什么是B*树倒排索引技术 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问

什么是B*树倒排索引技术 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问

B*树索引是“传统索引”。到目前为止,这是Oracle和大多数其他数据库中最常用的索引。需要注意的是,这里的“B”不代表二叉(binary),而是代表平衡(balanced).B*树索引并不是一颗 二叉树


这个树最底层的块称为 叶子节点(leaf node)或叶子块(leaf block),其中分别包含各个索引建以及一个rowid(指向所索引的行)。叶子节点之上的内部块称为分支块(branch block)。这些节点用于在结构中实现导航。

有意思的是,索引的叶子节点实际上又构成了一个 双向链表,执行索引区间扫描(值的有序扫描)也很容易,找到第一个值之后,我们不需要再在索引结构中导航,而只需根据需要,通过叶子节点向前或向后扫描就可以了。所以要满足诸如以下的谓词条件将相当简单:
where x between 20 and 30
Oracle发现第一个最小值大于或等于20的索引叶子块,然后水平地遍历叶子节点 链表,直到命中一个大于30的值。



One of the properties of a B*Tree is that all leaf blocks should be at the same level in the tree. This level is also known as the height of the index, meaning that any traversal from the root block of the index to a leaf block will visit the same number of blocks. That is, to get to the leaf block to retrieve the first row for a query of the form "SELECT INDEXED_COL FROM T WHERE INDEXED_COL = :X" will take the same number of I/Os regardless of the value of :X that is used. In other words, the index is height balanced. Most B*Tree indexes will have a height of 2 or 3, even for millions of records. This means that it will take, in general, two or three I/Os to find your key in the index—which is not too bad.

