Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ

Stroustrup: C++ Style and Technique FAQ


Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ



Modified December 17, 2011

These are questions about C++ Style and Technique that people ask me often.
If you have better questions or comments on the answers,
feel free to email me ([email protected]).
Please remember that I can't spend all of my time improving my homepages.

For more general questions, see my
general FAQ.

For terminology and concepts, see my
C++ glossary.

Please note that these are just a collection of questions and answers. They are not
a substitute for a carefully selected sequence of examples and explanations
as you would find in a good textbook. Nor do they offer detailed and precise
specifications as you would find in a reference manual or the standard.
The Design and Evolution of C++ for questions
related to the design of C++.
See The C++ Programming Language for questions
about the use of C++ and its standard library.

