Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012

Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012

Project Description

Visual Leak Detector is a free, robust, open-source memory leak detection system for Visual C++.

It's pretty easy to use. After installing it, you just need to tell Visual C++ where to find the included header and library file.

Then it can be used with any C/C++ project simply by adding the following line to your code:

#include <vld.h>

When you run your program under the Visual Studio debugger, Visual Leak Detector will output a memory leak report at the end of your debugging session. The leak report includes the full call stack showing how any leaked memory blocks were allocated. Double-click
on a line in the call stack to jump to that file and line in the editor window.

It's a very effective way to quickly diagnose, and fix, memory leaks in C/C++ applications.

The main difference
between the
CRT Debug
Library and
is that
Visual Leak Detector
you the complete

used for
memory allocation
has led to the

For example:

---------- Block 1199 at 0x04BE1058: 136 bytes ----------
Call Stack:
d:\Foobar\FooLog.cpp (26): FooLog::getInstance
d:\Foobar\FooMain.cpp (75): FooMain::init
f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c (578): __tmainCRTStartup
f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\crtexe.c (403): WinMainCRTStartup
0x759A3677 (File and line number not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
0x770C9D42 (File and line number not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
0x770C9D15 (File and line number not available): RtlInitializeExceptionChain
9C 33 2D 6B    74 2A 2D 6B    C8 11 BE 04    00 00 00 00     .3-kt*-k ........
00 00 00 00    70 14 BB 6C    70 14 BB 6C    00 00 00 00     ....p..l p..l....
00 00 00 00    68 14 BB 6C    68 14 BB 6C    00 00 00 00     ....h..l h..l....
00 00 00 00    6C 14 BB 6C    6C 14 BB 6C    20 12 BE 04     ....l..l l..l....
00 00 00 00    CD 00 CD CD    00 00 00 00    01 CD CD CD     ........ ........
68 14 BB 6C    78 33 2D 6B    00 00 00 00    00 00 00 00     h..lx3-k ........
00 00 00 00    01 02 00 00    06 00 00 00    00 00 00 00     ........ ........
00 00 00 00    00 00 00 00    88 11 BE 04    5C 10 BE 04     ........ ....\...
00 00 00 00    20 CD CD CD                                   ........ ........

This software is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind.

The project was originally developed by Dan Moulding, but they are no longer supported. Features of version 2.0 are implemented by Arkadiy Shapkin (me).


Last edited Dec 12 2011 at 4:42 AM by KindDragon, version 17
