苹果的传奇CEO Steve Jobs昨天退休了 他下面的这段话值得大家自勉 “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.” — Steve Jobs
昨晚Fun4精灵吃散伙饭, 今天大家打包准备走人. 武大这帮人也准备回学校去了, 除了我.
分别, 经历过很多次, 但每逢这种场景, 总不免伤感.
晚上组内的人都回家了, 我留在工位上, 不想写代码, 开始逛QQ空间, 浏览一遍然后
删掉足迹, 轻轻地来, 轻轻地走...
打开校内网, 点那些熟悉的人的页面, 发现很多人都好久没更新过了. 以前很活跃的同学, 更新的状态也是n天前...
翻阅丰胸的流水帐日记, 一边看一边笑, 火锅, 项目, 篮球赛, 毕业, 散伙,往事历历在目啊...
刷新一遍首页, 隆胸转发一条软小二的状态:
阮小二 : http://XD同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志们好不?同志...
不禁想吼一句: 同志们好不? 哥想死你们了