Vip: 设置在同一网段
# yum install pacemaker corosync cluster-glue resource-agents # rpm -ivh crmsh-2.1-1.6.x86_64.rpm –nodeps
# vi /etc/hosts SZB-L0005908 SZB-L0005469
# mv /etc/corosync/corosync.conf.example /etc/corosync/corosync.conf # vi /etc/corosync/corosync.conf # Please read the corosync.conf.5 manual page compatibility: whitetank totem { version: 2 secauth: off threads: 0 interface { ringnumber: 0 bindnetaddr: mcastaddr: mcastport: 5405 ttl: 1 } } logging { fileline: off to_stderr: no to_logfile: yes to_syslog: yes logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log debug: off timestamp: on logger_subsys { subsys: AMF debug: off } } amf { mode: disabled } service { ver: 0 name: pacemaker } aisexec { user: root group: root }
Bindnetaddr 为节点ip
Mcastaddr 为合法的组播地址,随便填
# service corosync start
# crm configure property stonith-enabled=false # sudo crm configure property no-quorum-policy=ignore
# crm_mon -1 Last updated: Fri May 22 15:56:37 2015 Last change: Fri May 22 13:09:33 2015 via crmd on SZB-L0005469 Stack: classic openais (with plugin) Current DC: SZB-L0005908 - partition with quorum Version: 1.1.10-14.el6-368c726 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 0 Resources configured Online: [ SZB-L0005469 SZB-L0005908 ]
说明: Pacemaker主要管理资源,本实验中为了搭建rbd-nfs,所以会对rbd map 、mount 、nfs-export、vip等资源进行管理。简而言之,自动实现rbd到nfs共享。
# rados mkpool share # rbd create share/share2 –size 1024 # rbd map share/share2 # rbd showmapped # mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd1 # rbd unmap share/share2
# mkdir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ceph # cd /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ceph/ # chmod + rbd.in
(可以用crm configure edit命令直接copy下面内容)
# primitive p_rbd_map_1 ocf:ceph:rbd.in \ params user=admin pool=share name=share2 cephconf="/etc/ceph/ceph.conf" \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s
# primitive p_fs_rbd_1 Filesystem \ params directory="/mnt/share2" fstype=xfs device="/dev/rbd/share/share2" fast_stop=no \ op monitor interval=20s timeout=40s \ op start interval=0 timeout=60s \ op stop interval=0 timeout=60s
primitive p_export_rbd_1 exportfs \ params directory="/mnt/share2" clientspec="" options="rw,async,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash" fsid=1 \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s \
primitive p_vip_1 IPaddr \ params ip= cidr_netmask=24 \ op monitor interval=5
primitive p_rpcbind lsb:rpcbind \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=30s primitive p_nfs_server lsb:nfs \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=30s
group g_nfs p_rpcbind p_nfs_server group g_rbd_share_1 p_rbd_map_1 p_fs_rbd_1 p_export_rbd_1 p_vip_1 clone clo_nfs g_nfs \ meta globally-unique="false" target-role="Started"
location l_g_rbd_share_1 g_rbd_share_1 inf: SZB-L0005469
# crm configure edit node SZB-L0005469 node SZB-L0005908 primitive p_export_rbd_1 exportfs \ params directory="/mnt/share2" clientspec="" options="rw,async,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash" fsid=1 \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s \ op start interval=0 timeout=40s primitive p_fs_rbd_1 Filesystem \ params directory="/mnt/share2" fstype=xfs device="/dev/rbd/share/share2" fast_stop=no \ op monitor interval=20s timeout=40s \ op start interval=0 timeout=60s \ op stop interval=0 timeout=60s primitive p_nfs_server lsb:nfs \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=30s primitive p_rbd_map_1 ocf:ceph:rbd.in \ params user=admin pool=share name=share2 cephconf="/etc/ceph/ceph.conf" \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=20s primitive p_rpcbind lsb:rpcbind \ op monitor interval=10s timeout=30s primitive p_vip_1 IPaddr \ params ip= cidr_netmask=24 \ op monitor interval=5 group g_nfs p_rpcbind p_nfs_server group g_rbd_share_1 p_rbd_map_1 p_fs_rbd_1 p_export_rbd_1 p_vip_1 clone clo_nfs g_nfs \ meta globally-unique=false target-role=Started location l_g_rbd_share_1 g_rbd_share_1 inf: SZB-L0005469 property cib-bootstrap-options: \ dc-version=1.1.10-14.el6-368c726 \ cluster-infrastructure="classic openais (with plugin)" \ symmetric-cluster=true \ stonith-enabled=false \ no-quorum-policy=ignore \ expected-quorum-votes=2 rsc_defaults rsc_defaults-options: \ resource-stickiness=0 \ migration-threshold=1
# service corosync restart # crm_mon -1 Last updated: Fri May 22 16:55:14 2015 Last change: Fri May 22 16:52:04 2015 via crmd on SZB-L0005469 Stack: classic openais (with plugin) Current DC: SZB-L0005908 - partition with quorum Version: 1.1.10-14.el6-368c726 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 8 Resources configured Online: [ SZB-L0005469 SZB-L0005908 ] Resource Group: g_rbd_share_1 p_rbd_map_1 (ocf::ceph:rbd.in): Started SZB-L0005469 p_fs_rbd_1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started SZB-L0005469 p_export_rbd_1 (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs): Started SZB-L0005469 p_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started SZB-L0005469 Clone Set: clo_nfs [g_nfs] Started: [ SZB-L0005469 SZB-L0005908 ]
# showmount -e Export list for /mnt/share2
# service corosync stop # SZB-L0005469 执行 # crm_mon -1 # SZB-L0005908 执行 Last updated: Fri May 22 17:14:31 2015 Last change: Fri May 22 16:52:04 2015 via crmd on SZB-L0005469 Stack: classic openais (with plugin) Current DC: SZB-L0005908 - partition WITHOUT quorum Version: 1.1.10-14.el6-368c726 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 8 Resources configured Online: [ SZB-L0005908 ] OFFLINE: [ SZB-L0005469 ] Resource Group: g_rbd_share_1 p_rbd_map_1 (ocf::ceph:rbd.in): Started SZB-L0005908 p_fs_rbd_1 (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem): Started SZB-L0005908 p_export_rbd_1 (ocf::heartbeat:exportfs): Started SZB-L0005908 p_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr): Started SZB-L0005908 Clone Set: clo_nfs [g_nfs] Started: [ SZB-L0005908 ] Stopped: [ SZB-L0005469 ]
1. http://www.sebastien-han.fr/blog/2012/07/06/nfs-over-rbd/
2. http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=KAzGeet-hY4Fbd7BnoyK-l3HifQWv4XK_YWeDF7KEZ-oGROnCzc8YCq0ims5zPIni2ekjlsDN2XHP2VltThlYA6rpHuv62dwehscf_9gMKS&pn=50