zabbix 代码错误汇总 zabbix安装配置错误集锦一:使用错误 1、No active checks on server: host [Zabbix server] not monitored 2、No active checks on server: host [linuxmr.server] not found 3、Call to undefined function zbx_stripslashes() 4、Call to undefined function bcscale() in /var/www/ 5、Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [[]:10050]: [4] Interrupted system call 6、configure: error: Invalid NET-SNMP directory - unable to find net-snmp-config 7、zabbix_server: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 8、Get value error: ZBX_TCP_READ() failed: [104] Connection reset by peer 9、Fatal error: Allowed memory size of bytes exhausted(tried to allocate 74 bytes) zabbix安装配置错误集锦二:配置错误 1、item [:system.cpu.load] became not supported 2、Get value from agent failed: cannot connect to [10050]: Connection refused 3、Trigger expression updated. No status update so far 4、zabbix_server[14210]:user zabbix does not exist,cannot run as root! zabbix server log错误 20578:20140217:101907.009 [file:checks_calculated.c,line:243] zbx_malloc: allocating already allocated memory. Please report this to Zabbix developers. 20578:20140217:101907.904 [file:checks_calculated.c,line:243] zbx_malloc: allocating already allocated memory. Please report this to Zabbix developers. 20577:20140217:101941.273 [file:checks_calculated.c,line:243] zbx_malloc: allocating already allocated memory. Please report this to Zabbix developers. 20577:20140217:101941.273 [file:checks_calculated.c,line:243] zbx_malloc: allocating already allocated memory. Please report this to Zabbix developers.

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