list_like_tag)155: {156: c.remove_if(p);157: }158:159: //for associative containers, use the erase member-function
160: template <typename Cont, typename Elem>161: inline void erase_helper(Cont& c, const Elem& x, associative_like_tag)162: {163: c.erase(x);164: }165:166: //When an element of a container is erased, all iterators that point to that
167: //element are invalidated. Once c.erase(it) reuturns, it has been invalidated.
168: template <typename Cont, typename Pred>169: inline void erase_if_helper(Cont& c, Pred p, associative_like_tag)170: {171: for (auto it = c.begin(); it != c.end(); /*nothing*/)172: {173: if (p(*it))
174: c.erase(it++); //Rebalance the tree
175: //Must have an iterator to the next element
176: else //of c before call erase177: ++ it;178: }179: }180: }181:182: //Interface function for erase
183: template <typename Cont, typename Elem>184: inline void erase(Cont& c, const Elem& x)185: {186: detail::erase_helper(c, x, typename /*a type*/detail::container_traits<Cont>::container_category());187: }188:189:190: //Interface function for erase_if
191: template <typename Cont, typename Pred>192: inline void erase_if(Cont& c, Pred p)193: {194: detail::erase_if_helper(c, p, typename detail::container_traits<Cont>::container_category());
195: }196: }197: #endif // erasecontainer_h__
当然,既然选择了C++,就代表选择了折腾(这不也是种乐趣么!),如果容器内是raw pointer呢,你如果想删除,那还得手动去释放资源,万一又有异常发生,呃……好吧,使用auto_ptrs,可以么?(COAP!当然,也可以冒险使用之,注意auto_ptrs的行为特性)。嗯,使用shared_ptrs,较安全,c++ox或者boost。有时候,不得不用指针,因为我想虚多态动绑定。