#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<cmath> using namespace std; void menu1() // 选择积分函数功能菜单 { cout<<" 请 选 择 被 积 函 数"<<endl; cout<<"\n 1. 求 y=log(1.0+x)/(1.0+x*x)的 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 2. 求 y=x*x 的 积 分 \n"; cout<<"\n 3. 求 y=2*x 的 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 0. 退 出\n"; } void menu2() // 选择积分方法功能菜单 { cout<<"\n 请 选 择 积 分 方 法"<<endl; cout<<"\n 1. 用 梯 形 法 求 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 2. 用 矩 形 法 求 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 3. 用 辛 普 生 法 求 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 4. 用 变 步 长 梯 形 法 求 积 分\n"; cout<<"\n 0. 返 回 上 级 菜 单\n"; } class Function { public: virtual double operator()(double x)=0; virtual ~Function(){} }; class Myfunction1:public Function { public: virtual double operator()(double x) { return log(1.0+x)/(1.0+x*x); } }; class Myfunction2:public Function { public: virtual double operator()(double x) { return x*x; } }; class Myfunction3:public Function { public: virtual double operator()(double x) { return 2*x; } }; class Integration { public: virtual double operator()(double a,double b,double eps)=0; virtual ~Integration(){} }; class Trapz1:public Integration { private: Function &f; public: Trapz1(Function &fun):f(fun){} virtual double operator()(double a,double b,double eps) { int n=200; double h=(b-a)/n; double sum=0,tmp; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { tmp=2*f(a+i*h); sum+=tmp; } sum=(sum+f(a)+f(b))*h/2; return sum; } };//梯形法求积分 class Trapz2:public Integration { private: Function &f; public: Trapz2(Function &fun):f(fun){} virtual double operator()(double a,double b,double eps) { bool done=false; int n=1; double h=(b-a); double tn=h*(f(a)+f(b))/2; double t2n; do { double sum=0; for(int k=0;k<n;k++) { double x=a+(k+0.5)*h; sum+=f(x); } t2n=(tn+h*sum)/2.0; if(fabs(tn-t2n)<eps) done=true; else { n=n*2; h=h/2; tn=t2n; } }while(!done); return t2n; } };//变步长球积分 class Simpson:public Integration { private: Function &f; public: Simpson(Function &fun):f(fun){} virtual double operator()(double a,double b,double eps) { int n=400; double h=(b-a)/(2*n); double sum=0; for(int i=1;i<=(2*n-1);i=i+2) { double tmp=4*f(a+i*h); sum=sum+tmp; } for(int i=2;i<=(2*n-2);i=i+2) { double tmp=2*f(a+i*h); sum=sum+tmp; } sum=(sum+f(a)+f(b))*h/3; return sum; } };//辛普生法求积分 class Rectangle:public Integration { private: Function &f; public: Rectangle(Function &fun):f(fun){} virtual double operator()(double a,double b,double eps) { double sum=0; int n=400; double h=(b-a)/n; for(int i=1;i<n;i++) { double tmp=h*f(a+i*h+h/2); sum=sum+tmp; } return sum; } };//矩形法求积分 Function *f; int main() { int choose1,choose2; int flag=1; while (flag) { system("cls"); menu1(); cin>>choose1; system("cls"); int flag1=1; switch(choose1) { case 1: f=new Myfunction1; while(flag1) { menu2(); cin>>choose2; switch(choose2) { case 1: { Trapz1 trapz1(*f); cout<<trapz1(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 2: { Rectangle rectangle(*f); cout<<rectangle(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 3: { Simpson simpson(*f); cout<<simpson(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 4: { Trapz2 trapz2(*f); cout<<trapz2(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 0: flag1=0;break; default: cout<<"\n Wrong Selection !(选择错误,重选)\n"; } }//end of while(flag1) break; case 2: f=new Myfunction2; while(flag1) { menu2(); cin>>choose2; switch(choose2) { case 1: { Trapz1 trapz1(*f); cout<<trapz1(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 2: { Rectangle rectangle(*f); cout<<rectangle(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 3: { Simpson simpson(*f); cout<<simpson(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 4: { Trapz2 trapz2(*f); cout<<trapz2(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 0: flag1=0;break; default: cout<<"\n Wrong Selection !(选择错误,重选)\n"; } }//end of while(flag1) break; case 3: f=new Myfunction3; while(flag1) { menu2(); cin>>choose2; switch(choose2) { case 1: { Trapz1 trapz1(*f); cout<<trapz1(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 2: { Rectangle rectangle(*f); cout<<rectangle(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 3: { Simpson simpson(*f); cout<<simpson(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 4: { Trapz2 trapz2(*f); cout<<trapz2(0,2,1e-7); } break; case 0: flag1=0;break; default: cout<<"\n Wrong Selection !(选择错误,重选)\n"; } }//end of while(flag1) break; case 4: flag=0; cout<<"\n *** The End! ***\n"; break; default: cout<<"\n Wrong Selection !(选择错误,重选)\n";system("pause"); } } return 0; }