分别使用Jetty和Tomcat搭建Solr服务器(Setting up Solr Server with Jetty or Tomcat)

1 Prerequisites

1.1 Apache Ant

Any recent version should do and is available at http://ant.apache.org/.

(This manual is base on Solr 1.3.0. and It's suitable for any recent version. The reason we use Ant is that the version of Solr (1.3.0) we use is very old, there’s no available distribution for download. We need build with Ant from source code.)

2 Setup Solr Server with Jetty

Solr can run in any java servlet container of your choice. Specially, we can start up Solr with a jetty server located at “example” directory under Solr installation directory. So, for developers, this is the most convenient way to start up a Solr server. (NOTE: this is not suitable for production environment!)

2.1 Check Out Solr

Shell> svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lucene/solr/tags/release-1.3.0 apache-solr-1.3.0
NOTE: Version 1.3.0 is required, because the client version of Solr (a.k.s solrj) in Currensee is 1.3.0

2.2 Build Example

Shell> cd apache-solr-1.3.0
Shell> ant example

Build example will help us generate a runnable jetty server with Solr.

2.3 Deploy Configuration Files

Solr server communicating with clients base on common configurations (e.g. the structure of documents to be indexed), any projects (clients) have to provide its own configuration files. Normally, these files should be under a directory, and this directory is so called Solr Home. For example: the home of solr's example project is "apache-solr-1.3.0/example/solr". When starting Solr server, we have to specify Solr Home via a system property:-Dsolr.solr.home=solr.

2.4 Start Up Solr Server

Make sure you are under example directory, then, execute:
Shell> java -Dsolr.solr.home=solr -jar start.jar
This will start up the Jetty application server on port 8983, and use your terminal to display the logging information from Solr. If no errors or exceptions, you can access: http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/ to verify whether this sever is available. This is the main starting point for Administering Solr.

3 Setup Solr Server with Standalone Tomcat

3.1 Modify Tomcat Setting

Download & install tomcat, open file" conf/server.xml", replace element <Connector port="8080" ...../> with

<Connector port="8983" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
               URIEncoding="UTF-8" />

this setting change tomcat default port to solr's default port and set URI encoding as UTF-8

3.2 Build Solr Distribution

Shell> cd  apache-solr-1.3.0

# Use 'ant dist' to build the Solr WAR and JAR files.

Shell> ant dist

# Copy generated solr war to tomcat webapps dir and rename to solr.war

Shell> cp dist/apache-solr-1.3.0.war /path/to/tomcat/webapps/solr.war

3.3 Prepare Solr Home Directory

To simplify this manual, we use the home directory of Solr's example project. so, we can set its path or copy it to tomcat:

Shell> cp -r apache-solr-1.3.0/example/solr /path/to/tomcat

3.4 Set System Property for Tomcat

If you are under tomcat home dir, open "/bin/catalina.sh",  add


at the begining.

Actually, if we didn't copy the home directory of Solr's example project to tomcat home dir, you set path at here, then, the JAVA_OPTS should be:


3.5 Start Up Solr Server

If you are under tomcat home dir, run:

Shell> bin/catalina.sh run

This will start up the Jetty application server on port 8983, and use your terminal to display the logging information from Solr. If no errors or exceptions, you can access: http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/ to verify whether this sever is available. This is the main starting point for Administering Solr.
