



 * Touch Test: a multi-touch test app for Android.
 * <br>Copyright 2010 Ian Cameron Smith
 * <p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation (see COPYING).
 * <p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

package org.hermit.touchtest;

import java.util.HashMap;
import org.hermit.android.core.SurfaceRunner;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Path;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.WindowManager;

 * The main touch test view.  This class relies on the parent SurfaceRunner
 * class to do the bulk of the animation control.
abstract class GridView
    extends SurfaceRunner
    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Constructor.
    // ******************************************************************** //
  * Create a GridView instance.
  * @param context  The application context we're running in.
    public GridView(Context context) {
        super(context, SURFACE_DYNAMIC | LOOPED_TICKER);
        appResources = context.getResources();
     windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);
     appDisplay = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay();
        trackedPointers = new Pointer[MAX_POINTER_ID];
        paint = new Paint();
    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Client Methods.
    // ******************************************************************** //
     * The application is starting.  Perform any initial set-up prior to
     * starting the application.  We may not have a screen size yet,
     * so this is not a good place to allocate resources which depend on
     * that.
    protected void appStart() {
     * Set the screen size.  This is guaranteed to be called before
     * animStart(), but perhaps not before appStart().
     * @param   width       The new width of the surface.
     * @param   height      The new height of the surface.
     * @param   config      The pixel format of the surface.
    protected void appSize(int width, int height, Bitmap.Config config) {
        appConfig = appResources.getConfiguration();
        sw = width;
        sh = height;
        sizeStr = appDisplay.getWidth() + "x" + appDisplay.getHeight();
        confStr = translateToken(appConfig.orientation, CONFIG_ORIENTS);
        rotateStr = translateToken(appDisplay.getOrientation(), DISP_ORIENTS);
        // Create the edge markers.
        edgeMarker = new Path();
        float x, y;
        // Top
        x = sw / 4 + 0.5f;
        y = 0;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        x = sw - x;
        y = 0;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        // Right
        x = sw;
        y = sh / 4 + 0.5f;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        x = sw;
        y = sh - y;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        // Bottom
        x = sw / 4 + 0.5f;
        y = sh;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        x = sw - x;
        y = sh;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x - ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        // Left
        x = 0f;
        y = sh / 4f + 0.5f;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
        x = 0f;
        y = sh - y;
        edgeMarker.moveTo(x, y);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y - ARROW_SIZE);
        edgeMarker.lineTo(x + ARROW_SIZE, y + ARROW_SIZE);
     * We are starting the animation loop.  The screen size is known.
     * <p>doUpdate() and doDraw() may be called from this point on.
    protected void animStart() {
     * We are stopping the animation loop, for example to pause the app.
     * <p>doUpdate() and doDraw() will not be called from this point on.
    protected void animStop() {
     * The application is closing down.  Clean up any resources.
    protected void appStop() {
    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Input Handling.
    // ******************************************************************** //
  * Handle touchscreen input.
     * @param event  The MotionEvent object that defines the action.
     * @return    True if the event was handled, false otherwise.
    public abstract boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event);

    protected Pointer getPointer(int id) {
     if (trackedPointers[id] == null)
      trackedPointers[id] = new Pointer();
        return trackedPointers[id];
    protected void addPoint(Pointer rec, float x, float y) {
     int i = (rec.trailStart + rec.trailLen) % POINTER_TRAIL;
  rec.trailX[i] = x;
  rec.trailY[i] = y;
  if (rec.trailLen < POINTER_TRAIL)
   rec.trailStart = (rec.trailStart + 1) % POINTER_TRAIL;
    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Animation.
    // ******************************************************************** //
     * Update the state of the application for the current frame.
     * <p>Applications must override this, and can use it to update
     * for example the physics of a game.  This may be a no-op in some cases.
     * <p>doDraw() will always be called after this method is called;
     * however, the converse is not true, as we sometimes need to draw
     * just to update the screen.  Hence this method is useful for
     * updates which are dependent on time rather than frames.
     * @param   now         Current time in ms.
    protected void doUpdate(long now) {
     * Draw the current frame of the application.
     * <p>Applications must override this, and are expected to draw the
     * entire screen into the provided canvas.
     * <p>This method will always be called after a call to doUpdate(),
     * and also when the screen needs to be re-drawn.
     * @param   canvas      The Canvas to draw into.
     * @param   now         Current time in ms.  Will be the same as that
     *                      passed to doUpdate(), if there was a preceeding
     *                      call to doUpdate().
    protected void doDraw(Canvas canvas, long now) {
        // Draw the touch grid.
        for (int x = 0; x < sw; x += GRID_SPACING)
            canvas.drawLine(x, 0, x, sh, paint);
        for (int y = 0; y < sh; y += GRID_SPACING)
            canvas.drawLine(0, y, sw, y, paint);
        // Put an outline around the screen.
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, sw - 1, sh - 1, paint);
        // Draw the edge markers.
        canvas.drawPath(edgeMarker, paint);
        // Draw the user's fingers.
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_POINTER_ID; ++i) {
            Pointer rec = trackedPointers[i];
            if (rec == null || !rec.seen)
         int col = POINTER_COLOURS[i % POINTER_COLOURS.length];
            paint.setColor(rec.down ? col : 0x80ffffff);
            canvas.drawCircle(rec.x, rec.y, rec.size * 2 + 24, paint);
            canvas.drawLine(rec.x, 0, rec.x, sh, paint);
            canvas.drawLine(0, rec.y, sw, rec.y, paint);
            // Draw the trail.
            paint.setColor(rec.down ? col : 0x80ffffff);
            int prev = -1;
            int curr = rec.trailStart;
            if (rec.trailLen > 0)
             canvas.drawPoint(rec.trailX[curr], rec.trailY[curr], paint);
            for (int t = 1; t < rec.trailLen; ++t) {
             prev = curr;
             curr = (curr + 1) % POINTER_TRAIL;
                canvas.drawLine(rec.trailX[prev], rec.trailY[prev],
                    rec.trailX[curr], rec.trailY[curr], paint);
                canvas.drawPoint(rec.trailX[curr], rec.trailY[curr], paint);
        // Draw the display configuration.
        int y = 70;
        canvas.drawText(sizeStr, 50, y, paint);
        y += 22;
        canvas.drawText(confStr, 50, y, paint);
        y += 22;
        canvas.drawText(rotateStr, 50, y, paint);
        y += 22;

    // ******************************************************************** //
    // Subclass Visible Data.
    // ******************************************************************** //
    private String translateToken(int val, HashMap<Integer, String> map) {
     String name = map.get(val);
     if (name != null)
      return name;
     return "?<" + val + ">?";
    // The maximum pointer index we can handle.
    protected static final int MAX_POINTER_ID = 256;
    // Structure representing a pointer.
    protected class Pointer {
        boolean seen = false;
        boolean down = false;
        float x = 0;
        float y = 0;
        float size = 0;
        float[] trailX = new float[POINTER_TRAIL];
        float[] trailY = new float[POINTER_TRAIL];
        int trailStart = 0;
        int trailLen = 0;
 // ******************************************************************** //
 // Class Data.
 // ******************************************************************** //
    // Debugging tag.
 private static final String TAG = "TouchTest";
 // Mapping from Configuration orientations to strings.
 private static final HashMap<Integer, String> CONFIG_ORIENTS =
          new HashMap<Integer, String>();
 static {
  CONFIG_ORIENTS.put(Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE, "Landscape");
  CONFIG_ORIENTS.put(Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, "Portrait");
  CONFIG_ORIENTS.put(Configuration.ORIENTATION_SQUARE, "Square");
  CONFIG_ORIENTS.put(Configuration.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED, "Undefined");
 // Mapping from Display rotations to strings.
 private static final HashMap<Integer, String> DISP_ORIENTS =
          new HashMap<Integer, String>();
 static {
  DISP_ORIENTS.put(Surface.ROTATION_0, "0 - Upright");
  DISP_ORIENTS.put(Surface.ROTATION_90, "90 - Left");
  DISP_ORIENTS.put(Surface.ROTATION_180, "180 - Inverted");
  DISP_ORIENTS.put(Surface.ROTATION_270, "270 - Right");
 // Spacing of the screen grid in pixels.
    private static final int GRID_SPACING = 50;
    // Size of the edge markers in pixels.
    private static final int ARROW_SIZE = 30;
    // Number of pointer positions to record for trails.
    private static final int POINTER_TRAIL = 250;
    // Colours used to draw the pointers.
    private static final int[] POINTER_COLOURS = {
     0xff00ffff, 0xff80ff00, 0xff80ff80, 0xffffa000,
 // ******************************************************************** //
 // Private Data.
 // ******************************************************************** //
    // Our app resources, and current configuration.
 private Resources appResources;
 private Configuration appConfig;
 // Our window manager and display.
 private WindowManager windowManager;
 private Display appDisplay;
    // Screen width and height.
    private int sw = 0, sh = 0;
    // Current configuration info.
    private String sizeStr;
    private String confStr;
    private String rotateStr;
    // Path for drawing the edge markers.
 private Path edgeMarker;
    // Tracked pointer states.  Indexed by pointer ID.
    private Pointer[] trackedPointers = null;
    // Paint used for drawing.
    private Paint paint;


