2.HBase In Action 第一章-HBase简介(1.1数据管理系统:快速学习)

Relational database systems have been around for a few decades and have been hugely successful in solving data storage, serving, and processing problems over the years. Several large companies have built their systems using relational database systems, online transactional systems, as well as back-end analytics applications.



Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are used by applications to record transactional information in real time. They’re expected to return responses quickly, typically in milliseconds. For instance, the cash registers in retail stores record purchases and payments in real time as customers make them. Banks have large OLTP systems that they use to record transactions between users like transferring of funds and such. OLTP systems aren’t limited to money transactions. Web companies like LinkedIn also have such applications—for instance, when users connect with other users. The term transaction in OLTP refers to transactions in the context of databases, not financial transactions.



Online analytical processing (OLAP) systems are used to answer analytical queries about the data stored in them. In the context of retailers, these would mean systems that generate daily, weekly, and monthly reports of sales and slice and dice the information to allow analysis of it from several different perspectives. OLAP falls in the domain of business intelligence, where data is explored, processed, and analyzed to glean information that could further be used to drive business decisions. For a company like LinkedIn, where the establishing of connections counts as transactions, analyzing the connectedness of the graph and generating reports on things like the number of average connections per user falls in the category of business intelligence;  this kind of processing would likely be done using OLAP systems.



Relational databases, both open source and proprietary, have been successfully used at scale to solve both these kinds of use cases. This is clearly highlighted by the balance sheets of companies like Oracle, Vertica, Teradata, and others. Microsoft and

IBM have their share of the pie too. All such systems provide full ACID guarantees.  Some scale better than others; some are open source, and others require you to pay  steep licensing fees.



The internal design of relational databases is driven by relational math, and these systems require an up-front definition of schemas and types that the data will thereafter adhere to. Over time, SQL be came the standard way of interacting with these systems, and it has been widely used for several years. SQL is arguably a lot easier to write and takes far less time than coding up custom access code in programming languages. But it might not be the best way to express the access patterns in every situation, and  that’s where issues like object-relational mismatch arose.



Any problem in computer science can be solved with a level of indirection. Solving  problems like object-relational mismatch was no different and led to frameworks being built to alleviate the pain.



For those who don’t know (or don’t remember), ACID is an acronym standing for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These are fundamental principles used to reason about data systems. See http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID for an introduction.

如果你不知道不知道(或者不记得了),ACID是几个首字母缩写,代表原子性、一致性、隔离性和持久性。这些基本原则是用来判断数据系统的特性用的。具体介绍,请看 http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACID

